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Last active February 7, 2017 15:09
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// This code is taking the url
// We're after the value from the parameter 'person' and setting it to an inputbox on the page
function getParameterByName(name, url) {
// If the URL variable is null
if (!url) {
// Set the var to the current URL, this includes the query string
url = window.location.href;
// Use to help the REGEX building
// [?&] = look for ? and & - which are used to start and join query strings
// insert the name var
// ( starts the group
// = looks for this character
// ( start of 2nd group
// [^&#] match anything apart from these characters
// * match 0 or more results
// | means OR
// $ look until the end of the string or multiline
// we're looking for person=john
// find the string ...
// = ( ? or &) name = value we're after
var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
results = regex.exec(url);
// results[0] = &person=john
// results[1] = =john
// results[2] = john
// we want results[2]
if (!results) return "No person detected";
if (!results[2]) return '';
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));
function SetInputBoxValues() {
var person;
// use function to look for the person query string param
person = getParameterByName('person', window.location.href);
// get the element on the page we want to enter the value into
var personElement = document.querySelector('input[title="Title Of Inputbox"]');
personElement.value = person;
// Timeout needed as the page takes some time to load.
setTimeout(SetInputBoxValues, 1000);
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