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Last active February 4, 2022 21:38
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Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope string_scope.
(* Make it print lists one item per line*)
Notation "[ x ; y ; .. ; z ]" := (cons x (cons y .. (cons z nil) ..))
(format "[ '[' x ; '//' y ; '//' .. ; '//' z ']' ]") : list_scope.
Record gameState {word : string} := mkState
turn : nat
; responses : list string
Definition freshGameState {word: string} : @gameState word :=
{| turn := O; responses := ["_ _ _ _ _ "] |}.
(* allow simpl to unfold this *)
Arguments freshGameState /.
Fixpoint containsChar (str : string) (char : ascii) : bool :=
match str with
| "" => false
| String c rest => if eqb c char then true else containsChar rest char
Fixpoint matchLetters (startGoal : string) (goal : string) (guess : string) : string :=
match goal, guess with
| String c1 r1, String c2 r2 => (if eqb c1 c2
then "X "
else if containsChar startGoal c2
then "O "
else "_ ") ++
(matchLetters startGoal r1 r2)
| _, _ => ""
Definition updateGameState {word} (guess : string) (state : @gameState word) : @gameState word :=
{|turn := S (turn state); responses := (responses state) ++ [matchLetters word word guess]|}.
Arguments updateGameState /.
Compute updateGameState "stain" (@freshGameState "saint").
Inductive wonGame {word} : @gameState word -> Prop :=
| advance : forall (guess: string) (st: gameState), wonGame (updateGameState guess st) -> wonGame st
| win : forall st : gameState, turn st < 6 -> In "X X X X X " (responses st) -> wonGame st.
Ltac start := simpl.
Ltac guess st := apply (advance st); try (solve [apply win; repeat constructor]); simpl.
Notation "> rs" := (wonGame {|turn := _; responses := rs|}) (at level 70).
Goal wonGame (@freshGameState "value").
guess "stain".
guess "overt".
guess "venue".
guess "value".
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