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Last active December 8, 2022 07:56
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// pulled from, scrolled down all the way
// [ Set([...document.getElementsByClassName("title raw-link raw-topic-link")].map(h => h.innerHTML.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/ |:|\[|\]|\(|\)|\-|\{|\}|\~|\—|\.|_|,|!|\\|\/|\&|\;/g, "") + ` -!- [${h.innerText}](${h.href})`).sort())]
const library = [
"13angels -!- [13 angels](",
"3dpurelua3dlibfornorns -!- [3d: pure Lua 3d lib for norns](",
"4bigknobs -!- [4 Big Knobs](",
"abacus -!- [Abacus](",
"amen -!- [Amen](",
"animator -!- [Animator](",
"arcify -!- [Arcify](",
"arcologies -!- [— arcologies —](",
"ashasmallcollection -!- [Ash (a small collection)](",
"athenaeum -!- [Athenaeum](",
"automs70 -!- [Automs70](",
"awake -!- [Awake](",
"awakemodv108 -!- [Awake-mod v1.0.8](",
"bakenekonowextrahaunted -!- [bakeneko! (now extra haunted)](",
"barcode -!- [Barcode](",
"barycenter -!- [Barycenter](",
"bbbbbeatabletonbeatrepeater -!- [B-B-B-B-Beat: Ableton Beat Repeater](",
"beets111 -!- [Beets 1.1.1](",
"benjolis -!- [Benjolis](",
"bgcdust -!- [Bgc_dust](",
"bistro -!- [Bistro](",
"blippooablippooboxclonefornorns -!- [Blippoo: a Blippoo Box clone for Norns](",
"blndr -!- [Blndr](",
"boingg -!- [Boingg](",
"bounds -!- [Bounds](",
"breakthrough -!- [Breakthrough](",
"buoysv120 -!- [Buoys v1.2.0](",
"caliper -!- [Caliper](",
"cartographerlib -!- [cartographer (lib)](",
"cccccccc -!- [Cccccccc](",
"changes -!- [Changes](",
"cheatcodes2rev210714lts2 -!- [[cheat codes 2] (rev 210714: LTS2)](",
"circles -!- [Circles](",
"clarck -!- [clARCk](",
"clcks -!- [Clcks](",
"clippersmartersampleclippingv11 -!- [clipper: smarter sample clipping (v1.1)](",
"combos -!- [Combos](",
"compass -!- [Compass](",
"connectopzusingusbaudiowithnorns -!- [Connect-OPZ: using USB audio with norns](",
"corners -!- [corners](",
"cranes -!- [cranes](",
"crash -!- [Crash](",
"critterampguitarivideosyntheyesyforfatesupdated -!- [Critter&Guitari video synth Eyesy for Fates (updated)](",
"crowifyeasilymapcrowinputstonornsparams -!- [Crowify: easily map Crow inputs to Norns params](",
"crowtalk -!- [Crow_talk](",
"cryptkeeper -!- [Cryptkeeper](",
"cryptsacommunitysamplepack -!- [— crypts — a community sample pack](",
"cyreneadrumsequencerbasedonmutableinstrumentsgrids -!- [Cyrene: a drum sequencer based on Mutable Instruments Grids](",
"defuseramusicalgamefornornsmidikeyboard -!- [Defuser - a musical game for norns/MIDI keyboard](",
"delayyyyyyyyasimplewarmdelayfornorns -!- [Delayyyyyyyy: a simple, warm delay for norns](",
"delinquencerasequencerbutwithamindofitsown -!- [Delinquencer - A sequencer but with a mind of its own](",
"demoncoreaverysimplenoisemodulefornornsbutwithamindofitsown -!- [Demon Core - A very simple noise module for Norns but with a mind of its own](",
"dice -!- [Dice](",
"downtown -!- [Downtown](",
"drift -!- [Drift](",
"dronecaster -!- [Dronecaster](",
"drumroom -!- [Drum Room](",
"dunes -!- [Dunes](",
"easygrain -!- [Easygrain](",
"ekombiv20 -!- [Ekombi v2.0](",
"endlessstairs -!- [Endless-stairs](",
"enginethebangs -!- [Engine: Thebangs](",
"euclidigons -!- [Euclidigons](",
"fearinahandfulofdust -!- [Fear in a Handful of Dust](",
"florav046betapsetsequencerimprovements -!- [Flora (v0.4.6-beta: pset sequencer improvements)](",
"fm7norns -!- [FM7 (Norns)](",
"folio -!- [folio](",
"foulplay -!- [Foulplay](",
"foundry -!- [Foundry](",
"fourtunesa4trackpolyphonicstepsequencer -!- [Fourtunes - a 4-track polyphonic step sequencer](",
"fugarc -!- [Fugarc](",
"fugu -!- [Fugu](",
"gatherum -!- [Gatherum](",
"gemini -!- [Gemini](",
