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James Allen jlln

  • Perth, Australia
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jlln /
Last active November 9, 2023 19:59
Efficiently split Pandas Dataframe cells containing lists into multiple rows, duplicating the other column's values.
def splitDataFrameList(df,target_column,separator):
''' df = dataframe to split,
target_column = the column containing the values to split
separator = the symbol used to perform the split
returns: a dataframe with each entry for the target column separated, with each element moved into a new row.
The values in the other columns are duplicated across the newly divided rows.
def splitListToRows(row,row_accumulator,target_column,separator):
split_row = row[target_column].split(separator)
jlln / spark OneHot encoder.scala
Last active June 2, 2018 14:29
One-hot encoder for use with Spark DataFrames.
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType,StructField,StringType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
def identityMatrix(n:Int):Array[Array[String]]=Array.tabulate(n,n)((x,y) => if(x==y) "1" else "0")
def encodeStringOneHot(table:org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame,column:String) = {
//Accepts the dataframe and the target column name. Returns a new dataframe in which the target column has been replaced with a one-hot/dummy encoding.
jlln / spark_df_pivot.scala
Last active February 24, 2016 03:34
How to pivot a spark dataframe and cast the values into a vector
val cameo_maps = event_data_ag1.rdd
.groupBy(x=> (x.getAs[String]("Country"),x.getAs[Int]("ElapsedMonths")))
.map { case (group_features,codes) => group_features -> codes
.map {code => code.getAs[Int]("CAMEO Code") -> code.getAs[Long]("count") }
val cameos = sc.broadcast( union _).toArray.sorted)
val cameo_arrays ={
case ((country,total_months),cameo_map) => (country,total_months) ->,0L))
jlln / spark_group_fraction.scala
Last active April 20, 2016 08:13
Spark/Scala function for determining the fractions of examples falling into different groups, taking into account other grouping criteria.
def groupOutcomeFractions(df:DataFrame,outcome:String,outer_group_criteria:Seq[String]):DataFrame = {
val count_variable:String = outer_group_criteria.head
val inner_group_criteria = outer_group_criteria :+ outcome
val outer_group_query = "SELECT "+ outer_group_criteria.mkString(" , ") +s", COUNT($count_variable) AS outer_count FROM df GROUP BY " + outer_group_criteria.mkString(" , ")
val outer_count = sqlContext.sql(outer_group_query)
val inner_count_query = "SELECT "+ inner_group_criteria.mkString(" , ") +s", COUNT($count_variable) AS inner_count FROM df GROUP BY " + inner_group_criteria.mkString(" , ")
val inner_count = sqlContext.sql(inner_count_query)
val combined_counts = inner_count.join(outer_count,outer_group_criteria)
jlln /
Last active June 3, 2016 06:55
Pandas/python function for determining the fractions of examples falling into different groups, taking into account other grouping criteria.
def groupCountFractionals(dataframe,target,outer):
dataframe: a pandas dataframe
target: a string corresponding to the column of interest in the dataframe
outer: a list of the columns by which the counts should be conditioned
Returns the fraction of target_criteria_group / outer_criteria_group counts.
Be mindful to take group sizes (Outer Count) into consideration.
As outer count gets smaller, the fraction value
jlln / Tigers.ipynb
Created May 10, 2016 05:35
Hypergeometric sampling of Tigers.
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jlln / RHCPropensity.ipynb
Last active September 20, 2016 04:18
RHC Propensity Analysis
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jlln / AnimalRescue.ipynb
Last active June 27, 2016 05:55
Exploratory data analysis for the Kaggle Shelter Animal Outcome Project Amongst other things I tried using the classifications of dogs according to The Kennel Club to predict outcomes.
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jlln / SparkRowApply.scala
Last active March 9, 2021 06:00
How to apply a function to every row in a Spark DataFrame.
def findNull(row:Row):String = {
if (row.anyNull) {
val indices = (0 to row.length-1).toArray.filter(i => row.isNullAt(i))
else "-1"
sqlContext.udf.register("findNull", findNull _)
df = df.withColumn("MissingGroups",callUDF("findNull",struct( : _*)))
jlln / SparkSeqSelect.scala
Created August 4, 2016 04:29
Selecting spark columns using a Seq
val retained_features:List[String] = group_mean_columns.filter(x=> !missings.contains(x._2)).map(_._1).toList :+ "LogAdjustedDemand"
//Select these columns in the training dataset
val model_training_data =,retained_features.tail: _*)