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Created June 9, 2022 20:07
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Group data points into similar sized groups and use that as a grid for a heatmap
## Code
# Load packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
# Given a kd-tree, returns a list of lists of indices of members of each leaf
def return_partition(tree, verbose=True, save_split=False):
global partition_size
global split_order
partition_size = []
split_order = []
leaf_size(tree.tree, '')
if verbose:
print('Partitioned into {0} bins, of {1} different sizes ({2} to {3})'.format(
partition_size_sums = [sum(partition_size[:k]) for k in range(len(partition_size)+1)]
split = [tree.indices[partition_size_sums[k]:partition_size_sums[k+1]] for k in range(len(partition_size))]
if save_split:
return (split, split_order)
return split
# Auxiliary function for checking current subtree is a leaf or not
def leaf_size(tree, order_string):
if hasattr(tree, "greater"):
leaf_size(tree.less, order_string+'l')
leaf_size(tree.greater, order_string+'g')
# Given a matplotlib axis, draws the lines that split the partition
def draw_partition(tree, axis, lastxmin=0, lastxmax=1, lastymin=0, lastymax=1):
if hasattr(tree, "greater"):
if tree.split_dim == 0:
axis.vlines(tree.split, lastymin, lastymax, colors=(0,0,0), linewidth=1)
draw_partition(tree.greater, axis, tree.split, lastxmax, lastymin, lastymax)
draw_partition(tree.less, axis, lastxmin, tree.split, lastymin, lastymax)
axis.hlines(tree.split, lastxmin, lastxmax, colors=(0,0,0), linewidth=1)
draw_partition(tree.greater, axis, lastxmin, lastxmax, tree.split, lastymax)
draw_partition(tree.less, axis, lastxmin, lastxmax, lastymin, tree.split)
# Given a matplotlib axis, draws the bins of the partition
def draw_boxes(x, y, partition, axis, colors=[], draw_points=False):
for i,p in enumerate(partition):
points_x = [x[k] for k in p]
points_y = [y[k] for k in p]
minx = np.min(points_x)
miny = np.min(points_y)
width = np.max(points_x)-minx
height = np.max(points_y)-miny
rect = patches.Rectangle((minx,miny), width, height, color=('C'+str(i%10) if colors==[] else colors[i]), alpha=1, linewidth=0)
if draw_points:
axis.scatter(points_x, points_y, color=('C'+str(i%10) if colors==[] else colors[i]), alpha=.5, linewidth=0)
## Example
# Initiate
fig = plt.figure()
x_original = ..
y_original = ..
x = x_original
y = y_original
# Add noise
noise_x_param = ..
noise_x = [(w-.5)*noise_x_param for w in np.random.rand(len(x))]
x = np.array([x[k]+noise_x[k] for k in range(len(x))])
noise_y_param = ..
noise_y = [(w-.5)*noise_y_param for w in np.random.rand(len(y))]
y = np.array([y[k]+noise_y[k] for k in range(len(y))])
# Normalize
minx, maxx, miny, maxy = (np.min(x), np.max(x), np.min(y), np.max(y))
x = np.array([(xp-minx)/(maxx-minx) for xp in x])
y = np.array([(yp-miny)/(maxy-miny) for yp in y])
# Create tree and partition
tree = KDTree(np.transpose(np.vstack((x,y))), leafsize=50)
partition = return_partition(tree, verbose=True, save_split=False)
# Draw and show
ax = plt.gca()
draw_boxes(x_original, y_original, partition, ax, draw_points=False)
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