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Created October 23, 2023 19:56
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Snippet to convert between Unicode and LaTeX representations of logical propositions.
import re
# Mapping of Unicode characters to LaTeX expressions
"∀": "\\forall",
"∃": "\\exists",
"→": "\\rightarrow",
"↔": "\\leftrightarrow",
"¬": "\\neg",
"∧": "\\land",
"∨": "\\lor",
# Add more mappings if needed
def to_latex(expression: str) -> str:
Convert a logical expression with Unicode characters into its LaTeX representation.
- expression (str): The logical expression containing Unicode characters.
- str: The LaTeX representation of the given expression.
>>> to_latex("∀x∀y(Congruent(x,y) → SameArea(x,y))")
'\\forall{}x\\forall{}y(Congruent(x,y) \\rightarrow SameArea(x,y))'
for char, latex in MAPPING.items():
expression = expression.replace(char, latex + _LATEX_POST_ENTITY)
# Convert predicates to \text{\textsc{Predicate}} format
expression = re.sub(r'([A-Za-z]+)\(', r'\\text{\\textsc{\1}}(', expression)
return expression
def from_latex(expression: str) -> str:
Convert a LaTeX logical expression into its Unicode representation.
- expression (str): The LaTeX representation of a logical expression.
- str: The logical expression with Unicode characters.
>>> from_latex('\\forall{}x\\forall{}y(Congruent(x,y) \\rightarrow SameArea(x,y))')
'∀x∀y(Congruent(x,y) → SameArea(x,y))'
reversed_mapping = {latex: char for char, latex in MAPPING.items()}
for latex, char in reversed_mapping.items():
expression = expression.replace(latex, char)
# Remove \s*{\s*}\s* from from expression using re
expression = re.sub(r'\\s*\{\s*\}\s*', '', expression)
# Convert \text{\textsc{Predicate}} format to predicates
expression = re.sub(r'\\text{\\textsc{([A-Za-z]+)}}\(', r'\1(', expression)
return expression
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Test
options = [
"∀x∀y(Congruent(x,y) → SameArea(x,y))",
"∀x∀y(Congruent(x,y) ↔ SameArea(x,y))",
# ... (rest of the options)
latex_options = [to_latex(option) for option in options]
for option in latex_options:
print("\nInverse conversion:")
for option in latex_options:
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