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Created September 2, 2016 21:56
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- name: read config
when: version is not defined
shell: "cat {{ working_dir }}/app/config/config.yml"
register: config
changed_when: no
- name: set version
when: version is not defined
set_fact: version="{{ (config.stdout|from_yaml).parameters.project.version }}"
- name: set build dir
set_fact: build_dir="{{ temp_dir|default('/tmp') }}/argonbook_{{ version }}"
- name: clone working dir
repo: "{{ working_dir }}"
dest: "{{ build_dir }}"
version: "{{ version }}"
- name: install node modules
command: npm install --only=production
chdir: "{{ build_dir }}"
creates: "{{ build_dir }}/node_modules/"
- name: install bower components
command: bower install --production
chdir: "{{ build_dir }}"
creates: "{{ build_dir }}/bower_components/"
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