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Created January 25, 2018 23:32
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import math
import uuid
from abalone import app
from .logic import Game, Board
from flask import render_template, request, redirect, url_for, flash
app.secret_key = 'C~\xb2\x95\x00:\xca\xc8b\x83\x89\xee\xf7)w&\xed\x96\xbe\x13\xfd\x88\x92\x81'
games = dict()
board = Board.Board()
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
@app.route('/start', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def start():
if request.method == 'POST':
name = request.form['name']
gametype = request.form['gametype']
if name and gametype:
return redirect(url_for('create', name=name))
return render_template('start.html')
def create(name):
game_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
games[game_id] = (Game.Game(name))
flash('Game started!', 'success')
return redirect(url_for('game', game_id=game_id))
def about():
return render_template('about.html')
def active_games():
return render_template('games.html', games=games)
def game(game_id):
A basic view that just generates the board.
:return render_template():
if games.get(game_id):
return render_template('board.html', game_id=game_id)
flash('Such a game does not exist. It might have ended.', 'error')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
def select(game_id, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z):
A view that handles player selecting one of his pieces.
:param int game_id: This is an id of a game.
:param int coordinate_x: This is a x coordinate of the piece that player selected.
:param int coordinate_y: This is a y coordinate of the piece that player selected.
:param int coordinate_z: This is a z coordinate of the piece that player selected.
:return render_template():{{ url_for('index') }}"
return render_template('board.html', game_id=game_id, coordinate_x=coordinate_x, coordinate_y=coordinate_y,
def select_multiple(game_id, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z, second_x, second_y, second_z):
A view that handles player selecting one of his pieces.
:param int coordinate_x: This is a x coordinate of the piece that player selected.
:param int coordinate_y: This is a y coordinate of the piece that player selected.
:return render_template():
return render_template('board.html', game_id=game_id, coordinate_x=coordinate_x, coordinate_y=coordinate_y,
coordinate_z=coordinate_z, second_x=second_x, second_y=second_y, second_z=second_z)
def move(game_id, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z, to_x, to_y, to_z):
# Checking whether move is not onto other pieces
if (coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) not in games[game_id].player_black.positions \
and (coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) not in games[game_id].player_white.positions:
return redirect(url_for('select', game_id=game_id, coordinate_x=coordinate_x, coordinate_y=coordinate_y))
# Checking whether move on chosen area is not into other piece of the same player
if to_x != coordinate_x and to_y != coordinate_y and to_z != coordinate_z:
# Checking in which places ball can move
if to_x not in games[game_id].player_white.positions and to_y not in games[game_id].player_white.positions and \
to_z not in games[game_id].player_white.positions
# 1. Move for white
if (coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) in games[game_id].player_white.positions:
games[game_id].player_white.positions.remove((coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z))
games[game_id].player_white.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
# 2. Move for black
elif (coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) in games[game_id].player_black.positions:
games[game_id].player_black.positions.remove((coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z))
games[game_id].player_black.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
return redirect(url_for('game', game_id=game_id))
def move_multiple(game_id, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z, second_x, second_y, second_z, to_x, to_y, to_z):
# 1. Double move for white
if (coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) in games[game_id].player_white.positions and (second_x, second_y, second_z) \
in games[game_id].player_white.positions and math.fabs(coordinate_x - second_x) < 2 and \
math.fabs(coordinate_y - second_y) < 2 and math.fabs(coordinate_z - second_z) < 2:
if math.fabs(to_y - coordinate_y) < math.fabs(to_y - second_y) or math.fabs(to_x - coordinate_x) < math.fabs(to_x - second_x):
