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Last active December 13, 2020 18:00
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Color layers from reMarkable pdfs
# Load packages
import subprocess
from os import listdir
# Tested on output from rm v2.4.1.30
# Input: in_file : pdf file from Remarkable
# out_name : name of pdf file that will be produced
# out_dir : directory in which produced pdf file will be
# color_dict : dictionary of colors to use for layers. Keys are integers starting at 1. Colors are RGB (0-255) lists
# page_start : which page to start at
# page_end : which page to end at
# tolerance : how many times to search for a prticular layer before giving up
# Output: a pdf file with name out_name
def color_rm_layers(in_file, out_name, out_dir, color_dict, page_start, page_end, tolerance=20):
# Set up lists for storing file names
page_pdfs = []; temp_files = []; out_files = []; page_num = page_end - page_start +1
# Separate files
for p in range(page_start,page_end+1):
out_pdf = out_dir+'page'+str(p-page_start+1)+'.pdf'['pdftk', in_file, 'cat', str(p), 'output', out_pdf])
print('Separated file into '+str(page_num)+' pages', flush=True)
# Set up colors
color_list = list(color_dict.keys())
print('Will look for '+str(len(color_list))+' layers to color', flush=True)
if max(color_list)-min(color_list) > len(color_list)-1:
print('Warning: color_dict has skipped keys, missing layers will be ignored', flush=True)
# Split every page
print('Splitting and coloring layers',flush=True)
for pp,page_name in enumerate(page_pdfs):
p_ind = pp+1
svg_produced = []; layers_found = []
# Split by layer
for color_index,path_index in zip(color_list,[2+c*2 for c in color_list]):
print('Page '+str(p_ind)+'/'+str(page_num)+': Looking for layer '+str(color_index)+' ... ', flush=True, end='')
tries = 0
out_svg = out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(path_index)+'.svg'
while ('page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(path_index)+'.svg' not in svg_produced) and tries < tolerance:['inkscape',
'-p', page_name,
'-o', out_svg], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
svg_produced = [f for f in listdir(out_dir) if f[-3:]=='svg'] # and os.stat(out_dir+f).st_size > 1707)] # for grids which have layers as lines
tries += 1
# Layer exists
if tries < tolerance:
print('found', flush=True)
# Delete later
# Layer does not exist
print('not found', flush=True)
# Recolor by layer
print('Page '+str(p_ind)+'/'+str(page_num)+': Recoloring layers', flush=True)
for path_index in layers_found:
with open(out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(path_index)+'.svg','r') as file:
new_color = str(tuple(color_dict[(path_index-2)//2]))[1:-1]
filedata =
filedata = filedata.replace('0%,0%,0%',new_color)
with open(out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(path_index)+'.svg','w') as file:
in_svg = out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(path_index)+'.svg'
out_pdf = out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(path_index)+'.pdf'['inkscape', '-p', in_svg, '-o', out_pdf], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# Delete later
# Combine colored layers
print('Page '+str(p_ind)+'/'+str(page_num)+': Combining colored layers into one pdf', flush=True)
temp_counter = 1
for layer,path_index in enumerate(layers_found[:-1]):
# Choose the background
if layer == 0:
background_file = out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(path_index)+'.pdf'
background_file = out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_temp'+str(temp_counter-1)+'.pdf'
# Combine with the foreground
if path_index != layers_found[-2]:
out_pdf = out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_temp'+str(temp_counter)+'.pdf'['pdftk', out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(layers_found[layer+1])+'.pdf',
'background', background_file,
'output', out_pdf])
temp_counter += 1
out_pdf = out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_colored.pdf'['pdftk', out_dir+'page'+str(p_ind)+'_path'+str(layers_found[layer+1])+'.pdf',
'background', background_file,
'output', out_pdf])
# Combine all the colored pages together
print('Combining '+str(page_num)+' colored pages into 1 pdf', flush=True)['pdftk']+out_files+['cat', 'output', out_dir+out_name])
# Delete temporary files
print('Deleting temporary files',flush=True)
for f in out_files+temp_files+page_pdfs:['rm',f])
if __name__ == "__main__":
color_rm_layers('~/notebook.pdf', 'notebook_colored.pdf', '~/', {1:[0,0,0], 2:[85,144,217], 3:[231,102, 106]}, 4, 10)
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