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A guide to back up and recover 2FA tokens from FreeOTP (Android)

Backing up and recovering 2FA tokens from FreeOTP


Backing up FreeOTP

Using adb, create a backup of the app using the following command:

adb backup -f freeotp-backup.ab -apk org.fedorahosted.freeotp

org.fedorahosted.freeotp is the app ID for FreeOTP.

This will ask, on the phone, for a password to encrypt the backup. Proceed with a password.

Manually extracting the backup

The backups are some form of encrypted tar file. Android Backup Extractor can decrypt them. It's available on the AUR as android-backup-extractor-git.

Use it like so (this command will ask you for the password you just set to decrypt it):

abe unpack freeotp-backup.ab freeotp-backup.tar

Then extract the generated tar file:

$ tar xvf freeotp-backup.tar

We don't care about the manifest file, so let's look at apps/org.fedorahosted.freeotp/sp/tokens.xml.

Reading tokens.xml

The tokens.xml file is the preference file of FreeOTP. Each <string>...</string> is a token (except the one with the name tokenOrder).

The token is a JSON blob. Let's take a look at an example token (which is no longer valid!):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
	<!-- ... -->
	<string name="">{&quot;algo&quot;:&quot;SHA1&quot;,&quot;counter&quot;:0,&quot;digits&quot;:6,&quot;imageAlt&quot;:&quot;content://;,&quot;issuerExt&quot;:&quot;Discord&quot;,&quot;issuerInt&quot;:&quot;Discord&quot;,&quot;label&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;period&quot;:30,&quot;secret&quot;:[122,-15,11,51,-100,-109,21,89,-30,-35],&quot;type&quot;:&quot;TOTP&quot;}</string>

Let's open a python shell and get the inner text of the XML into a Python 3 shell. We'll need base64, json and html in a moment:

>>> import base64, json, html
>>> s = """{&quot;algo&quot;:&quot;SHA1&quot;,&quot;counter&quot;:0,&quot;digits&quot;:6,&quot;imageAlt&quot;:&quot;content://;,&quot;issuerExt&quot;:&quot;Discord&quot;,&quot;issuerInt&quot;:&quot;Discord&quot;,&quot;label&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;period&quot;:30,&quot;secret&quot;:[122,-15,11,51,-100,-109,21,89,-30,-35],&quot;type&quot;:&quot;TOTP&quot;}"""

We decode all those HTML entities from the XML encoding:

>>> s = html.unescape(s); print(s)

What we specifically need from this is the secret. It's a signed byte array from Java... Let's grab it:

>>> token = json.loads(s); print(token["secret"])
[122, -15, 11, 51, -100, -109, 21, 89, -30, -35]

Now we have to turn this into a Python bytestring. For that, these bytes need to be turned back into unsigned bytes. Let's go:

>>> secret = bytes((x + 256) & 255 for x in token["secret"]); print(secret)

Finally, the TOTP standard uses base32 strings for TOTP secrets, so we'll need to turn those bytes into a base32 string:

>>> code = base64.b32encode(secret); print(code.decode())

There we go. PLYQWM44SMKVTYW5 is our secret in a format we can manually input into FreeOTP or Keepass.

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konfou commented Mar 17, 2019

All combined:

import html, json, base64
def decode(s):
    s = html.unescape(s)
    token = json.loads(s)
    secret = bytes((x + 256) & 255 for x in token["secret"])
    code = base64.b32encode(secret)

And for every token in the tokens.xml file:

import xml.etree.ElementTree, json, base64
tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse('tokens.xml')
tokens = tree.getroot().findall('string')
for t in tokens:
    n = t.get('name') 
    if n == "tokenOrder":
    token = json.loads(t.text)
    secret = bytes((x + 256) & 255 for x in token["secret"])
    code = base64.b32encode(secret)

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Also if you don't want to go through backup/unpack, you can just cat data/data/org.fedorahosted.freeotp/shared_prefs/tokens.xml from the adb shell. At least, works on my phone… path or way to get a shell may vary I suppose.

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Thanks Man ! You helped me a lot to transfer an older account from FreeOTP to another TOTP app. This fucking app has no easy transfer option.
Thanks again ! thanks thanks thanks thanks 😽

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@AnatomicJC glad it was helpful :)

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lucagervasi commented Oct 14, 2022

Hi. Little suggestion to have it create the full totp string:

import xml.etree.ElementTree, json, base64
import urllib.parse
import json

tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse('./org.fedorahosted.freeotp/sp/tokens.xml')
tokens = tree.getroot().findall('string')

for t in tokens:
    n = t.get('name')
    if n == "tokenOrder":
    token = json.loads(t.text)
    secret = bytes((x + 256) & 255 for x in token["secret"])
    code = base64.b32encode(secret).decode()
    issuer = token.get('issuerExt', '')
            ':'.join(filter(None, (issuer, token['label'])))),

            'secret': base64.b32encode(secret).decode('utf-8'),
            'algo':   token['algo'],
            'digits': token['digits'],
            'period': token['period']

Not my code but it works and you may combine it with qrencode to create a lot of png ready to be scanned:

mkdir images && python | while read A; do 
  qrencode -o images/$(echo -n $A | md5sum | awk '{print $1}').png $A

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sanodin commented Mar 19, 2023

When backing up, I received a file in which I can’t understand where the secret is

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>
	<string name="bedef5fb-1752-4fc5-80f2-f9ea8a551b51">
	<string name="bedef5fb-1752-4fc5-80f2-f9ea8a551b51-token">
	<string name="masterKey">

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jleclanche commented Mar 19, 2023


Looks like they changed the format quite a bit.

