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Created December 6, 2012 20:08
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Randomized "Secret Santa" gift exchange generator with advanced behaviors, enables complete anonymity, allowing organizer to participate
from collections import OrderedDict
from random import randint
import smtplib
FROM = "Santa Claus <>"
PARTICIPANTS = OrderedDict([
('Dasher', ''),
('Dancer', ''),
('Prancer', ''),
('Vixen', ''),
('Comet', ''),
('Cupid', ''),
# if you want certain people to avoid giving gifts to others, say to prevent
# significant others from getting each other
('Prancer', 'Vixen'),
('Dasher', 'Dancer'),
('Comet', 'Cupid')
def get_participant_by_index(i):
j = 0
for (name, email) in PARTICIPANTS.iteritems():
if j == i:
return (name, email)
j += 1
raise IndexError("Couldn't find participant at index %s" % i)
def get_participant_index_by_name(name):
i = 0
for (s_name, email) in PARTICIPANTS.iteritems():
if name == s_name:
return i
i += 1
raise KeyError("Couldn't find participant with name %s" % name)
def build_avoid_pairs():
pairs = []
for (a1, a2) in AVOIDS:
return pairs
def get_index_map():
num_parts = len(PARTICIPANTS)
found_map = False
avoids = build_avoid_pairs()
# This is pretty ugly, and not guaranteed to find a solution in every case.
# Could run forever. Seems to work well in cases I've tried.
while not found_map:
print "Looking for giving map"
avail_froms = [x for x in xrange(0, num_parts)]
avail_tos = [x for x in xrange(0, num_parts)]
pairs = []
while len(avail_froms):
rand_from_index = randint(0, len(avail_froms) - 1)
rand_from = avail_froms[rand_from_index]
del avail_froms[rand_from_index]
found_match = False
while not found_match:
rand_to_index = randint(0, len(avail_tos) - 1)
rand_to = avail_tos[rand_to_index]
if rand_to != rand_from or len(avail_tos) == 1:
pairs.append((rand_from, rand_to))
del avail_tos[rand_to_index]
found_match = True
found_map = True
for pair in pairs:
if pair[1] == pair[0]:
print "\tFound self-giving, retrying..."
found_map = False
rev_pair = (pair[1], pair[0])
for other_pair in [p for p in pairs if p != pair]:
if other_pair == rev_pair:
found_map = False
print "\tFound mutual giving, retrying..."
if not found_map:
for avoid_pair in avoids:
if pair[0] in avoid_pair and pair[1] in avoid_pair:
found_map = False
print "\tFound giving we should avoid, retrying..."
print "Found good map!"
return pairs
def email(pairs):
print "Emailing participants..."
subject = "Your Secret Santa gift exchange recipient"
text = ("Hi, %s!\n\nThe person you have for the gift exchange is: %s\n\n"
"Best Regards,\nSanta Claus")
server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
for pair in pairs:
(giver_name, email) = get_participant_by_index(pair[0])
(givee_name, _) = get_participant_by_index(pair[1])
to_email = "%s <%s>" % (giver_name, email)
body = "\r\n".join((
"From: %s" % FROM,
"To: %s" % to_email,
"Subject: %s" % subject,
text % (giver_name, givee_name)
server.sendmail(FROM, [to_email], body)
print "\tE-mailed %s" % to_email
def print_map(pairs):
print "Giving map is:"
for pair in pairs:
(giver_name, _) = get_participant_by_index(pair[0])
(givee_name, _) = get_participant_by_index(pair[1])
print "\t%s -> %s" % (giver_name, givee_name)
def ensure_uniqueness():
names = [p for p in PARTICIPANTS.keys()]
if len(names) != len(set(names)):
raise Exception("There is a duplicate name in the participants, this "
"causes things to break")
if __name__ == "__main__":
giving_pairs = get_index_map()
prompt = "Do you want to see the giving map [y/N]? "
if raw_input(prompt).strip() in ['y', 'Y']:
prompt = "Do you want to e-mail the participants [Y/n]? "
if raw_input(prompt).strip() in ['y', 'Y', '']:
print "Done. Happy holidays!"
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