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Created December 26, 2021 21:05
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Simple haskell program to find polyominoes or polyplets of up to N bits.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Polyominoes (Polyominoes, findPolyominoes, findPolyplets) where
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Data.List (nub, intercalate)
type Polyomino = HashSet (Int, Int)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Eq Polyomino where
-- |Check two polyominoes for equality.
(==) p1 p2 =
let rotations = map (rotatePolyomino p2) [AZero, AHalfPi, APi, AThreeHalvesPi]
flipped = map flipPolyominoX rotations ++
map flipPolyominoY rotations ++
map (flipPolyominoX . flipPolyominoY) rotations
-- You can use `flipped` to check for free polyominoes, `rotations` for one-sided polyminoes, or
-- just `[p2]` for fixed polyominoes.
in any (\p -> all (`elem` p) p1) flipped
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show Polyomino where
-- |Utility function to show a polyomino.
show p =
let p' = HS.toList p
xs = map fst p'
ys = map snd p'
in intercalate "\n"
[[ if (x, y) `elem` p
then 'X'
else ' '
| x <- [minimum xs .. maximum xs]]
| y <- [minimum ys .. maximum ys]]
-- |Find polyominoes of N bits.
findPolyominoes :: Integer -> [Polyomino]
findPolyominoes = findWithNeighborhood $ \(x, y) -> [ (x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1) ]
-- |Find polyplets of N bits.
findPolyplets :: Integer -> [Polyomino]
findPolyplets = findWithNeighborhood $ \(x, y) ->
[ (x-1, y-1), (x, y-1), (x+1, y-1)
, (x-1, y), (x+1, y)
, (x-1, y+1), (x, y+1), (x+1, y+1) ]
-- |Find all shapes whose "stones" are connected by the provided 'neighborhood' of N bits.
findWithNeighborhood :: ((Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]) -> Integer -> [Polyomino]
findWithNeighborhood _ 1 = pure $ HS.singleton (0, 0)
findWithNeighborhood neighborhood n =
-- Concat all the polyominoes into a flat list and filter out all non-unique ones.
nub $ map canonizeOrigin $ concat
[ -- For each cell in each less-area polyomino, find all the cells that can be made adjacent to it
-- according to the provided neighborhood without overlapping, creating larger-area polyomioes.
let neighbors = filter (`notElem` p) $ concatMap neighborhood p
in [ HS.insert neighbor p | neighbor <- neighbors ]
| p <- findPolyominoes (n - 1) ]
-- |Make all polyominos share the same origin.
canonizeOrigin :: Polyomino -> Polyomino
canonizeOrigin p =
let p' = HS.toList p
minx = minimum $ map fst p'
miny = maximum $ map snd p'
in (\(x, y) -> (x-minx, y-miny)) p
rotatePolyomino :: Polyomino -> Angle -> Polyomino
rotatePolyomino p theta =
canonizeOrigin $ (rotateBy theta) p
flipPolyominoX, flipPolyominoY :: Polyomino -> Polyomino
flipPolyominoX = canonizeOrigin . (\(x, y) -> (-x, y))
flipPolyominoY = canonizeOrigin . (\(x, y) -> (x, -y))
-- |Right angles.
data Angle = AZero | AHalfPi | APi | AThreeHalvesPi
-- |Exact integer trigonometry.
iSin, iCos :: Angle -> Int
iSin AZero = 0
iSin AHalfPi = 1
iSin APi = 0
iSin AThreeHalvesPi = -1
iCos AZero = 1
iCos AHalfPi = 0
iCos APi = -1
iCos AThreeHalvesPi = 0
-- |Rotate a point by an 'Angle' around (0, 0).
rotateBy :: Angle -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
rotateBy theta (x, y) =
(x * iCos theta - y * iSin theta,
x * iSin theta + y * iCos theta)
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