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Forked from leopic/Gruntfile.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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make a list of all the stylesheets that need to be processed, then start cranking away
* Generates our CSS files using libsass.
* Wrapper for the `sass` task, make sure you have installed all the dependencies of the repo.
* Example: $: grunt libsass
* $: grunt libsass:dev
* @param env
grunt.registerTask('libsass', 'Builds our CSS', function(env) {
var done = this.async(),
dir = require('node-dir'),
list = {},
pkg = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');
// Override config options for dev.
if (env && env == 'dev') {
grunt.config.set('sass.options.sourceMap', true);
grunt.config.set('sass.options.sourceComments', true);
grunt.config.set('sass.options.outputStyle', 'expanded');
dir.readFiles(pkg.paths.styles, {
match: /.scss$/,
exclude: /^_/
}, function(err, content, next) {
if (err) throw err;
function(err, files) {
if (err) throw err;
files.forEach(function(val) {
list[val.replace('styles', 'css').replace('scss', 'css')] = val;
grunt.config.set('sass.dist.files', list);['clean:css', 'mkdir:css', 'sass']);
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