Looking at this, you have three entries: a [uuid], a [uuid]-token, and a masterKey. It seems similar to what was there before, except that now the secret is encrypted.

{"key": "{\"mCipher\":\"AES/GCM/NoPadding\",\"mCipherText\":[46,-7,16,-72,110,-85,15,-24,23,29,61,102,-38,127,60,-101,0,-86,-83,-63,-93,101,23,85,-81,74,-62,-111,109,64,-55,122,-94,80,123,104],\"mParameters\":[48,17,4,12,88,92,127,-56,98,50,24,-50,-36,-50,-32,-47,2,1,26],\"mToken\":\"HmacSHA1\"}"}
{"algo": "SHA1", "digits": 6, "issuerExt": "Forti   VPN", "issuerInt": "Forti   VPN", "label": "", "period": 30, "type": "TOTP"}
{"mAlgorithm": "PBKDF2withHmacSHA512", "mEncryptedKey": {"mCipher": "AES/GCM/NoPadding", "mCipherText": [-81, 26, 67, 112, 48, -66, 68, 22, 70, 117, 26, -14, -18, -76, 45, -55, -89, 93, -112, 23, 110, 82, -91, -47, -83, 79, -63, -122, -25, 18, -72, 87, -15, 106, -103, -9, 76, -106, 71, -35, -37, 47, -31, 116, 125, 124, -72, 13], "mParameters": [48, 17, 4, 12, 49, 105, -120, -75, 38, -47, 1, -48, 45, -16, 46, 107, 2, 1, 16], "mToken": "AES"}, "mIterations": 100000, "mSalt": [119, -4, -69, -28, 84, -38, 74, -17, 17, 14, 120, 37, -2, -67, -68, 49, 22, 8, -102, 12, 55, 91, -33, -111, -123, 111, 44, -92, 77, 121, 87, 5]}

In order:

  • The first object appears to be an HmacSHA1 TOTP secret, but it's been encrypted with AES/GCM/NoPadding. The ciphertext bytes are [46, -7, 16, -72, 110, -85, 15, -24, 23, 29, 61, 102, -38, 127, 60, -101, 0, -86, -83, -63, -93, 101, 23, 85, -81, 74, -62, -111, 109, 64, -55, 122, -94, 80, 123, 104] and parameter bytes [48, 17, 4, 12, 88, 92, 127, -56, 98, 50, 24, -50, -36, -50, -32, -47, 2, 1, 26].
  • The second object is the metadata on the entry. {'algo': 'SHA1', 'digits': 6, 'issuerExt': 'Forti VPN', 'issuerInt': 'Forti VPN', 'label': '', 'period': 30, 'type': 'TOTP'}
  • The third object is, I think, the key that was used to encrypt that first object. I'm ... not sure why it's embedded in there. It seems to have been generated by the SecretKeyFactory class in java, if that helps you track it down.

This is the master key data from your xml:

{'mAlgorithm': 'PBKDF2withHmacSHA512', 'mEncryptedKey': {'mCipher': 'AES/GCM/NoPadding', 'mCipherText': [-81, 26, 67, 112, 48, -66, 68, 22, 70, 117, 26, -14, -18, -76, 45, -55, -89, 93, -112, 23, 110, 82, -91, -47, -83, 79, -63, -122, -25, 18, -72, 87, -15, 106, -103, -9, 76, -106, 71, -35, -37, 47, -31, 116, 125, 124, -72, 13], 'mParameters': [48, 17, 4, 12, 49, 105, -120, -75, 38, -47, 1, -48, 45, -16, 46, 107, 2, 1, 16], 'mToken': 'AES'}, 'mIterations': 100000, 'mSalt': [119, -4, -69, -28, 84, -38, 74, -17, 17, 14, 120, 37, -2, -67, -68, 49, 22, 8, -102, 12, 55, 91, -33, -111, -123, 111, 44, -92, 77, 121, 87, 5]}

I would try to recreate the key from that, but if I'm reading this correctly, the key itself is encrypted -- I would wager, by Android's own encryption utilities; if that's the case, you'd need to really mess around your phone to decrypt that.

Of course, if it is the case, I'm kinda wondering why they're doing this round-about "encrypt the secret, but store the key next to it, but encrypt that key" thing. Maybe I'm missing something.

