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Created February 22, 2019 04:56
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Creates a Chocolatey package from the D365 Plug-in Registration Tool #blog
### Prerequisities ###
# 1. Chocolatey is already installed, if not uncomment the next line
# Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
# 2. is configured as a package provider, if not uncomment the next 2 lines
# Install-PackageProvider Nuget -Force -verbose
# Register-PackageSource -Name -Location -ProviderName NuGet
# 3. If committing files in Azure DevOps, under Project Setting -> Repositories -> Project Repo - Project Collection Build Service
# needs to have Contribute permission set to Allow
# 4. Azure DevOps build needs to enable: Allow scripts to access the OAuth token
# 5. Update script level variable section below
# 6. Pipeline variables:
# $(PackagesReadWrite) - Personal Access Token with at least Read permission on Packages
# $(FeedUrl) - Azure DevOps v2 feed url (v3 doesn't appear to work in Chocolatey GUI) Example: https://{InstanceName}{FeedName}/nuget/v2
# 1. PowerShell Build Task
### Variables ###
# Name of the package on
$PackageName = "Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.PluginRegistrationTool"
# Substitute the working folder and .nuspec file names
$DestinationDirectory = "$(BUILD.SOURCESDIRECTORY)\SDKPluginRegistrationTool\"
$NuSpecPath = ($DestinationDirectory + "SDKPluginRegistrationTool.nuspec")
# Check current NuGet version
Write-Host "Checking current version on NuGet..."
$packages = Find-Package -Name $PackageName -ProviderName NuGet -Source ""
$NuGetVersion = [Version]$packages[0].Version
Write-Host "NuGet version: "$NuGetVersion
# Check current Chocolatey version
Write-Host "Checking current Chocolatey package version..."
$ChocoVersion = [Version]([xml](Get-Content -Path $NuSpecPath)).package.metadata.version
Write-Host "Chocolatey package version: "$ChocoVersion
# Compare versions
if ($NuGetVersion -le $ChocoVersion) {
# No update required
Write-Host "No update required, exiting..."
"##vso[task.setvariable variable=ContinueUpdate;]$false"
"##vso[task.setvariable variable=ContinueUpdate;]$true"
# Download file
Write-Host "Downloading $PackageName $NuGetVersion from NuGet..."
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# .zip file name needs to match name in chocolateyInstall.ps1
$webClient.DownloadFile("$PackageName/$NuGetVersion", ($DestinationDirectory + ""))
Write-Host "Download complete"
# Update .nuspec
Write-Host "Updating nuspec version to $NuGetVersion..."
$NuSpec = [xml](Get-Content -Path $NuSpecPath)
$NuSpec.package.metadata.version = [string]$NuGetVersion
# Hard coded because package on has a typo
$NuSpec.package.metadata.title = 'Microsoft Dynamics 365 Plugin Registration Tool'
#$NuSpec.package.metadata.title = "$($packages[0].Metadata.Item('title'))"
#$NuSpec.package.metadata.authors = "$($packages[0].Metadata.Item('Authors'))"
$NuSpec.package.metadata.summary = "$($packages[0].Metadata.Item('summary'))"
$NuSpec.package.metadata.description = "$($packages[0].Metadata.Item('description'))"
$NuSpec.package.metadata.copyright = "$($packages[0].Metadata.Item('copyright'))"
$NuSpec.package.metadata.tags = "$($($packages[0].Metadata.Item('tags')).Replace(',', ''))"
$NuSpec.package.metadata.projectUrl = "$($packages[0].Links.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Relationship -eq 'project'}).HRef)"
$NuSpec.package.metadata.licenseUrl = "$($packages[0].Links.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Relationship -eq 'license'}).HRef)"
Write-Host "Update complete"
"##vso[task.setvariable variable=NewVersion;]$NuGetVersion"
# Pack - assumes Chocolatey is already installed (already installed on Azure DevOps hosted agent)
Write-Host "Creating package..."
CD "$DestinationDirectory"
$command = 'choco pack'
Invoke-Expression $command
Write-Host "Completed package"
# 2. NuGet Build Task - Run Task (custom condition) eq(variables['ContinueUpdate'], 'true')
# Was not able to get ApiKey authentication working from PowerShell but a NuGet build task works
# push "$(BUILD.SOURCESDIRECTORY)\SDKPluginRegistrationTool\*.nupkg" -ApiKey "$(PackagesReadWrite)" -Source "$(FeedUrl)"
# 3. PowerShell Build Task - Run Task (custom condition) eq(variables['ContinueUpdate'], 'true')
# Commit update to .nuspec file
#$NuSpecPath = "$(BUILD.SOURCESDIRECTORY)\SDKPluginRegistrationTool\SDKPluginRegistrationTool.nuspec"
#Write-Host "Committing updated .nuspec..."
#$msg = "Commit from Azure DevOps - update to v$NewVersion"
#git config --global ""
#git config --global "Azure DevOps"
#git add $NuSpecPath
#git commit -a -m $msg
#git -c http.extraheader="Authorization: bearer $(System.AccessToken)" push origin HEAD:master
#Write-Host "Commit complete"
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