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Created October 15, 2014 19:56
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Virtuemart 2.0 snippets
* Link product images for virtuemart 2.0
* Heads up:
* - Do a backup of your site
* - Images are stored on the virtuemart product images directory (e.g. images/stories/virtuemart/product)
* - Images are named sku.jpg, where sku is the SKU of a product
* - Run a media sync operation on the Virtuemart Media Manager
* Before running this script you should change the prefix (bxhu5) of the tables
insert into bxhu5_virtuemart_product_medias (virtuemart_product_id, virtuemart_media_id, ordering)
select fn.virtuemart_product_id, m.virtuemart_media_id, 1
from bxhu5_virtuemart_medias m
inner join (SELECT virtuemart_product_id, concat(product_sku,'.jpg') as filename from bxhu5_virtuemart_products) fn
on fn.filename = m.file_title;
-- This is optional. It sets the image title using the product name.
-- For different languages, change the _en_gb (_fr_fr for French)
update bxhu5_virtuemart_medias m
inner join bxhu5_virtuemart_product_medias pm on m.virtuemart_media_id = pm.virtuemart_media_id
inner join bxhu5_virtuemart_products_en_gb p on p.virtuemart_product_id = pm.virtuemart_product_id
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