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Created January 3, 2021 22:19
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OpenCanary on Raspberry Pi

OpenCanary on Raspberry Pi


Raspberry Pi 4 Argon One Pi 4 V2 kit SanDisk Max Endurance 32 Gb microSD card


Download Ubuntu Server 20.04.1 LTS 64-bit from and burn it to a microSD card with Raspberry Pi Imager 1.3 from using the Select Custom option.

Modify the MAC address

Mount the boot filesystem of the fresh microSD card and modify cmdline.txt to append something like smsc95xx.macaddr=00:4F:49:f0:00:01. This makes the NIC appear to be something from Realtek instead of Raspberry Pi. That should make the honeypot sweeter. Also, it'll give you the chance to setup a DHCP reservation in advance.

Booting Ubuntu Server

After first boot, the system will spend quite a while doing unattended upgrades. So, wait until it's finished:

watch -n 5 'ps -ef | grep [u]nattended'

The system will want a reboot, so give it a sudo shutdown -r now and then do the usual patching:

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo shutdown -r now

OpenCanary Installation

Add some Python stuff: sudo apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv

Add some libraries and utilities: sudo apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev libpcap-dev net-tools

Reboot and rub a rabbit's foot.

As the user who will run OpenCanary, create a virtual environment: mkdir ~/opencanary; cd ~/opencanary; python3 -m venv env

Activate the environment and install the stuff:

source env/bin/activate
pip install wheel
pip install rdpy
pip install opencanary
pip install scapy pcapy

Create a template configuration: opencanaryd --copyconfig

Move ~/.opencanary.conf to ~/opencanary/opencanary.conf and edit the file. Try enabling the honeypot web server by setting http.enabled to true.

From the ~/opencanary directory, start starting the daemon: opencanaryd --start

The OpenCanary daemon should be listening for HTTP connections on TCP 80. Verify that python3 is listening: sudo netstat -tunlp -4

Try loading the juicy honeypot web page at http://opencanary/index.html and see a login screen.


Edit the ~/opencanary/opencanary.conf file and inject the following into the logger.kwargs.handlers JSON path:

    "SMTP": {
        "class": "logging.handlers.SMTPHandler",
        "mailhost": ["your.mail.server", 587],
        "fromaddr": "opencanary@your.domain",
        "toaddrs": ["administrator@your.domain"],
        "subject": "OpenCanary Alert",
        "credentials": ["username", "password"],
        "secure": []

Next Steps


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