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Created February 26, 2010 19:16
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  • Save jlogsdon/316045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jlogsdon/316045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[20:00:08] Creating backup of Trac projects
[20:00:08] 10perimeterpark (656815)
[20:00:11] 2115piedmont (800928)
[20:00:12] aaps (1247372)
[20:00:13] acme (578997)
[20:00:14] acs (825498)
[20:00:15] acs-corporate (702622)
[20:00:16] afclients (2225320)
[20:00:17] ajff (6858629)
[20:00:18] alcan (787072)
[20:00:19] alicewilliams (954527)
[20:00:20] alliancemanaged (600227)
[20:00:20] atlantadialogue (877511)
[20:00:21] bdgre (692380)
[20:00:22] beverlyhall (769189)
[20:00:23] bfellman (676000)
[20:00:23] blueview (878747)
[20:00:24] bollscomfort (845981)
[20:00:25] bosimmons (602263)
[20:00:25] bprvs (4961677)
[20:00:26] buckheadheritage (1370775)
[20:00:27] burke (663694)
[20:00:28] cbi (28249656)
[20:00:30] ccl (952469)
[20:00:30] ccmwa (2284984)
[20:00:31] cdcfou (2477208)
[20:00:32] clc (1173662)
[20:00:32] conservancy (1123503)
[20:00:33] conservancy-capcamp (2318866)
[20:00:35] cousins-123wf (874130)
[20:00:37] cousins-avenue (5645586)
[20:00:38] cousins-blalock (22142742)
[20:00:41] cousins-concourse (569835)
[20:00:44] cousins-corporate (1255076)
[20:00:46] cousins-gateway (416536)
[20:00:49] cousins-neighborhoods (306972)
[20:00:51] cousins-portfolio (1426087)
[20:00:51] cousins-resolution (884153)
[20:00:52] cousins-seven-hills (317208)
[20:00:53] cousins-terminus (2476844)
[20:00:54] cwmatthews (696473)
[20:00:54] cwmatthews-sp (1697960)
[20:00:55] dogwood (1118861)
[20:00:56] drupal (838386)
[20:00:57] drupal-demo (1142938)
[20:00:57] duffey (1159363)
[20:00:58] extranet (730960)
[20:00:59] fiderion (821396)
[20:00:59] fig (782483)
[20:01:00] floralpark (669849)
[20:01:01] focusdevinc (612500)
[20:01:04] gain (835743)
[20:01:07] gateway (589981)
[20:01:10] georgian (334586)
[20:01:11] gmtcapital (864409)
[20:01:12] gramercy (824478)
[20:01:14] greenway (1705640)
[20:01:23] growyourcause (659898)
[20:01:27] habersham (1011870)
[20:01:30] habershamapts (654501)
[20:01:32] herschend (876715)
[20:01:36] howardschool (615055)
[20:01:39] incharge (341751)
[20:01:41] ipl (578190)
[20:01:41] jlwine (2483577)
[20:01:42] justinbarnes (1408655)
[20:01:43] kdc (3438265)
[20:01:45] kliklok (1097874)
[20:01:45] lancope (4591919)
[20:01:46] lexunique (861341)
[20:01:47] lsfabrics (6457133)
[20:01:48] mahancellars (825493)
[20:01:48] main (16617693)
[20:01:51] manhattancondos (712867)
[20:01:52] marketpro (854167)
[20:01:52] mbros (589976)
[20:01:53] metaleadership (677306)
[20:01:54] moncrief (1038170)
[20:01:55] naturalbody (1337433)
[20:01:58] parkersburg (5034038)
[20:02:01] peridot (645266)
[20:02:02] pollack (745627)
[20:02:03] rasiegel (1026211)
[20:02:03] rockwoodpellets (729243)
[20:02:04] sbcharch (751800)
[20:02:05] scg (630928)
[20:02:06] secp (682146)
[20:02:06] sjrep (1663119)
[20:02:07] starcare (625820)
[20:02:08] thebenedicts (610461)
[20:02:09] tmp (576132)
[20:02:10] uniqueindoorcomfort (1228215)
[20:02:10] utilities (671899)
[20:02:11] wac (663707)
[20:02:12] watersmart (1020060)
[20:02:12] webforms (3163635)
[20:02:13] whitehead (1720451)
[20:02:14] whitep (1498565)
[20:02:14] wildadventures (1822881)
[20:02:15] winecellarsonline (647321)
[20:02:16] Creating backup of Subversion projects
[20:02:19] 10perimeterpark (17148522)
[20:02:23] 2115piedmont (12609894)
[20:04:28] aaps (146956290)
[20:04:29] acme (715)
[20:04:38] acs (9825616)
[20:04:42] acs-corporate (3847723)
[20:22:46] afclients (630837501)
[20:52:23] ajff (1097090897)
[20:52:41] alcan (9371839)
[20:56:11] alicewilliams (131563852)
[20:56:13] alliancemanaged (2203055)
[20:56:33] atlantadialogue (7401142)
[20:56:43] bdgre (8379019)
[20:56:57] beverlyhall (8278910)
[20:57:01] bfellman (2943076)
[20:57:18] blueview (7413949)
