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Created October 14, 2010 16:12
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$client = new SoapClient(
define(SVID, "AAAE1EE8-8435-4447-9918-4DCDADA1F551");
define(CTCUSTNO, 1859);
//Method 1: Customer array
$customer = array(
'Result' => true,
'ErrorCode' => '0',
'ErrorString' => '',
'CustomerNo' => 'web00000001',
'Status' => 'R',
'Level' => '',
'LastName' => 'Testerton',
'FirstName' => 'Testy',
'Company' => '',
'HomePhone' => '8005551234',
'WorkPhone' => '8005551235',
'Address' => '123 Address Street',
'Address2' => 'Ste 2',
'City' => 'Somewhere',
'PostalCode' => '00000',
'ProvinceNo' => 'WideString',
'CountryNo' => 'WideString',
'ShipLastName' => '',
'ShipFirstName' => '',
'ShipCompany' => '',
'ShipHomePhone' => '',
'ShipAddress' => '',
'ShipAddress2' => '',
'ShipCity' => '',
'ShipPostalCode' => '',
'ShipProvinceNo' => '',
'ShipCountryNo' => '',
'EmailAddr' => '',
'Updated' => '',
'FieldList' => '',
'DataList' => '',
'PollDate' => '',
'DataType' => 'WEB'
// Define a class to hold the SOAP structure
class SoapStruct
public function __construct( $data_arr=array() )
foreach( $data_arr as $key=>$val )
$this->$key = $val;
// Use output buffering to capture what's coming out of the SOAP call
// Create a SOAP Structure
$structure = new SoapStruct($customer);
$customer_soap = new SoapVar($structure, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "TWebCustomerResult");
print_r($client->UpdateCustomer(SVID, CTCUSTNO, $customer_soap));
catch( Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "\n\n";
print_r(wordwrap(htmlentities(str_replace('><', ">\n<", $client->__getLastRequest())), 160, "\n "));
$call = ob_get_clean();
echo "<h1>SOAP Call</h1>\n<pre>", $call, "</pre>";
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