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Last active June 16, 2018 15:37
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// Simple functor derivation
const conName = Symbol("Constructor Name")
const polyVar = Symbol("Polymorpic Variable")
const nestSelf = Symbol("Nest Self")
const isLazy = Symbol("Lazy Eval")
const unit = Symbol("Unit")
const poly = name => ({ t: polyVar, name })
const self = name => ({ t: nestSelf, name })
const lazy = v => ({ [isLazy]: true, ...v })
const force = r => r()
const functorVar = Symbol("Functor Var")
const curryN = n => f => {
const loop = a => acc => (a === 0 ? f(...acc) : x => loop(a - 1)([...acc, x]));
return loop(n)([]);
const uncurry = f => {
return (...args) => args.reduce((acc, n) => acc(n), f)
// This function takes an ADT and produces constructors and pattern matchers for it.
const deriveConstruct = ({ adt }) => {
// Make a curried constructor function for a data constructor
const constructorFn = k => xs => {
const go = acc => n => y => {
const { t, name, [isLazy]: lazy } = xs[n]
const next = { [name]: lazy && !(typeof y === 'function') ? () => y : y, ...acc }
return Object.keys(next).length === xs.length
? { [conName]: k, }
: go(next)(n + 1)
return go({})(0)
// Make a matching function for the constructors
const match = cases => val => {
const n = val[conName]
const c = cases[n]
return adt[n].reduce((fn, { name }) => fn(val[name]), c)
// Make all of the constructors for an ADT
const construct = Object.keys(adt).reduce((acc, k) => {
const v = adt[k]
const c = v.length > 0 ? constructorFn(k)(v) : { [conName]: k }
return { [k]: c, ...acc }
}, {})
return { construct, adt, match }
// Derives a Functor, given Construct
const deriveFunctor = tdef => {
const { construct, match, adt } = tdef
const handleSym = ({ t, name: n, [isLazy]: lazy }, v) => {
const handlers = {
[polyVar]: f => {
const val = (name, _v) => name === adt[functorVar] ? f(_v) : _v
return lazy ? () => val(n, v()) : val(n, v)
[nestSelf]: f => lazy ? () => map(f)(v()) : map(f)(v)
return handlers[t]
// Makes a map match case for a data constructor
const makeMatchCase = (f, k) => (...args) => {
const rs = adt[k].map((c, i) => {
const v = args[i]
const h = handleSym(c, v)(f)
return h
return uncurry(construct[k])(
// Make the map match cases for an ADT
const makeMatchCases = f => {
const cases = Object.keys(adt).reduce((acc, k) => {
const l = adt[k].length
const c = l > 0
? curryN(l)(makeMatchCase(f, k))
: construct[k]
return { [k]: c, ...acc }
}, {})
return cases
const map = f => match(makeMatchCases(f))
return { map, ...tdef }
const listADT = {
Cons: [poly('val'), self('tail')],
Nil: [],
[functorVar]: 'val'
const lazyListADT = {
Cons: [poly('val'), lazy(self('tail'))],
Nil: [],
[functorVar]: 'val'
const Arr = (() => {
const Cons = head => tail => [head, ...tail];
const Nil = [];
const match = ({ Cons, Nil }) => arr => {
return arr.length === 0 ? Nil : Cons(arr[0])(arr.slice(1));
return { ...deriveFunctor({ adt: listADT, construct: { Cons, Nil }, match }) };
const { Cons, Nil } = Arr.construct
const arr = Cons(1)(Cons(2)(Cons(3)(Nil)))
console.log('Arr mapping: ', => x + 1)(arr))
const List = (() => {
const derived = deriveFunctor(deriveConstruct({ adt: lazyListADT }))
const { match, map } = derived
const { Cons, Nil } = derived.construct
const scanl = f => q => match({
Nil: Cons(q)(Nil),
Cons: x => xs => Cons(q)(() => scanl(f)(f(q)(x))(xs()))
const take = n => match({
Cons: x => xs =>
n === 0
? Nil
: Cons(x)(() => take(n - 1)(xs()))
return {
const { Cons: LCons, Nil: LNil } = List.construct
const toArr = List.match({
Nil: [],
Cons: x => xs => [x, ...toArr(xs())]
const l = LCons(1)(LCons(2)(LCons(3)(LNil)))
const r = => { console.log('[r] List elem forced: ', x + 1); return x + 1 })(l)
console.log('[r] Accessing 2nd element of r: ', r.tail().val)
const r2 = => { console.log('[r2] List elem forced: ', x + 1); return x + 1 })(l)
console.log('[r2] Converting r2 to an array: ', toArr(r2))
// is actually lazy
const fibs = List.scanl(x => y => x + y)(0)(LCons(1)(() => fibs))
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