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Created June 11, 2015 07:17
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Muhkeimmat sanaparit
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (mapM_)
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable (mapM_)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Tuple as T (swap)
characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö"
type CharGroup = (S.Set Char, [String])
type ScoreGroup = (Int, [(String, String)])
main = do
text <- readFile "alastalon_salissa.txt"
printResults $ solve text
printResults :: ScoreGroup -> IO ()
printResults (score, results) = do
putStrLn $ "Muhkeimpien parien pisteet: " ++ show score
let printPair = \pair -> case pair of (a, b) -> putStrLn (a ++ ", " ++ b)
mapM_ printPair results
solve :: String -> ScoreGroup
solve text = let distinctWords = distinctLowerCaseWords $ words text
charSetsToWords = groupWordsByCharSet distinctWords
lesserSubsetsFiltered = filterProperSubsets charSetsToWords
pairs = pairCandidates lesserSubsetsFiltered
greatestPairs = findGreatestPairs pairs
in case greatestPairs of
(score, pairs') -> (score, toUniquePairs pairs')
toUniquePairs :: [(String, String)] -> [(String, String)]
toUniquePairs [] = []
toUniquePairs (p : ps) = if (T.swap p) `elem` ps
then toUniquePairs ps
else p : (toUniquePairs ps)
findGreatestPairs :: [(String, String)] -> ScoreGroup
findGreatestPairs pairs = maximumBy compareScores scoresToWords where
scoresToWords = fmap (\x -> ((fst . head) x, fmap snd x)) groupedScores
groupedScores = groupBy scoresEqual sortedByScore
sortedByScore = sortBy compareScores pairsWithScores
pairsWithScores = fmap (\p -> (score p, p)) pairs
compareScores = \a b -> compare (fst a) (fst b)
scoresEqual = \a b -> (fst a) == (fst b)
distinctLowerCaseWords :: [String] -> [String]
distinctLowerCaseWords = S.toList . cleanWord . S.fromList where
cleanWord = removeNonAlphabet . (fmap toLower)
removeNonAlphabet = filter (\w -> w `elem` characters)
groupWordsByCharSet :: [String] -> [CharGroup]
groupWordsByCharSet words =
removeEmpty $ fmap simplifyGroup groupedCharsToWords where
removeEmpty = filter (\g -> (S.size . fst) g > 0)
simplifyGroup = \g -> ((fst . head) g, fmap snd g)
groupedCharsToWords = groupBy charSetsEqual sortedCharsToWords
charSetsEqual = \a b -> (fst a) == (fst b)
sortedCharsToWords = sortBy compareCharSets charsToWords
compareCharSets = \a b -> compare (fst a) (fst b)
charsToWords = fmap (\w -> (wordToCharSet w, w)) words
filterProperSubsets :: [CharGroup] -> [CharGroup]
filterProperSubsets groups = filterProperSubsets' orderedGroups where
orderedGroups = sortDescByCharSetLength groups
filterProperSubsets' [] = []
filterProperSubsets' groups = headItem : filterProperSubsets' filteredTail where
filteredTail = filter notProperSubsetOfHead (tail groups)
notProperSubsetOfHead =
\x -> let this = fst x
headSet = fst headItem
in not $ this `S.isProperSubsetOf` headSet
headItem = head groups
sortDescByCharSetLength :: [CharGroup] -> [CharGroup]
sortDescByCharSetLength = sortBy compareGroupLength where
compareGroupLength = \a b -> compare (groupLength b) (groupLength a)
groupLength = S.size . fst
pairCandidates :: [CharGroup] -> [(String, String)]
pairCandidates groups = generatePairs $ groups >>= snd
score :: (String, String) -> Int
score (x, y) = S.size $ wordToCharSet combinedWords where
combinedWords = fmap toLower $ x ++ y
wordToCharSet :: String -> S.Set Char
wordToCharSet word = S.fromList $ foldl' addUniqueChar [] characters where
addUniqueChar = \unique char -> if char `elem` word
then char : unique
else unique
generatePairs :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a,a)]
generatePairs xs = [(x, y) | x <- xs, y <- xs]
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