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Last active November 6, 2016 17:29
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# Get artist network
# Arguments:
# artists_ids - list of artist ids
# Returns:
# list containing artists and edge dataframes
get_artist_network = function(artist_ids){
# Get artists details
max_ids = min(MAX_NUM_ARTISTS, length(artist_ids))
URI = paste0('', paste(artist_ids[1:max_ids], collapse=","))
artists = fromJSON(txt=URI)$artists
artist_cols = c('id', 'name', 'images', 'genres')
artists = artists[, artist_cols]
artists$group = 'initial'
# Create network
edges = data.frame(from=character(), to=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
n_artists = nrow(artists)
withProgress(message = 'Building Artist Network', value = 0, {
for(artist_id in artists$id){
# Increment the progress bar, and update the detail text.
# Find related artists
URI = paste0('', artist_id, '/related-artists')
related_artists = fromJSON(txt=URI)$artists
if(length(related_artists) == 0){
related_artists = related_artists[, artist_cols]
related_artists$group = 'related'
related_artist_ids = related_artists$id
# Create the edges
from = rep(artist_id, length(related_artist_ids))
to = related_artist_ids
edges = rbind(edges, data.frame(from, to, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
# Append to artists data frame
# Filter out artists already stored
related_artists =
related_artists %>%
filter(!id %in% artists$id)
artists = rbind(artists, related_artists)
print("Getting Unique artists..")
# Get unique artists and edges
artists = unique(artists)
edges = unique(edges)
# Remove all artists with only one connection in the network
temp = data.frame(id=c(edges$from, edges$to), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
connected_artists = temp %>% group_by(id) %>% filter(n() > 1) %>% summarise(n_edges=n())
filtered_edges =
edges %>%
filter(from %in% connected_artists$id, to %in% connected_artists$id)
filtered_artists =
artists %>%
filter(id %in% connected_artists$id)
filtered_artists = inner_join(filtered_artists, connected_artists, by=c("id"))
# Convert images to one url
print("Converting images to one url..")
filtered_artists$image = as.character(sapply(filtered_artists$images, function(image) tail(image$url, n=1)))
filtered_artists$images = NULL
# Convert genres to string
filtered_artists$genres = sapply(filtered_artists$genres, function(genre) paste(genre, collapse=', '))
return(list(filtered_artists, filtered_edges))
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