[20:57:22] bollscomfort (5023228)
[20:57:25] bosimmons (3433865)
[21:05:43] bprvs (313212939)
[21:06:43] buckheadheritage (38363044)
[21:06:46] burke (3836926)
[21:16:36] cbi (377286876)
[21:16:38] cbi-libs (5655)
[21:16:55] ccl (13216247)
[21:17:32] ccmwa (33064858)
[21:17:45] cdcf-broken (4434085)
[21:22:31] cdcfou (195582934)
[21:22:42] clc (9383573)
[21:22:42] conservancy (924850)
[21:24:22] conservancy-capcamp (61353401)
[21:26:00] cousins-123wf (67932947)
[21:44:19] cousins-avenue (841521215)
[21:56:44] cousins-blalock (420391423)
[21:56:46] cousins-concourse (7649201)
[21:58:18] cousins-corporate (139597870)
[21:58:41] cousins-gateway (19966206)
[21:58:41] cousins-neighborhoods (716)
[21:58:50] cousins-resolution (6698039)
[22:00:25] cousins-seven-hills (66571350)
[22:04:52] cousins-terminus (172857755)
[22:05:07] cousins_landholdings (27526254)
[22:05:18] cwmatthews (6365497)
[22:05:41] cwmatthews-sp (11851984)
[22:06:54] dogwood (51935343)
[22:07:44] drupal (24611556)
[22:08:38] drupal-demo (44472667)
[22:08:38] drupal-module-development (1722)
[22:08:41] drupal-modules (3540128)
[22:08:46] duffey (5629580)
[22:08:48] extranet (1250933)
[22:09:06] fiderion (8664338)
[22:10:10] fig (43566699)
[22:10:10] floralpark (1502212)
[22:10:42] focusdevinc (14061403)
[22:10:43] forpetessake (455724)
[22:11:26] gain (33013366)
[22:11:27] gateway (714)
[22:14:13] georgian (99312225)
[22:14:39] gmtcapital (22135364)
[22:14:50] gramercy (10655675)
[22:14:55] greenway (2434526)
[22:15:03] growyourcause (6183647)
[22:16:57] habersham (71423657)
[22:17:03] habershamapts (6828839)
[22:17:31] herschend (15015878)
[22:17:55] howardschool (11495931)
[22:17:55] incharge (716)
[22:17:55] ipl (716)
[22:24:05] jlwine (238780222)
[22:24:36] justinbarnes (32822330)
[22:24:36] jwalker (65546)
[22:35:11] kdc (401259136)
[22:42:41] kliklok (302213847)
[23:12:45] lancope (1353228325)
[23:12:52] lexunique (5322176)
[23:37:04] lsfabrics (812746269)
[23:37:57] mahancellars (46270287)
[23:38:02] manhattancondos (6452356)
[23:38:03] mantistest (1852)
[23:38:21] marketpro (17691274)
[23:38:26] mbros (3998493)
[23:38:30] metaleadership (4918449)
[23:38:55] moncrief (5174202)
[23:41:24] naturalbody (96998059)
[23:45:27] parkersburg (172035958)
[23:45:59] peridot (21473848)
[23:46:02] pollack (3480766)
[23:46:52] rasiegel (25365572)
[23:46:53] rockwoodpellets (3593541)
[23:47:09] sbcharch (24460137)
[23:47:10] scg (2668860)
[23:47:22] secp (8062211)
[23:59:00] sjrep (428664789)
[23:59:05] starcare (5010218)
[23:59:08] terminus (838505)
[23:59:08] testrepos (716)
[23:59:14] thebenedicts (1590712)
[23:59:24] (8711364)
[23:59:24] tmp (716)
[23:59:24] tmp1 (716)
[23:59:45] uniqueindoorcomfort (9807492)
[23:59:46] utilities (334611)
[23:59:54] wac (7014794)
[00:01:02] watersmart (33020806)
[00:07:07] webforms (287911524)
[00:08:06] whitehead (57141147)
[00:08:06] whitep (715)
[00:09:15] whiteprovision (50545100)
[00:12:54] wildadventures (145440447)
[00:13:03] winecellarsonline (8260844)
[00:13:03] Creating backup of MySQL databases
[00:13:05] aaps (485780)
[00:13:05] achievo (6034)
[00:13:06] aj_bprvs_com (88520)
[00:13:13] ajff-demo (940170)
[00:13:21] ajff2010 (984052)
[00:13:25] ajff_com (946891)
[00:13:27] ajff_jlogsdon (662045)
[00:13:35] ajff_org (1091370)
[00:13:43] ajff_sales_demo (1038946)
[00:13:43] atlantadialogue (36104)
[00:13:44] atrium (255559)
[00:13:44] bar (414)
[00:13:45] beta_bprvs_com (378604)
[00:13:45] beverlyhall_com (3275)
[00:13:45] blueview (1110)
[00:13:45] buckheadheritage (128226)
[00:13:45] bugger (1006)
[00:13:45] burkecapital_com (5698)
[00:13:46] cbi (43069)
[00:13:50] cbi_drupal (283887)
[00:13:50] ccmwa (45416)
[00:13:55] cdcfoundation (202557)
[00:13:55] clc (37868)
[00:13:55] clnet_new (1862)
[00:15:29] clnet_old (11857141)
[00:15:29] conservancy (37593)
[00:15:30] cousins-123wf (372975)
[00:15:31] cousins-terminus (561583)
[00:15:33] cousins-terminus-prod (630762)
[00:15:43] cousins_portfolio (2189137)
