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Last active August 20, 2018 06:14
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Benchmarking mize with funconstrain
# Rough code to run mize with various settings over all the test functions in
# the funconstrain package and
# Example
# devtools::install_github("jlmelville/mize")
# devtools::install_github("jlmelville/funconstrain")
# library("mize")
# library("funconstrain")
# Test L-BFGS on just Rosenbrock logging info to screen
# res <- benchmark_funco_df(funconstrain::rosen(), verbose = TRUE, method = "L-BFGS")
# If dataset can be of variable dimensionality, set parameter n.
# Extended Rosenbrock with 1000 variables
# res <- benchmark_funco_df(funconstrain::ex_rosen(), n = 1000, verbose = TRUE, method = "L-BFGS")
# Test BFGS with loose line search on all datasets
# res <- benchmark_funco_all(method = "BFGS", scale_hess = TRUE, abs_tol = 0,
# rel_tol = 0, step_tol = .Machine$double.eps, ginf_tol = 0, grad_tol = 0,
# line_search = "mt", step_next_init = "quad", step0 = "scipy", c2 = 0.9,
# max_iter = 10000)
# names: vector of funconstrain dataset names to test
# hess_fd: if TRUE create a Hessian function via finite difference approximation
# restart: if TRUE repeat optimization using optimized par as new starting point
# verbose: if TRUE log progress to console
# ...: options to pass to mize
# returns a dataframe with final function value, number of function evaluations, number
# of gradient evaluations, number of iterations, infinity norm of g and 2-norm of g,
# for each dataset in names.
benchmark_funco_all <-
function(names = c(
hess_fd = FALSE,
restart = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
res <- NULL
for (name in names) {
dataset <- get(name)()
bm <-
name = name,
hess_fd = hess_fd,
restart = restart,
log_name = verbose,
if (!is.null(res)) {
res <- rbind(res, bm)
else {
res <- bm
# dataset: one of the funconstrain datasets (or something with its format)
# n: dimensionality if needed for the dataset
# name: name to associate with the results# hess_fd: if TRUE create a Hessian function via finite difference approximation
# restart: if TRUE repeat optimization using optimized par as new starting point
# log_name: if TRUE log progress to console
# ...: options to pass to mize
benchmark_funco_df <-
n = NULL,
name = NULL,
hess_fd = FALSE,
restart = FALSE,
log_name = FALSE,
...) {
if (class(dataset$x0) == "numeric") {
x0 <- dataset$x0
else {
if (!is.null(n)) {
x0 <- dataset$x0(n = n)
else {
x0 <- dataset$x0()
if (hess_fd) {
dataset$hs <- make_hfd(dataset$fn)
res <- mize(fg = dataset, par = x0, ...)
if (restart) {
res <- mize(fg = dataset, par = res$par, ...)
if (log_name) {
df <-
f = res$f,
nf = res$nf,
ng = res$ng,
iter = res$iter
if (!is.null(res$ginfn)) {
df$ginf <- res$ginfn
else {
df$ginf <- norm_inf(dataset$gr(res$par))
if (!is.null(res$g2n)) {
df$gr2 <- res$g2n
else {
df$gr2 <- norm2(dataset$gr(res$par))
row.names(df) <- name
# A rough and ready finite difference Hessian approach
hfd <- function(par, fn, rel_eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
hs <- matrix(0, nrow = length(par), ncol = length(par))
for (i in 1:length(par)) {
for (j in i:length(par)) {
oldxi <- par[i]
oldxj <- par[j]
if (oldxi != 0 && oldxj != 0) {
eps <- min(oldxi, oldxj) * rel_eps
else {
eps <- 1e-3
if (i != j) {
par[i] <- par[i] + eps
par[j] <- par[j] + eps
fpp <- fn(par)
par[j] <- oldxj - eps
fpm <- fn(par)
par[i] <- oldxi - eps
par[j] <- oldxj + eps
fmp <- fn(par)
par[j] <- oldxj - eps
fmm <- fn(par)
par[i] <- oldxi
par[j] <- oldxj
val <- (fpp - fpm - fmp + fmm) / (4 * eps * eps)
hs[i, j] <- val
hs[j, i] <- val
else {
f <- fn(par)
oldxi <- par[i]
par[i] <- oldxi + 2 * eps
fpp <- fn(par)
par[i] <- oldxi + eps
fp <- fn(par)
par[i] <- oldxi - 2 * eps
fmm <- fn(par)
par[i] <- oldxi - eps
fm <- fn(par)
par[i] <- oldxi
hs[i, i] <-
(-fpp + 16 * fp - 30 * f + 16 * fm - fmm) / (12 * eps * eps)
# Given an objective function, return the fd Hessian function
make_hfd <- function(fn, eps = 1.e-3) {
function(par) {
hfd(par, fn, eps)
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