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Last active January 27, 2018 05:04
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Ruck beer list scraper
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
import re
import datetime
doc = pq(url='')
beers = []
for tr in [pq(tr) for tr in doc('table.beermenu tbody tr')]:
if tr('td').length < 4:
name = tr('td:first-child a').text()
serving_info = re.match(r'(\d+)\s*oz\.?\s+(\w+)', tr('.serving').text())
ounces = int(
serving =
# We append a zero because some ABV values are empty on the page
abv = float(tr('.abv').text() + '0')
price = float(tr('.price').text().replace('$', '').split()[0])
# Efficiency metric: "ounces of pure alcohol in $100 worth of beer".
# In other words, booze for your buck.
efficiency = (ounces * abv) / price
'name': name,
'ounces': ounces,
'serving': serving,
'abv': abv,
'price': price,
'efficiency': efficiency
for beer in sorted(beers, key=lambda b: b['efficiency']):
line = "%-45s\n\t%2d-oz %-6s %4.1f%% ABV, $%-5.2f (Eff'cy: %5.2f)" % (
beer['name'][:45], beer['ounces'], beer['serving'],
beer['abv'], beer['price'], beer['efficiency'])
print line.encode('utf-8')
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Everything about this is awesome.

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