Good luck

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sanodin commented Mar 19, 2023

Thanks for the answer. When backing up and restoring, a password is used, which is entered during the initial installation of the application, and during backup, it is encrypted with this password, then when I transfer the backup to another phone, I enter the password, otherwise I can’t restore

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Is the password specific to the app, or is it at the android level? If it's the former you might be able to decrypt the key with just your password but I'm not sure... let me try something, this gave me an idea.

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sanodin commented Mar 19, 2023

I create the password for the application myself, during installation
Immediately sorry for the letter in a personal, I wrote you a password to the mail and the original xml

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jleclanche commented Mar 19, 2023

@sanodin courtesy of GPT4:

import json
import base64
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

bytelist_to_bytes = lambda bytelist: bytes((x + 256) & 255 for x in bytelist)

def decrypt(cipher_text, key, parameters):
    nonce = parameters[:12]
    aad = parameters[12:]
    cipher_text, tag = cipher_text[:-16], cipher_text[-16:]
    cipher = Cipher(
        algorithms.AES(key), modes.GCM(nonce, tag), backend=default_backend()
    decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
    return decryptor.update(cipher_text) + decryptor.finalize()

password = b"your_password_here"

# Read XML file
tree = ET.parse("test.xml")
root = tree.getroot()

# Extract masterKey and key data from XML
for elem in root.iter("string"):
    if elem.get("name") == "masterKey":
        master_key_data = json.loads(elem.text)
    elif not elem.get("name").endswith("-token"):
        totp_key_data = json.loads(elem.text)

# Extract and process masterKey components
mAlgorithm = master_key_data["mAlgorithm"]
mEncryptedKey_cipherText = bytelist_to_bytes(
mEncryptedKey_parameters = bytelist_to_bytes(
mIterations = master_key_data["mIterations"]
mSalt = bytelist_to_bytes(master_key_data["mSalt"])

# Derive master_key using PBKDF2
master_key = kdf.derive(password)

# Decrypt master_key
decrypted_master_key = decrypt(
    mEncryptedKey_cipherText, master_key, mEncryptedKey_parameters

# Extract and process TOTP secret key components
key_cipherText = bytelist_to_bytes(json.loads(totp_key_data["key"])["mCipherText"])
key_parameters = bytelist_to_bytes(json.loads(totp_key_data["key"])["mParameters"])

# Decrypt TOTP secret key
decrypted_totp_secret = decrypt(key_cipherText, decrypted_master_key, key_parameters)

print("Decrypted TOTP secret:", decrypted_totp_secret)

Unfortunately, it doesn't work -- even with the password you sent. I get cryptography.exceptions.InvalidTag. Maybe I messed up extracting the data from the xml, or it was altered in some way. Or maybe GPT-4 is just wrong :)

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jleclanche commented Mar 19, 2023

Updated the code to read directly from the XML (still via GPT4. Insane). That other XML file you sent me doesn't work either, unfortunately (it does appear you changed some bytes, but the original did not help)

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sanodin commented Mar 19, 2023

I can’t get the xml out of the phone, adb creates an empty 47 kb archive, if you do it with a password, then an archive of 549 bytes is created, but I can’t unpack it anymore. It will turn out only by means of the application itself to make a backup, but it is in the form in which I sent it to you.
By the way, the very first one that I showed, I pulled out of the emulator

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kunthar commented Apr 22, 2024

FreeOTP got "Export to json" option now, info for new comers.

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Necem commented Dec 14, 2024

I managed to get current backup format working with the following corrections

def decrypt(cipher_text, key, parameters, aad):
        # paramerts is in ASN.1 encoding with ivlen being optional and only included if != 12
        # => following code handles only 16-byte iv's
        iv = parameters[4:16]
        ivlen = ord(parameters[18:])
        cipher_text, tag = cipher_text[:-16], cipher_text[-16:]
        cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.GCM(iv, tag=tag), backend=default_backend())
        decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
        return decryptor.update(cipher_text) + decryptor.finalize()
decrypted_master_key = decrypt(
    mEncryptedKey_cipherText, master_key, mEncryptedKey_parameters,  master_key_data["mEncryptedKey"]["mToken"].encode()
decrypted_totp_secret = decrypt(key_cipherText, decrypted_master_key, key_parameters, json.loads(totp_key_data["mToken"])["mParameters"].encode())

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I also managed to recover my TOTP key by managing to parse tokensBackup.xml that I had saved from a working version of the FreeOTP:
However, I had to change the last line like

decrypted_totp_secret = decrypt(key_cipherText, decrypted_master_key, key_parameters, json.loads(totp_key_data['key'])["mToken"].encode())

Probably it's due to some minor format difference - my app was 2.0.3 when the disaster of being unable to recover from backup happened.

Then, you can print the resulting bytes like

print("Decrypted TOTP secret:", decrypted_totp_secret.hex())

Which is the hex for the bytes of the totp secret. In order to import it to another app (I used Aegis), I also had to encode the resulting hex string to base32, and it worked.

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