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Last active March 13, 2021 18:45
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Python - mpld3 mouse position plugin for plots with datetime axis.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3
from datetime import datetime
class MousePositionDatePlugin(mpld3.plugins.PluginBase):
"""Plugin for displaying mouse position with a datetime x axis."""
mpld3.register_plugin("mousepositiondate", MousePositionDatePlugin);
MousePositionDatePlugin.prototype = Object.create(mpld3.Plugin.prototype);
MousePositionDatePlugin.prototype.constructor = MousePositionDatePlugin;
MousePositionDatePlugin.prototype.requiredProps = [];
MousePositionDatePlugin.prototype.defaultProps = {
fontsize: 12,
xfmt: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
yfmt: ".3g"
function MousePositionDatePlugin(fig, props) {, fig, props);
MousePositionDatePlugin.prototype.draw = function() {
var fig = this.fig;
var xfmt = d3.time.format(this.props.xfmt);
var yfmt = d3.format(this.props.yfmt);
var coords = fig.canvas.append("text").attr("class", "mpld3-coordinates").style("text-anchor", "end").style("font-size", this.props.fontsize).attr("x", this.fig.width - 5).attr("y", this.fig.height - 5);
for (var i = 0; i < this.fig.axes.length; i++) {
var update_coords = function() {
var ax = fig.axes[i];
return function() {
var pos = d3.mouse(this);
x = ax.xdom.invert(pos[0]);
y = ax.ydom.invert(pos[1]);
coords.text("(" + xfmt(x) + ", " + yfmt(y) + ")");
fig.axes[i].baseaxes.on("mousemove", update_coords).on("mouseout", function() {
def __init__(self, fontsize=14, xfmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", yfmt=".3g"):
self.dict_ = {"type": "mousepositiondate",
"fontsize": fontsize,
"xfmt": xfmt,
"yfmt": yfmt}
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
dates = [datetime(2015, 9, 10), datetime(2015, 9, 11), datetime(2015, 9, 12), datetime(2015, 9, 13)]
values = [2, 4, 6, 8]
points = plt.plot(dates, values, marker="o", markerfacecolor="none")
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, MousePositionDatePlugin())
mpld3.save_html(fig, "./mpld3_mousepositiondateplugin.html")
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