[00:15:43] cwma (5204)
[00:15:45] cwma_sp (1299881)
[00:15:57] cwmatthews_contractors (1299383)
[00:15:57] database (418)
[00:15:58] dogwood (319981)
[00:15:58] domain (1629)
[00:15:58] drupal-test (26109)
[00:15:59] drupal_demo (205408)
[00:16:01] drupal_extranet (142985)
[00:16:02] drupal_modules (130563)
[00:16:03] drupal_test (67485)
[00:16:03] duffey_com (81263)
[00:16:03] extranet (3849)
[00:16:03] floralpark (1032)
[00:16:12] focusdevinc_com (4694753)
[00:16:12] gmtcapital_com (39849)
[00:16:12] gofish_com (1877)
[00:16:12] growyourcause (788)
[00:16:13] inventory_jlwine_com (253987)
[00:16:28] jlogsdon_clnet (3781756)
[00:16:28] jlogsdon_drupal7 (438)
[00:16:28] jlogsdon_drupal76 (440)
[00:16:29] jlwine_com (943846)
[00:16:30] justinbarnes_drupal (333704)
[00:16:30] jwalker (1247)
[00:16:30] kdc (96792)
[00:16:56] lsfabrics (6138559)
[00:16:56] mahancellars (511710)
[00:16:56] moncrief (1945)
[00:16:57] mydb (1753)
[00:16:57] mysql (100526)
[00:16:57] parkersburg (136385)
[00:17:14] parkersburg_backup (2311869)
[00:17:15] parkersburg_com (229924)
[00:17:30] parkersburg_dev (3203078)
[00:17:30] pollack (3122)
[00:17:30] rasiegel_com (14005)
[00:17:31] rockwoodpellets (7398)
[00:18:14] shoptheave (12770257)
[00:18:42] shoptheave_stage (12211366)
[00:18:44] sjrep_com (3625810)
[00:18:44] starcare (207042)
[00:18:45] strategicconsultgroup_com (7301)
[00:18:45] test (1917)
[00:18:45] test_cwma_sp (761)
[00:18:45] thebenedicts_com (199621)
[00:18:45] time_tracker (6779)
[00:18:46] trac_tickets (425767)
[00:18:46] w2p (18491)
[00:18:47] water_smart (428)
[00:18:47] watersmart (1117409)
[00:18:47] watersmart_net (1117543)
[00:18:47] webforms_dev (3008)
[00:18:48] webforms_new (1359)
[00:18:48] webforms_old (2345)
[00:18:48] webforms_v1_0 (429777)
[00:26:40] webforms_v2 (38858596)
[00:26:43] wf_Braden_Fellman (8644054)
[00:26:43] wf_CW_Matthews (90659)
[00:26:44] wf_Cool_Blue_Interactive (394234)
[00:26:44] wf_Greater_Parkersburg (97021)
[00:26:45] wf_Manhattan_Condos (274740)
[00:26:45] wf_Moncrief_Air (173843)
[00:26:52] wf_Natural_Body (10127357)
[00:26:52] wf_Temp (1715)
[00:26:52] white_provision (434)
[00:26:55] whitehead (2721905)
[00:26:55] whiteheadassoc_com (5714)
[00:26:56] whiteprovision (2168)
[00:26:56] wildflower (33176)
[00:26:56] winecellarsonline_net (83331)
[00:26:56] Creating backup of non-versioned files in /home
[00:26:58] afore/aaps is all committed
[00:26:58] afore/bdgre is all committed
[00:26:59] afore/beverlyhall has 1 files
[00:27:00] afore/bollscomfort has 2 files
[00:27:00] afore/burke has 16 files
[00:27:00] afore/cbi has 3 files
[00:27:02] afore/ccmwa is all committed
[00:27:02] afore/cdcf-2009 has 1 files
[00:27:07] afore/cdcfou is all committed
[00:27:12] afore/cousins-avenue has 1 files
[00:27:12] afore/cousins-avenues is all committed
[00:27:12] afore/cousins-blalock is all committed
[00:30:43] afore/cousins-blalock-preoct09 has 1 files
[00:30:43] afore/cousins-concourse has 1 files
[00:30:44] afore/cousins-corporate is all committed
[00:30:44] afore/cousins-resolution has 3 files
[00:30:45] afore/cousins-terminus has 1 files
[00:30:46] afore/cousins_landholdings is all committed
[00:30:46] afore/cswf-capcamp is all committed
[00:30:46] afore/cwmatthews has 10 files
[00:30:47] afore/duffey has 1 files
[00:30:47] afore/extranet has 1 files
[00:30:48] afore/fiderion has 4 files
[00:30:48] afore/fig has 2 files
[00:30:48] afore/georgian has 5 files
[00:30:48] afore/gramercy has 1 files
[00:30:49] afore/greenway has 7 files
[00:30:49] afore/habershamapts has 1 files
[00:30:49] afore/herschend is all committed
[00:30:50] afore/justinbarnes has 1 files
[00:30:53] afore/lancope has 22 files
[00:30:54] afore/lexunique has 2 files
[00:31:15] afore/lsfabrics has 15 files
[00:31:15] afore/mobile-cbi has 1 files
[00:31:16] afore/moncrief has 2 files
[00:31:16] afore/scg has 1 files
[00:31:16] afore/thebenedicts has 9 files
[00:31:17] afore/watersmart is all committed
