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Created February 14, 2014 21:20
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A simple template for writing Nagios plugin in Python
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Nagios plugin template
# Notes
# - The RHEL boxes I work on are currently limited to Python 2.6.6, hence the
# use of (deprecated) optparse. If I can ever get them all updated to
# Python 2.7 (or better yet, 3.3), I'll switch to argparse
# - This template runs in 2.6-3.3. Any changes made will need to be appropriate
# to the Python distro you want to use
__author__ = 'Your Name Here'
__version__= 0.1
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
import logging as log
## These will override any args passed to the script normally. Comment out after testing.
#testargs = '--help'
#testargs = '--version'
#testargs = '-vvv'
def main():
""" Main plugin logic goes here """
## Parse command-line arguments
args, args2 = parse_args()
## Uncomment to test logging levels against verbosity settings
# log.debug('debug message')
#'info message')
# log.warning('warning message')
# log.error('error message')
# log.critical('critical message')
# log.fatal('fatal message')
def parse_args():
""" Parse command-line arguments """
parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [-v|vv|vvv] [options]',
version='{0}: v.{1} by {2}'.format('%prog', __version__, __author__))
## Verbosity (want this first, so it's right after --help and --version)
parser.add_option('-v', help='Set verbosity level',
action='count', default=0, dest='v')
## CLI arguments specific to this script
group = OptionGroup(parser,'Plugin Options')
group.add_option('-x', '--extra', help='Your option here',
## Common CLI arguments
#parser.add_option('-c', '--critical', help='Set the critical threshold. Default: %(default)s',
# default=97, type=float, dest='crit', metavar='##')
#parser.add_option('-w', '--warning', help='Set the warning threshold. Default: %(default)s',
# default=95, type=float, dest='warn', metavar='##')
## Try to parse based on the testargs variable. If it doesn't exist, use args
args, args2 = parser.parse_args(testargs.split())
except NameError:
args, args2 = parser.parse_args()
## Set the logging level based on the -v arg
log.getLogger().setLevel([log.ERROR, log.WARN, log.INFO, log.DEBUG][args.v])
log.debug('Parsed arguments: {0}'.format(args))
log.debug('Other arguments: {0}'.format(args2))
return args, args2
def gtfo(exitcode, message=''):
""" Exit gracefully with exitcode and (optional) message """
log.debug('Exiting with status {0}. Message: {1}'.format(exitcode, message))
if message:
if __name__ == '__main__':
## Initialize logging before hitting main, in case we need extra debuggability
log.basicConfig(level=log.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(funcName)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
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