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Created July 5, 2019 02:41
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Python method to format a string with missing keys.
Author: Jérémie Lumbroso <>
Date: 2019-07-03
# Define replacement f"..." compatible with Python 2 and 3
_f = _make_f(globals=lambda: globals(), locals=lambda: locals())
# Use:
s = "Test"
var = 1
assert _f("{s} {var}") == "Test 1"
# Inside a non-global scope, you may have to provide locals
def test():
l_s = "Test"
l_var = 1
assert _f("{l_s} {l_var} / {s} {var}") == "{l_s} {l_var} / Test 1"
assert _f("{l_s} {l_var} / {s} {var}", **locals()) == "Test 1 / Test 1"
This example shows how to use the Pythonic paradigm of "asking for
forgiveness" to handle format strings that contain missing keys.
In this snippet, it is possible either to:
- throw an exception, the standardbehavior, with MissingFormatKey.ERROR;
- replace the missing key with a blank string, with MissingFormatKey.REMOVE;
- replace the key with "{keyname}" so that a further substitution will work
as expected, with MissingFormatKey.REMAIN.
Note that with MissingFormatKey.REMAIN does not support format strings with
additional qualifiers (such as "{key:.5}").
# Python 3
from enum import Enum as _Enum
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
no_enum = True
# Python 2 fallbacks
from aenum import Enum as _Enum
no_enum = False
except ImportError:
from enum34 import Enum as _Enum
no_enum = False
except ImportError:
if no_enum:
raise RuntimeError(
This package requires an `Enum` object type. These are available
as part of the standard library in Python 3.4+, but otherwise
require a third-party library, either `enum34` or `aenum`.
=> You can install it with `pip` or `pipenv`:
pip install --user aenum
pipenv install aenum
# =============================================================================
class DocEnum(_Enum):
def __init__(self, value, doc):
# type: (str, str) -> None
except TypeError: # pragma: no cover
# Python 2: the super() syntax was only introduced in Python 3.x
super(DocEnum, self).__init__()
self._value_ = value
self.__doc__ = doc
def is_noarg_callable(obj):
# type: Any -> bool
return False
return True
# =============================================================================
class MissingFormatKey(DocEnum):
Describes all possible ways that the formatting helper method can address
the problem of missing format keys.
ERROR = "missing-keys-error", "Missing format keys throw an error."
REMAIN = "missing-keys-remain", """
Missing format keys are unaffected, and
can be filled by a later formatting call
REMOVE = "missing-keys-remove", "Missing format keys are removed."
# =============================================================================
def _make_f(globals, locals):
def _f(s, missing=MissingFormatKey.REMAIN, **kwargs):
Formats a string using the local and global symbols available.
Suppresses any warning that is not related to string formatting.
# Resolve the arguments (may be dictionaries or callables)
g = globals
l = locals
if is_noarg_callable(g):
g = g()
if is_noarg_callable(l):
l = l()
# Make the substitution if the string provided is not empty
if s:
return s.format(**kwargs, **g, **l)
except KeyError as err:
missing_key = err.args[0]
missing_key_val = None
if missing == MissingFormatKey.ERROR:
# Re-raise the error
elif missing == MissingFormatKey.REMAIN:
# Replace the missing key by {missing key} so it can
# still be substituted by a subsequent call.
missing_key_val = "{{{key}}}".format(key=missing_key)
elif missing == MissingFormatKey.REMOVE:
# Remove the pattern for the missing key
missing_key_val = ""
new_kw = { missing_key: missing_key_val }
return _f(
except ValueError:
return _f
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