[00:31:18] afore/webforms is all committed
[00:31:18] afore/wf-v2 has 2 files
[00:31:18] afore/whitehead has 2 files
[00:31:20] afore/whiteprovision has 7 files
[00:31:20] backup has no dev directory
[00:31:20] demo/10-term-landing is all committed
[00:31:20] demo/10perimeterpark is all committed
[00:31:20] demo/2115piedmont is all committed
[00:31:22] demo/aaps is all committed
[00:31:22] demo/acme is all committed
[00:31:22] demo/acs is all committed
[00:31:22] demo/acs-corporate is all committed
[00:31:27] demo/afclients is all committed
[00:31:36] demo/ajff has 18 files
[00:31:40] demo/ajff-demo has 1 files
[00:31:43] demo/ajff2010 is all committed
[00:31:43] demo/alcan is all committed
[00:31:43] demo/alicewilliams is all committed
[00:31:43] demo/alliancemanaged is all committed
[00:31:44] demo/atlantadialogue is all committed
[00:31:44] demo/bdgre is all committed
[00:31:44] demo/beverlyhall is all committed
[00:31:44] demo/bfellman is all committed
[00:31:45] demo/blueview is all committed
[00:31:45] demo/bollscomfort is all committed
[00:31:49] demo/bprvs is all committed
[00:31:51] demo/buckheadheritage is all committed
[00:31:51] demo/burke is all committed
[00:31:52] demo/cbi is all committed
[00:31:53] demo/cbi-sniffer is all committed
[00:31:53] demo/cbim is all committed
[00:31:53] demo/ccl is all committed
[00:31:55] demo/ccmwa has 18 files
[00:31:55] demo/cdcf-2009 is all committed
[00:31:55] demo/cdcf-broken is all committed
[00:31:59] demo/cdcfou is all committed
[00:32:00] demo/clc is all committed
[00:32:00] demo/conservancy is all committed
[00:32:01] demo/conservancy-capcamp is all committed
[00:32:06] demo/cousins-123wf has 2 files
[00:32:14] demo/cousins-avenue has 8 files
[00:32:15] demo/cousins-blalock is all committed
[00:32:16] demo/cousins-corporate is all committed
[00:32:16] demo/cousins-resolution is all committed
[00:32:16] demo/cousins-seven-hills is all committed
[00:32:34] demo/cousins-terminus has 82 files
[00:32:38] demo/cousins_landholdings is all committed
[00:32:38] demo/cwmatthews is all committed
[00:32:39] demo/cwmatthews-sp is all committed
[00:32:39] demo/dogwood is all committed
[00:32:40] demo/duffey is all committed
[00:32:41] demo/extranet is all committed
[00:32:41] demo/fiderion is all committed
[00:32:42] demo/fig is all committed
[00:32:42] demo/floralpark is all committed
[00:32:42] demo/focusdevinc is all committed
[00:32:42] demo/forpetessake is all committed
[00:32:42] demo/gain is all committed
[00:32:42] demo/gateway is all committed
[00:32:42] demo/georgian is all committed
[00:32:43] demo/gmtcapital is all committed
[00:32:43] demo/gramercy is all committed
[00:32:43] demo/greenway is all committed
[00:32:43] demo/growyourcause is all committed
[00:32:44] demo/habersham is all committed
[00:32:44] demo/habershamapts is all committed
[00:32:44] demo/herschend is all committed
[00:32:44] demo/howardschool is all committed
[00:32:44] demo/ipl is all committed
[00:32:45] demo/justinbarnes is all committed
[00:32:45] demo/kdc is all committed
[00:32:47] demo/kliklok is all committed
[00:32:50] demo/lancope is all committed
[00:32:51] demo/lexunique is all committed
[00:33:15] demo/lsfabrics is all committed
[00:33:15] demo/mahancellars is all committed
[00:33:15] demo/manhattancondos is all committed
[00:33:15] demo/mantistest is all committed
[00:33:16] demo/marketpro is all committed
[00:33:16] demo/mbros is all committed
[00:33:16] demo/metaleadership is all committed
[00:33:17] demo/moncrief is all committed
[00:33:17] demo/naturalbody is all committed
[00:33:22] demo/old-parkersburg has 4 files
[00:33:23] demo/old-whitehead is all committed
[00:33:25] demo/parkersburg has 1 files
[00:33:25] demo/peridot is all committed
[00:33:25] demo/pollack is all committed
[00:33:26] demo/rasiegel is all committed
[00:33:26] demo/rockwoodpellets is all committed
[00:33:26] demo/sbcharch is all committed
[00:33:27] demo/scg is all committed
