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Created June 16, 2016 20:11
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constants.php - Exit Status Code
| Exit Status Codes
| Used to indicate the conditions under which the script is exit()ing.
| While there is no universal standard for error codes, there are some
| broad conventions. Three such conventions are mentioned below, for
| those who wish to make use of them. The CodeIgniter defaults were
| chosen for the least overlap with these conventions, while still
| leaving room for others to be defined in future versions and user
| applications.
| The three main conventions used for determining exit status codes
| are as follows:
| Standard C/C++ Library (stdlibc):
| (This link also contains other GNU-specific conventions)
| BSD sysexits.h:
| Bash scripting:
defined('EXIT_SUCCESS') OR define('EXIT_SUCCESS', 0); // no errors
defined('EXIT_ERROR') OR define('EXIT_ERROR', 1); // generic error
defined('EXIT_CONFIG') OR define('EXIT_CONFIG', 3); // configuration error
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_FILE') OR define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_FILE', 4); // file not found
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_CLASS') OR define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_CLASS', 5); // unknown class
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_METHOD') OR define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_METHOD', 6); // unknown class member
defined('EXIT_USER_INPUT') OR define('EXIT_USER_INPUT', 7); // invalid user input
defined('EXIT_DATABASE') OR define('EXIT_DATABASE', 8); // database error
defined('EXIT__AUTO_MIN') OR define('EXIT__AUTO_MIN', 9); // lowest automatically-assigned error code
defined('EXIT__AUTO_MAX') OR define('EXIT__AUTO_MAX', 125); // highest automatically-assigned error code
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