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Created February 14, 2024 03:06
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Script to push a folder (such as the output of a static website generator) directly to a branch (such as "gh-pages") of a repository.
# Automatic gh-pages site updater
# Author: Jérémie Lumbroso <>
# Date: February 13, 2024
# This script automates updating a GitHub Pages site hosted on the gh-pages branch
# of a repository. It takes a local folder containing the static site content and
# synchronizes it with the gh-pages branch.
# Usage:
# $0 <content_folder> <github_username/repo>
# Example:
# $0 public integrimark/blog
# Check if the correct number of arguments were passed
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <folder> <repo>"
echo "Example: $0 public integrimark/hugo-landing-page"
exit 1
FOLDER=$(realpath "$1") # Ensure we have the absolute path of the folder
TMP_REPO_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
# Check $FOLDER exists and is not empty before proceeding
if [ ! -d "$FOLDER" ] || [ -z "$(ls -A "$FOLDER")" ]; then
echo "The folder is empty or does not exist."
exit 1
# Ensure the temporary directory exists
if [[ ! "$TMP_REPO_DIR" || ! -d "$TMP_REPO_DIR" ]]; then
echo "Could not create temp directory."
exit 1
function cleanup {
rm -rf "$TMP_REPO_DIR"
echo "Cleaned up temporary directory."
# Register the cleanup function to be called on the EXIT signal
trap cleanup EXIT
# Attempt to clone the gh-pages branch. If it doesn't exist, initialize a new repo and create an orphan gh-pages branch.
if git clone --branch $BRANCH "$REPO.git" "$TMP_REPO_DIR"; then
echo "Cloned existing gh-pages branch."
echo "gh-pages branch does not exist, creating..."
mkdir -p "$TMP_REPO_DIR"
cd "$TMP_REPO_DIR" || exit
git init
git checkout --orphan $BRANCH
# Syncing the gh-pages branch with the folder content
rsync -av --delete --exclude '.git' "$FOLDER/" "$TMP_REPO_DIR/"
cd "$TMP_REPO_DIR" || exit
# Check if there are any changes. If so, commit and push them.
if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then
git add .
git commit -m "Update gh-pages"
# Ensure the remote is set to the target repository
git remote add origin "$REPO.git"
git push -u origin $BRANCH
echo "No changes to commit."
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