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Last active March 11, 2016 09:36
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Themosis framework 1.2.3 core aliases.
'aliases' => [
'Action' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Action',
'Ajax' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Ajax',
'Asset' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Asset',
'Config' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Config',
'Controller' => 'Themosis\\Route\\Controller',
'Field' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Field',
'Form' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Form',
'Html' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Html',
'Input' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Input',
'Meta' => 'Themosis\\Metabox\\Meta',
'Metabox' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Metabox',
'Option' => 'Themosis\\Page\\Option',
'Page' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Page',
'PostType' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\PostType',
'Route' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Route',
'Section' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Section',
'Session' => 'Themosis\\Session\\Session',
'TaxField' => 'Themosis\\Taxonomy\\TaxField',
'TaxMeta' => 'Themosis\\Taxonomy\\TaxMeta',
'Taxonomy' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Taxonomy',
'User' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\User',
'Validator' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Validator',
'Loop' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\Loop',
'View' => 'Themosis\\Facades\\View'
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