"getinthesea -!- [Get in the Sea!](",
"glaciers -!- [Glaciers](",
"glitchlets -!- [Glitchlets](",
"glut -!- [Glut](",
"goldeneye -!- [goldeneye](",
"granchild -!- [Granchild](",
"grdv20moreparameters+extendedparamranges -!- [Grd v2.0 more parameters + extended param ranges](",
"grendyadronesynthfornorns -!- [Grendy: a drone synth for Norns](",
"greyhole -!- [Greyhole](",
"gridcapture -!- [Grid Capture](",
"gridstepnowwithtimberui -!- [GridStep (now with Timber UI!)](",
"gridtest -!- [Grid Test](",
"groovecats -!- [GrooveCats](",
"hachieuclideandrummachine -!- [Hachi - euclidean drum machine](",
"haven -!- [Haven](",
"hazefourtracklivegranularlooper -!- [Haze - four track live granular looper](",
"herethere -!- [Here/There](",
"hiddemo -!- [HID demo](",
"hopscotchmidirhythmicarpeggiator -!- [Hopscotch - MIDI rhythmic arpeggiator](",
"hpns -!- [Hpns](",
"icarus -!- [Icarus](",
"impact -!- [Impact](",
"initenere -!- [Initenere](",
"internorns -!- [internorns](",
"interpret -!- [Interpret](",
"ising -!- [Ising](",
"islands013 -!- [Islands 0.1.3](",
"isoseq -!- [Isoseq](",
"jalarandomsequencerforambientsoundscapes -!- [Jala - random sequencer for ambient soundscapes](",
"jiffy -!- [Jiffy](",
"justplay -!- [Just-play](",
"kitns -!- [Kitns](",
"kolor -!- [Kolor](",
"kriamidi -!- [Kria MIDI](",
"langl -!- [Langl](",
"larc -!- [Larc](",
"lessconcepts -!- [Less concepts](",
"lessconcepts3 -!- [Less Concepts 3](",
"librarian -!- [Librarian](",
"lissadron -!- [Lissadron](",
"loom -!- [Loom](",
"lostfutures -!- [Lost Futures](",
"m18s04updateuximprovements+outputmodes -!- [M18s (0.4 update, ux improvements + output modes)](",
"mangl -!- [Mangl](",
"manifold -!- [Manifold](",
"massif -!- [Massif](",
"meadowphysicsnorns -!- [Meadowphysics (norns)](",
"metrix210406 -!- [Metrix (210406)](",
"middy -!- [Middy](",
"midimonitor -!- [MIDI Monitor](",
"miengines -!- [Mi-engines](",
"mlrnorns -!- [mlr (norns)](",
"mollythepoly -!- [Molly the Poly](",
"moln -!- [Moln](",
"monitor -!- [Monitor](",
"mouseupdatedwithusbkeyboard+mouse -!- [Mouse (updated with: usb keyboard + mouse)](",
"msh -!- [Msh](",
"mtdstereomultitapdelayfornornsmother -!- [MTD - stereo multi tap delay for norns mother](",
"mxsamples -!- [Mx.Samples](",
"n16o -!- [N16o](",
"namesizernamesynthesislibrary -!- [Namesizer - name synthesis library](",
"nestv11 -!- [{:.} nest_ (v1.1)](",
"nisp -!- [Nisp](",
"nmmelodymagic -!- [nmMelodyMagic](",
"nmquadrodubber -!- [nmQuadroDubber](",
"nmrain -!- [nmRain](",
"nmsmartypants -!- [nmSmartyPants](",
"nonoa4channelnanoloopinspiredmidisequencerfornorns -!- [Nono - a 4-channel nanoloop-inspired MIDI sequencer for norns](",
"norman -!- [Norman](",
"nornithscrow’sfirstfornorns -!- [Norniths - Crow’s First for Norns](",
"norns+shnthlibrary -!- [Norns + shnth: library](",
"nornsgenerateaclitoolforgeneratingnornsprojectswithcustomengines -!- [Nornsgenerate - a cli tool for generating norns projects with custom engines](",
"nornsmotherorganellepatchesonnorns -!- [Norns Mother (Organelle Patches on Norns)](",
"nornsonline -!- [](",
"nornsscriptsfora64grid -!- [Norns Scripts for a 64 Grid](",
"nts1companionwowearlysuckyversion -!- [NTS-1 companion (wow early sucky version)](",
"nørgårdinfinityseries -!- [Nørgård Infinity Series](",
"onehanded -!- [Onehanded](",
"oooooo -!- [oooooo](",
"oracsidekickpuredataandscfornorns -!- [Orac, Sidekick, Pure Data and SC for Norns](",
"orbitalnorns -!- [Orbital (Norns)](",
"orca -!- [Orca](",
"ortf -!- [Ortf](",
"otis -!- [Otis](",
"p8pico8wrapperlib -!- [P8: PICO-8 wrapper lib](",
"passersby -!- [Passersby](",
"passthrough -!- [Passthrough](",
"patchwork -!- [Patchwork](",
