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Last active June 23, 2018 06:30
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const Generic = (() => {
const unit = Symbol('unit')
const sum = Symbol('sum')
const prod = Symbol('prod')
const val = Symbol('val')
const con = Symbol('con')
const dat = Symbol('dat')
const recur = Symbol('recur') // pass as 2nd arg of val to indicate recursion/nesting
const Unit = { meta: unit }
const Sum = a => b => ({ value: { left: a, right: b }, meta: sum })
const Prod = a => b => ({ value: [a, b], meta: prod })
const Val = n => a => t => ({ value: a, name: n, meta: val, tag: t })
// You don't need to use these (they have no direct effect right now),
// but you can if you want additional metadata:
// Constructor wrapper
const Con = n => a => ({ value: a, name: n, meta: con })
// Datatype wrapper
const Dat = n => a => ({ value: a, name: n, meta: dat })
const match = ({ Unit, Sum, Prod, Val, Con, Dat }) => ({value, meta, name, tag}) => {
switch (meta) {
case unit:
return Unit
case sum:
const { left, right } = value
return Sum(left)(right)
case prod:
const [a, b] = value
return Prod(a)(b)
case val:
return Val(name)(value)(tag)
case con:
return Con(name)(value)
case dat:
return Dat(name)(value)
const o = { value, meta, name, tag }
console.log('[Invalid Generic]', o)
throw Error(`Invalid Generic!`)
// this is actually more like `over` from lens, except it takes
// the name of a Val instead of an actual lens (todo?)
// it is equivalent to fmap if you use it properly.
const gmap = n => f => {
const rec = (a) => gmap(n)(f)(a)
return match({
Sum: left => right => left ? Sum(rec(left))() : Sum()(rec(right)),
Prod: a => b => Prod(rec(a))(rec(b)),
Val: _n => a => t => {
if (_n === n) return Val(_n)(f(a))(t)
if (t === recur) return Val(_n)(rec(a))(t)
return Val(_n)(a)(t)
Con: n => a => Con(n)(rec(a)),
Dat: n => a => Dat(n)(rec(a))
return { recur, Unit, Sum, Prod, Val, Con, Dat, match, gmap }
const { recur, Sum, Prod, Val, gmap } = Generic
// ----------------------------------- EXAMPLE USAGE ---------------------------------------
const List = (() => {
// Algebra
const Nil = undefined;
const Cons = x => xs => ({ x, xs });
const match = ({ Nil, Cons }) => l => {
if (l === undefined) return Nil;
const { x, xs } = l;
return Cons(x)(xs);
const G = Generic
// Obviously this is way too much boilerplate,
// but toRep and fromRep can be mechanically derived using match and a "shape" description
const toRep = l => {
const r = match({
Nil: G.Sum(G.Con('Nil')(G.Unit))(),
Cons: x => xs => G.Sum()(G.Con('Cons')(
return G.Dat('List')(r)
const lfail = (m) => { throw Error(`[List.fromRep]: ${m}`) }
const fromRep = G.match({
Dat: n => a => n === 'List' ? fromRep(a) : lfail(`Not a List: ${n}`),
Con: n => a => n === 'Cons' || n === 'Nil' ? fromRep(a) : lfail(`Not a List constructor: ${n}`),
Sum: l => r => l ? fromRep(l) : fromRep(r),
Prod: x => xs => Cons(fromRep(x))(fromRep(xs)),
Val: n => a => t => {
if (n === 'a') return a
if (n === 'tail' && t === G.recur) return fromRep(a)
lfail(`Invalid data in Cons rep, name: ${n}, value: ${v}, tage: ${t}`)
Unit: Nil
// now we can derive map:
const map = f => xs => fromRep(G.gmap('a')(f)(toRep(xs)))
return { Nil, Cons, match, toRep, fromRep, map };
// gmap is like fmap if you use it functor-ly:
const { Cons, Nil } = List
const l = Cons(1)(Cons(2)(Cons(3)(Nil)))
console.log( => x + 1)(l))
// gmap is not like fmap if you don't use it functor-ly:
// t :: Either (Either () Int) ()
const t = Sum(Val('b')(Sum()(Val('a')(10)()))(recur))()
console.log(gmap('a')(x => { return x + 1 })(t))
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