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Last active June 25, 2020 18:56
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validInputs = ['0','1','2'];
spaceStates = {
"blank": '___',
"X": '_X_',
"O": '_O_'}
#Checks for a win based on what player you are and where you just made a move
def checkForWin(board,xPos,yPos,currentPlayer):
intendedState = spaceStates[currentPlayer]
return (
#Win State 1: Fills a row
((board[0][yPos] == intendedState and board[1][yPos] == intendedState and board[2][yPos] == intendedState)
#Win State 2: Fills a column
or (board[xPos][0] == intendedState and board[xPos][1] == intendedState and board[xPos][2] == intendedState)
#Win State 3: Fills a diagonal
or (board[0][0] == intendedState and board[1][1] == intendedState and board[2][2] == intendedState)
#Win State 4: Fills the other diagonal
or (board[2][0] == intendedState and board[1][1] == intendedState and board[0][2] == intendedState))
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.board = [['___']*3, ['___']*3, ['___']*3];
self.gameFinished = False
self.winner = ""
self.currentPlayer = 'X'
self.movesCompleted = 0
#Function to change the player for the turn
def togglePlayer(self):
if (self.currentPlayer == 'X'):
self.currentPlayer = 'O'
elif (self.currentPlayer == 'O'):
self.currentPlayer = 'X'
#Function to respond to a move based on input
def respondToMove(self,xPos,yPos):
#Case 0: Inputs are out of bounds for the matrix
if (xPos not in validInputs or yPos not in validInputs):
print("Sorry, choose again")
xPos_new = input('Choose an x coord:\n')
yPos_new = input('Choose an y coord:\n')
self.respondToMove(xPos_new, yPos_new)
#Case 1: new position is taken
elif (self.board[int(xPos)][int(yPos)] != spaceStates["blank"]):
print('Sorry, choose again.')
xPos_new = input('Choose an x coord:\n')
yPos_new = input('Choose an y coord:\n')
self.respondToMove(xPos_new, yPos_new)
#Case 2: new position is valid
xPos = int(xPos)
yPos = int(yPos)
if (self.currentPlayer == 'X'):
self.board[xPos][yPos] = spaceStates["X"]
self.board[xPos][yPos] = spaceStates["O"]
self.movesCompleted += 1
#Case 2a: new position results in a win
if (checkForWin(self.board,xPos,yPos,self.currentPlayer)):
self.gameFinished = True
#Case 2b: new position is valid and doesn't result in a win
def printState(self):
print(' x ')
print(' 0 1 2')
print(' ___ ___ ___ ')
print(f' 0 |{self.board[0][0]}|{self.board[1][0]}|{self.board[2][0]}|')
print(f'y 1 |{self.board[0][1]}|{self.board[1][1]}|{self.board[2][1]}|')
print(f' 2 |{self.board[0][2]}|{self.board[1][2]}|{self.board[2][2]}|\n\n')
def main():
game = Game()
#Keep increasing the turns until there is a winner or the board is full
while (game.gameFinished == False and game.movesCompleted < 9):
print(f'Turn {game.movesCompleted+1}: Player {game.currentPlayer}\'s move!')
xPos = input('Choose an x coord:\n')
yPos = input('Choose an y coord:\n')
if (game.gameFinished):
print(f'PLAYER {game.currentPlayer} WON!!!')
print(f'TIE ! NO PLAYERS WON')
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