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Created January 4, 2016 17:57
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Writing Generic Components

The React community has gone through several patterns for how to compose React components, but it generally has settled on a few techniques. Which one you use depends on the type of component you are building.

Using props.children

The simplest way to make a component more generic is to allow customize of its contents. This is super easy with React, you can just use the this.props.children to access any elements passed in as children:

const Square = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return dom.div({ style: {...}},

// Square({}, dom.div({}, "Hello!"))

Components/Functions as Props

Sometimes you want more control over how the elements are created, so you can accept a component or a function as a property. If you accept a component, you can instantiate it however you like. This is useful if you are building a component like a list, where the user can pass in any kind of row component they wish.

If you accept a function, you can still instantiate it however you like but the user can dynamically change the component per-call.

const List = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return dom.div(
      { className: 'list' }, => {
        React.createElement(this.props.rowComponent, { item })

// List({ items: items, rowComponent: React.createClass(...) })

// Or accept a function: => {
  React.createElement(this.props.getRowComponent(item), { item })

// List({ items: items, getRowComponent: item => { ... } })

Hgher-order Components

The last and most advanced technique is create a higher-order component. These are powerful because it allows you to separate out behaviors into individual components and apply them wherever you want.

A higher-order component is just like a higher-order function: it is a component that is created from another component. The interface for doing this still just a function: you pass in a component and you get back the higher-order component.

For example, assume we have the same List component above but we only want to render the items in view. Let's create a pagedList function that adds this basic optimization. Here's what it looks like (and this is untested code):

function pagedList(list) {
  return React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
      return { currentIndex: 0 }

    updateIndex: function() {
      // Calculate new index...
      this.setState({ currentIndex: newIndex });

    render: function() {
      const { currentIndex } = this.state;
      if(this.props.pageSize) {
        const slice = this.props.items.slice(
          currentIndex + this.props.pageSize
        React.createElement(list, {
          items: slice,
          onScroll: this.updateIndex
      else {
        React.createElement(list, { items: this.props.items })

Usually higher-order components are created when exporting a simple component. So in the List component definition, instead of just exporting List we would do:

module.exports = pagedList(List)

The point is, we don't care what kind of list this is. Maybe you have 10 different kinds of lists. They can all benefit from this optimization now.

The connect function provided by react-redux is another example of a higher-order component function.

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