games[game_id].player_white.positions.remove((second_x, second_y, second_z))
games[game_id].player_white.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
elif math.fabs(to_y - second_y) < math.fabs(to_y - coordinate_y) or math.fabs(to_x - second_x) < math.fabs(to_x - coordinate_x):
games[game_id].player_white.positions.remove((coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z))
games[game_id].player_white.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
# 2. Double move for black
elif (coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) in games[game_id].player_black.positions and (second_x, second_y, second_z) \
in games[game_id].player_black.positions and math.fabs(coordinate_x - second_x) < 2 and \
math.fabs(coordinate_y - second_y) < 2 and math.fabs(coordinate_z - second_z) < 2:
if math.fabs(to_y - coordinate_y) < math.fabs(to_y - second_y) or math.fabs(to_x - coordinate_x) < math.fabs(to_x - second_x):
games[game_id].player_black.positions.remove((second_x, second_y, second_z))
games[game_id].player_black.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
elif math.fabs(to_y - second_y) < math.fabs(to_y - coordinate_y) or math.fabs(to_x - second_x) < math.fabs(to_x - coordinate_x):
games[game_id].player_black.positions.remove((coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z))
games[game_id].player_black.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
# 3. Triple move for white
if (coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) in games[game_id].player_white.positions and \
(second_x, second_y, second_z) in games[game_id].player_white.positions and \
((math.fabs(coordinate_x - second_x) == 2 and ((math.fabs(coordinate_y - second_y) == 2 or
math.fabs(coordinate_z - second_z) == 2)))) \
or ((math.fabs(coordinate_y - second_y) == 2 and ((math.fabs(coordinate_x - second_x) == 2
or math.fabs(coordinate_z - second_z) == 2)))) \
or ((math.fabs(coordinate_z - second_z) == 2 and ((math.fabs(coordinate_y - second_y) == 2
or math.fabs(coordinate_x - second_x) == 2)))):
if math.fabs(to_y - coordinate_y) < math.fabs(to_y - second_y) or math.fabs(to_x - coordinate_x) < math.fabs(
to_x - second_x):
games[game_id].player_white.positions.remove((second_x, second_y, second_z))
games[game_id].player_white.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
elif math.fabs(to_y - second_y) < math.fabs(to_y - coordinate_y) or math.fabs(to_x - second_x) < math.fabs(
to_x - coordinate_x):
games[game_id].player_white.positions.remove((coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z))
games[game_id].player_white.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
# 4. Triple move for black
elif (coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z) in games[game_id].player_black.positions and \
(second_x, second_y, second_z) in games[game_id].player_black.positions and \
((math.fabs(coordinate_x - second_x) == 2 and ((math.fabs(coordinate_y - second_y) == 2 or
math.fabs(coordinate_z - second_z) == 2)))) \
or ((math.fabs(coordinate_y - second_y) == 2 and ((math.fabs(coordinate_x - second_x) == 2
or math.fabs(coordinate_z - second_z) == 2)))) \
or ((math.fabs(coordinate_z - second_z) == 2 and ((math.fabs(coordinate_y - second_y) == 2
or math.fabs(coordinate_x - second_x) == 2)))):
if math.fabs(to_y - coordinate_y) < math.fabs(to_y - second_y) or math.fabs(to_x - coordinate_x) < math.fabs(
to_x - second_x):
games[game_id].player_black.positions.remove((second_x, second_y, second_z))
games[game_id].player_black.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
elif math.fabs(to_y - second_y) < math.fabs(to_y - coordinate_y) or math.fabs(to_x - second_x) < math.fabs \
(to_x - coordinate_x):
games[game_id].player_black.positions.remove((coordinate_x, coordinate_y, coordinate_z))
games[game_id].player_black.positions.add((to_x, to_y, to_z))
return redirect(url_for('game', game_id=game_id))
def page_not_found(e):
return render_template('404.html'), 404
def utility_processor():
def count_yz(row, column, which):
if row <= 4:
coordinates = {'y': column, 'z': column + (4 - row)}
coordinates = {'y': column + (row - 4), 'z': column}
if which == 'y':
return coordinates.get('y')
elif which == 'z':
return coordinates.get('z')
rule = str(request.url_rule)
if 'game/' in rule:
s = request.url.split('/')
game_id = s[s.index('game') + 1]
return dict(
board={'rows': games[game_id].rows, 'columns': games[game_id].columns},
return dict(
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