[00:33:27] demo/secp is all committed
[00:33:29] demo/sjrep is all committed
[00:33:29] demo/starcare is all committed
[00:33:29] demo/terminus is all committed
[00:33:30] demo/thebenedicts is all committed
[00:33:30] demo/ is all committed
[00:33:30] demo/uniqueindoorcomfort is all committed
[00:33:30] demo/wac is all committed
[00:33:31] demo/watersmart is all committed
[00:33:32] demo/webforms is all committed
[00:33:34] demo/whitehead has 4 files
[00:33:35] demo/whitep is all committed
[00:33:35] demo/whiteprovision is all committed
[00:33:37] demo/wildadventures is all committed
[00:33:38] demo/winecellarsonline is all committed
[00:33:38] jcraddock has no dev directory
[00:33:38] jlogsdon/ajff is not a subversion project
[00:33:38] jlogsdon/alcan is not a subversion project
[00:33:39] jlogsdon/amt-cousins-123wf has 2 files
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/amt-cousins-terminus is all committed
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/atrium is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/bdgre is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/bprvs is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/buckheadheritage is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/bugger is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cbi is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cbi-utilities is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/ccmwa is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cdcfou is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/chrome is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/clnet is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cousins-123wf is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cousins-avenue is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cousins-blalock is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cousins-corporate is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cousins-gateway is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cousins-portfolio is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cousins-resolution is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cousins-terminus is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/cwmatthews is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/drupal is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/drupal-7 is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/drupal-extranet is not a subversion project
[00:33:40] jlogsdon/extranet is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/fig is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/find-large is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/fw is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/github is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/habershamapts is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/lsfabrics is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/myadmin is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/parkersburg is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/pma is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/rasiegel is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/scg is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/static is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/test is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/timer is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/tmp is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/web2project is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/webforms is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/whitehead is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jlogsdon/whiteprovision is not a subversion project
[00:33:41] jwalker has no dev directory
[00:33:41] kfore has no dev directory
[00:33:41] Total backup size: 10391651073
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