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Created February 19, 2020 16:10
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Find Levenshtein distance between two strings and construct edit instructions to go from one string to the other
import numpy
def wagner_fisher(s: str, t: str):
Computes the Levenshtein distance between the two strings. Returns a tuple containing
the distance itself and also the entire matrix for further processing.
m, n = len(s), len(t)
d = numpy.zeros(shape=(m + 1, n + 1), dtype='int32')
for i in range(1, m + 1):
d[i, 0] = i
for j in range(1, n + 1):
d[0, j] = j
for j in range(1, n + 1):
for i in range(1, m + 1):
if s[i - 1] == t[j - 1]:
substitutionCost = 0
substitutionCost = 1
d[i, j] = min(d[i - 1, j] + 1, d[i, j - 1] + 1, d[i - 1, j - 1] + substitutionCost)
return d[m, n], d
def edit_instructions(s: str, t: str):
Compute the edit operations required to get from string s to string t
distance, d = wagner_fisher(s, t)
m, n = len(s), len(t)
instructions = []
while m > 0 or n > 0:
deletion_score = d[m - 1, n] if m >= 1 else float('inf')
insertion_score = d[m, n - 1] if n >= 1 else float('inf')
substitution_or_noop_score = d[m - 1, n - 1] if m >= 1 and n >= 1 else float('inf')
smallest = min(deletion_score, insertion_score, substitution_or_noop_score)
if smallest == substitution_or_noop_score:
if d[m - 1, n - 1] < d[m, n]:
instructions.append('substitute "%s" with "%s" at position %d' % (s[m - 1], t[n - 1], n - 1))
m -= 1
n -= 1
elif smallest == deletion_score:
instructions.append('delete "%s" at position %d' % (s[m - 1], n))
m -= 1
elif smallest == insertion_score:
instructions.append('insert "%s" at position %d' % (t[n - 1], n - 1))
n -= 1
if distance != len(instructions):
raise Exception('Internal error')
return instructions[::-1]
# A few tests
def test(s, t, instructions):
i = edit_instructions(s, t)
i = ', '.join(i)
if i != instructions:
print('Test failed for "%s" and "%s"' % (s, t))
print('Expected:', instructions)
print('Obtained:', i)
for s in ['', 'a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'ab', 'abc', 'abcd']:
test(s, s, '')
test('aa', 'a', 'delete "a" at position 1')
test('a', 'aa', 'insert "a" at position 1')
test('a', 'b', 'substitute "a" with "b" at position 0')
test('a', 'ab', 'insert "b" at position 1')
test('a', 'ba', 'insert "b" at position 0')
test('bc', 'abc', 'insert "a" at position 0')
test('ac', 'abc', 'insert "b" at position 1')
test('ab', 'abc', 'insert "c" at position 2')
test('abc', 'bc', 'delete "a" at position 0')
test('abc', 'ac', 'delete "b" at position 1')
test('abc', 'ab', 'delete "c" at position 2')
test('abc', 'cba', 'substitute "a" with "c" at position 0, substitute "c" with "a" at position 2')
test('abc', '123', 'substitute "a" with "1" at position 0, substitute "b" with "2" at position 1, ' +
'substitute "c" with "3" at position 2')
test('abc', 'ab3', 'substitute "c" with "3" at position 2')
test('abc', 'a2c', 'substitute "b" with "2" at position 1')
test('abc', '1bc', 'substitute "a" with "1" at position 0')
test('abc--abc', 'bc--bc', 'delete "a" at position 0, delete "a" at position 4')
test('abc--abc', 'bc--0abc', 'delete "a" at position 0, insert "0" at position 4')
test('abc--abc', 'bc--1bc', 'delete "a" at position 0, substitute "a" with "1" at position 4')
test('abc--abc', '0abc--bc', 'insert "0" at position 0, delete "a" at position 6')
test('abc--abc', '0abc--0abc', 'insert "0" at position 0, insert "0" at position 6')
test('abc--abc', '0abc--1abc', 'insert "0" at position 0, insert "1" at position 6')
test('abc--abc', '1bc--bc', 'substitute "a" with "1" at position 0, delete "a" at position 5')
test('abc--abc', '1bc--0abc', 'substitute "a" with "1" at position 0, insert "0" at position 5')
test('abc--abc', '1bc--1bc', 'substitute "a" with "1" at position 0, substitute "a" with "1" at position 5')
test('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'a0bcefGhi0jkmnOpq0rsuvWxyz', 'insert "0" at position 1, delete "d" at position 4, ' +
'substitute "g" with "G" at position 6, insert "0" at position 9, delete "l" at position 12, ' +
'substitute "o" with "O" at position 14, insert "0" at position 17, delete "t" at position 20, ' +
'substitute "w" with "W" at position 22')
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