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Created November 7, 2009 06:37
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syntax on
set backspace=2 "Make backspace work as expected on Mac OS X
set autoindent "Auto Indent code - This simply retains indentation level
set tabstop=2 "Set space width of tabs
set sw=2
set noexpandtab "I like my tabs to stay as tabs
set splitright "By default, split to the right
set number "Add line numbers
set ruler "Display Cursor Position
set incsearch "Display search resultings as you type
"Map Semicolon to : for faster command execution
map ; :
"} and ^} switch between tabs
nmap } :tabNext<CR>
imap <C-}> <ESC>:tabNext<CR>i
"\ and ^\ switch between split screens
nmap \ <C-w><C-w>
imap <C-\> <ESC><C-w><C-w>i
"Copy current file to clipboard
nmap <C-X> :!cat %\|sed 's/ / /g'\|pbcopy<CR><CR>
" For all languages:
" <F2> - Syntax Check / Compile
" <F3> - Execute
"Comment blocks
let b:comment_prefix = '"'
map ,c :s/^/<C-R>=escape(b:comment_prefix,'\/')<CR>/<CR>
map ,C :s/^\(\s*\)<C-R>=escape(b:comment_prefix,'\/')<CR>/\1/<CR>
function! FileWOExt()
"Returns the filename with no extension
return substitute(@%, '\.[^\.]*$','','')
function! EnterVimRC()
" Both <F2> and <F3> are used to be consistent
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:so %
map <buffer> <F3> :w<CR>:so %
let b:comment_prefix = '"'
au FileType vim call EnterVimRC()
function! EnterPython()
"Yes, I see that <F2> and <F3> do the same
" thing. It'll stay that way until python
" introduces a nice syntax-only flag
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;python %
map <buffer> <F3> :w<CR>:!clear;python %
let b:comment_prefix = '#'
au FileType python call EnterPython()
function! EnterPhp()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;php -t %
map <buffer> <F3> :w<CR>:!clear;php %
let b:comment_prefix = '#'
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.inc setfiletype php
au FileType php call EnterPhp()
function! EnterCpp()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;g++ -Wall %
map <buffer> <F3> :!clear;./a.out
let b:comment_prefix = '//'
au FileType cpp call EnterCpp()
function! EnterC()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;gcc -std=c99 -Wall %
map <buffer> <F3> :!clear;./a.out
let b:comment_prefix = '//'
au FileType c call EnterC()
function! EnterCS()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;gmcs %
map <buffer> <F3> :!clear;mono <C-R>=FileWOExt()<CR>.exe
let b:comment_prefix = '//'
au FileType cs call EnterCS()
function! EnterJava()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;javac %
map <buffer> <F3> :!clear;java <C-R>=FileWOExt()<CR>
let b:comment_prefix = '//'
au FileType java call EnterJava()
function! EnterBash()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;sh %
map <buffer> <F3> :w<CR>:!clear;sh %
let b:comment_prefix = '#'
au FileType sh call EnterBash()
function! EnterPerl()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;perl -wc %
map <buffer> <F3> :w<CR>:!clear;perl -w %
let b:comment_prefix = '#'
au FileType perl call EnterPerl()
function! EnterRuby()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;ruby -c %
map <buffer> <F3> :w<CR>:!clear;ruby %
let b:comment_prefix = '#'
au FileType ruby call EnterRuby()
function! EnterPascal()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;gpc %
map <buffer> <F3> :!clear;./a.out
" GNU Pascal apparently has no one
" line prefix comments...
map <buffer> ,c <Nop>
map <buffer> ,C <Nop>
au FileType pascal call EnterPascal()
function! EnterJavascript()
map <buffer> <F2> :w<CR>:!clear;jsl -process %
let b:comment_prefix = '//'
au FileType javascript call EnterJavascript()
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