"pedalboardchainablefxfornorns -!- [Pedalboard: Chainable FX for norns](",
"phyllis -!- [Phyllis](",
"pitfalls -!- [Pitfalls](",
"piwip -!- [Piwip](",
"pixels16evenmoremidi -!- [Pixels - 1.6 - even more MIDI](",
"plonky -!- [Plonky](",
"polygrainsapolyphonicgranularsynthesizer -!- [Poly-grains a polyphonic granular synthesizer](",
"pools -!- [Pools](",
"practice -!- [Practice](",
"punchcard -!- [Punchcard](",
"qfwfq -!- [Qfwfq](",
"quence -!- [Quence](",
"quintessence -!- [Quintessence](",
"raindropssimplegenerativesynthsequencer -!- [raindrops: simple generative synth/sequencer](",
"rangl -!- [Rangl](",
"rebound -!- [Rebound](",
"reels -!- [Reels](",
"rmsfilter -!- [RMS filter](",
"rpmate -!- [RPMate](",
"rudimentslofipercussionsynthandsequencerfornorns -!- [Rudiments: lofi percussion synth and sequencer for Norns](",
"sam -!- [Sam](",
"samantha -!- [samantha](",
"samsaraaminimalistlooper -!- [Samsara: a minimalist looper](",
"seaflex -!- [Seaflex](",
"segmentsaudiolooperfornorns -!- [Segments: audio looper for Norns](",
"shapesv100 -!- [Shapes v1.0.0](",
"shellrunner -!- [Shell Runner](",
"shftsrandomsequencerfornornscrowandgrid -!- [Shfts - random sequencer for norns, crow, and grid](",
"showers -!- [Showers](",
"silos -!- [Silos](",
"sines -!- [Sines](",
"skylines -!- [Skylines](",
"spirals -!- [Spirals](",
"stackstereobandpassfilterbankfornorns -!- [Stack: stereo bandpass filterbank for Norns](",
"step -!- [Step](",
"stjörnuíþróttstargazerinspireddrone -!- [Stjörnuíþrótt: Stargazer inspired drone](",
"strides -!- [Strides](",
"strum -!- [Strum](",
"superbrainmultienginemidisequencerforgridamplpx -!- [SuperBrain (Multi Engine Midi Sequencer for grid & LP X)](",
"supercutlib -!- [Supercut (lib)](",
"supertonic -!- [supertonic](",
"sway -!- [Sway](",
"takt -!- [Takt](",
"tambla -!- [Tambla](",
"thearpindex -!- [The Arp Index](",
"there -!- [There](",
"thirtythree -!- [Thirtythree](",
"thumperv001 -!- [Thumper (v0.0.1)](",
"timber -!- [Timber](",
"timeparty -!- [TimeParty](",
"tmi -!- [Tmi](",
"togatouchoscgridandarccontrollerformonomenorns -!- [toga: TouchOSC grid and arc controller for monome norns](",
"torii -!- [Torii](",
"traffic -!- [Traffic](",
"tuner -!- [Tuner](",
"tunnels -!- [Tunnels](",
"tviburar -!- [Tviburar](",
"twinerandomgranulator -!- [Twine: random granulator](",
"uhfnorns -!- [Uhf (norns)](",
"vials -!- [Vials](",
"webfilemanagerfornorns -!- [Web File Manager for Norns](",
"wecollection -!- [We (collection)](",
"wobblewobble -!- [Wobblewobble](",
"wrmsv2 -!- [~ wrms v2 ~~](",
"yggdrasil -!- [Yggdrasil](",
"zellen -!- [Zellen]("
// pulled from
// [ Set([...document.getElementsByTagName('h3')].map(h => h.innerHTML.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/ |:|\[|\]|\(|\)|\-|\{|\}|\~|\—|\.|_|,|!|\\|\/|\&|\;/g, "")).sort())]
const community = [
// pulled from
// [ Set(JSON.parse(document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0].textContent) => proj.project_name.toLowerCase().replace(/ |:|\[|\]|\(|\)|\-|\{|\}|\~|\—|\.|_|,|!|\\|\/|\&|\;/g, "")).sort())]
const packaged = [
const notOnCommunity = library.filter((libElem) => {
return (community.find(comElem => libElem.startsWith(comElem)) === undefined);
}).map(l => l.split(' -!- ')[1])
const notPackaged = library.filter((libElem) => {
return (packaged.find(packElem => libElem.startsWith(packElem)) === undefined);
}).map(l => l.split(' -!- ')[1])
console.log(`[details="library scripts not found on (${notOnCommunity.length})"]
- ${notOnCommunity.join("\n - ")}
[details="library scripts not found in the maiden package manager (${notPackaged.length})"]
- ${notPackaged.join("\n - ")}
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