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jlchan/test.jl Secret

Created November 1, 2021 20:51
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testing Meshing.jl w/GeometryBasics
using Pkg; Pkg.activate(temp=true); Pkg.add("Meshing"); Pkg.add("GeometryBasics"); Pkg.add("FileIO")
using Meshing
using GeometryBasics
using LinearAlgebra: dot, norm
using FileIO
# Mesh an equation of sphere in the Axis-Aligned Bounding box starting
# at -1,-1,-1 and widths of 2,2,2 using Marching Cubes
m = GLNormalMesh(Rect(Vec(-1,-1,-1.), Vec(2,2,2.)), MarchingCubes()) do v
sqrt(sum(dot(v,v))) - 1
# save the Sphere as a PLY file
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