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Created September 15, 2014 18:38
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Rakkauden fast track in Haskell
module Main where
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad (guard)
import System.IO
type Pair = (String, String)
main = do
let sourceFile = "fast_track_generoitu_nimilista.txt"
withFile sourceFile ReadMode (\handle -> do
contents <- hGetContents handle
let numberOfCompatiblePairs = solve $ lines contents
putStrLn $ "Compatible pairs: " ++ show numberOfCompatiblePairs
solve :: [String] -> Int
solve people =
let pairs = formPairs people
compatibilities = map calculatePairCompatibility pairs
in length $ filter (\num -> num >= 99) compatibilities
formPairs :: [String] -> [Pair]
formPairs people =
let peopleCombinations = allPairCombinations people
distinctPairs = foldl' insertIfNotPresentSwapped Set.empty peopleCombinations
in Set.toList distinctPairs
insertIfNotPresentSwapped :: Set.Set Pair -> Pair -> Set.Set Pair
insertIfNotPresentSwapped pairs pair =
if (Set.member (swap pair) pairs)
then pairs
else Set.insert pair pairs
allPairCombinations :: [String] -> [Pair]
allPairCombinations people = do
person1 <- people
person2 <- people
guard (person1 /= person2)
return (person1, person2)
calculatePairCompatibility :: Pair -> Int
calculatePairCompatibility (one, other) =
let numbers = zipWith (+) (charsInPairs one) (charsInPairs other)
in head $ sumResult numbers
sumResult :: [Int] -> [Int]
sumResult [one, other] = [one * 10 + other]
sumResult numbers =
let numberPairs = zip numbers $ tail numbers
summedNumbers = map (fixNumsGteq10 . sumTuple) numberPairs
in sumResult summedNumbers
sumTuple :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> a
sumTuple (a, b) = a + b
fixNumsGteq10 :: Int -> Int
fixNumsGteq10 number
| number >= 10 = floor (fromIntegral number / 10) + number `mod` 10
| otherwise = number
charsInPairs :: String -> [Int]
charsInPairs str = fmap (timesStringContainsChar "pairs" . toLower) str
timesStringContainsChar :: String -> Char -> Int
timesStringContainsChar str letter =
foldl (\number item -> if (item == letter) then number + 1 else number) 0 str
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