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Last active February 24, 2020 20:30
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recover from deleted puppet environments

when publishing a content view if you get:

Validation failed: Puppet environment can't be blank


ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Name has already been taken

Run the following to recover:

# foreman-rake console

User.current = User.anonymous_api_admin
location = ::Location.find_by_title(::Setting[:default_location_puppet_content])

Katello::ContentViewPuppetEnvironment.where(:puppet_environment_id => nil).where("environment_id is not null").each do |cvpe|
  env = Environment.where(:name => cvpe.generate_puppet_env_name).first
  if env.nil?
    env = Environment.create(:name => cvpe.generate_puppet_env_name, :locations => [location], :organizations => [cvpe.content_view.organization])
  env.organizations << cvpe.content_view.organization unless env.organizations.include?(cvpe.content_view.organization)
  location = ::Location.find_by_title(::Setting[:default_location_puppet_content])
  env.locations << location unless env.locations.include?(location)
  cvpe.puppet_environment = env!
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