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Created April 7, 2011 03:06
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Save jlgreer/906953 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Administers version control (Subversion) for Cfengine 3
bundle agent cfgMgtVcs {
"fileserver" slist => { @(var.fileserver) };
"masterfiles" string => "$(var.masterfiles)";
"secrets" string => "/var/cfengine/masterfiles/dcsunix/cfgMgtVcs/pri";
"prefix" string => "/var/cfengine/masterfiles/dcsunix/cfgMgtVcs/pub";
"svn_sticky_dirs" slist => { "httpdincludes", "repos", "svnacls", "svnlogs" };
"repo_store" string => "/data01/svn";
"dav_cfg_dir" string => "$(repo_store)/httpdincludes";
"httpd_conf.d" string => "/etc/httpd/conf.d";
"repositories" slist => { "mfdcsunix" };
create => "true",
perms => mode_owner_group("0755", "svn", "svn"),
action => actionsettings_fix_inform("inform");
create => "true",
perms => mode_owner_group("2755", "svn", "svn"),
action => actionsettings_fix_inform("inform");
perms => mode_owner_group("0644", "root", "root"),
copy_from => copy_std("$(secrets)/$(httpd_conf.d)/auth_ldap.conf",
"@(fileserver)", "false", "timestamp"),
classes => if_repaired("httpd_restart"),
action => actionsettings_fix_inform("inform");
perms => mode_owner_group("0444", "svn", "svn"),
create => "true",
edit_line => template("$(prefix)/$(dav_cfg_dir)/master.conf",
"__repository__", "$(repositories)"),
edit_defaults => empty,
action => actionsettings_fix_inform("inform");
"/usr/bin/yum -y install httpd"
contain => container_std("root", true),
action => actionsettings( "fix", "720", "2", "inform", "false", "false", "inform");
"/usr/bin/yum -y install mod_dav_svn"
contain => container_std("root", true),
action => actionsettings( "fix", "720", "2", "inform", "false", "false", "inform");
"/usr/bin/yum -y install mod_ssl"
contain => container_std("root", true),
action => actionsettings( "fix", "720", "2", "inform", "false", "false", "inform");
# Lifted from reference guide
body replace_with value(x)
replace_value => "$(x)";
occurrences => "all";
# Simple proof of concept for templatization
bundle edit_line template(templatefile, search, replace)
insert_type => "file",
comment => "Expand variables in the template file";
# This appears only to work for Cfengine special variables?
# expand_scalars => "true";
replace_with => value("$(replace)");
body edit_defaults empty
empty_file_before_editing => "true";
edit_backup => "false";
max_file_size => "300000";
[root@annyong httpdincludes]# pwd
[root@annyong httpdincludes]# ls
[root@annyong httpdincludes]# cf-agent -K
-> Created file /data01/svn/httpdincludes/cfgmgtsvn-prd-mfdcsunix.conf, mode = 444
-> Owner of /data01/svn/httpdincludes/cfgmgtsvn-prd-mfdcsunix.conf was 0, setting to 559
-> Edited file /data01/svn/httpdincludes/cfgmgtsvn-prd-mfdcsunix.conf
[root@annyong httpdincludes]# cat cfgmgtsvn-prd-mfdcsunix.conf
LDAPVerifyServerCert Off
<Location /repos/mfdcsunix>
DAV svn
SVNPath /data01/svn/repos/mfdcsunix
AuthzSVNAccessFile /data01/svn/svnacls/cfgmgtsvn-prd-mfdcsunix.conf
AuthType Basic
AuthName "svn-prd-mfdcsunix"
AuthBasicProvider ldap
Require ldap-group CN=idontexist,OU=SubVersion,OU=Applications,OU=Enterprise Systems,OU=Information Technology Services,DC=yu,DC=yale,DC=edu
[root@annyong httpdincludes]# diff /var/cfengine/masterfiles/dcsunix/cfgMgtVcs/pub/data01/svn/httpdincludes/master.conf
diff: missing operand after `/var/cfengine/masterfiles/dcsunix/cfgMgtVcs/pub/data01/svn/httpdincludes/master.conf'
diff: Try `diff --help' for more information.
[root@annyong httpdincludes]# diff /var/cfengine/masterfiles/dcsunix/cfgMgtVcs/pub/data01/svn/httpdincludes/master.conf cfgmgtsvn-prd-mfdcsunix.conf
< <Location /repos/__repository__>
> <Location /repos/mfdcsunix>
< SVNPath /data01/svn/repos/__repository__
< AuthzSVNAccessFile /data01/svn/svnacls/cfgmgtsvn-prd-__repository__.conf
> SVNPath /data01/svn/repos/mfdcsunix
> AuthzSVNAccessFile /data01/svn/svnacls/cfgmgtsvn-prd-mfdcsunix.conf
< AuthName "svn-prd-__repository__"
> AuthName "svn-prd-mfdcsunix"
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