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Created July 18, 2023 15:44
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from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set # noqa
import ipdb # type: ignore
class Node:
def __init__(self):
self.nexts: List[int] = []
self.incoming_edge_count: int = 0
def add_next(self, next: int):
class Solution:
def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
graph: defaultdict[int, Node] = defaultdict(Node)
topo_list: List[Node] = []
for next_course, prereq in prerequisites:
graph[next_course].incoming_edge_count += 1
q: deque[int] = deque()
for course in graph.keys():
if graph[course].incoming_edge_count == 0:
while len(q) > 0:
cur_course = q.pop()
for next_course in graph[cur_course].nexts:
graph[next_course].incoming_edge_count -= 1
if graph[next_course].incoming_edge_count == 0:
return len(topo_list) == len(graph)
def canFinishDFS(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
if len(prerequisites) == 0:
return True
courses = {i: Node(val=i) for i in range(0, numCourses)}
for course, prereq in prerequisites:
taken: Set[int] = set()
checked: Set[int] = set()
def _has_cycles(node: Node) -> bool:
if node.val in checked:
return False
if node.val in taken:
return True
val = False
for next in node.nexts:
val = _has_cycles(next)
if val:
return val
for node in courses.values():
if _has_cycles(node):
return False
return True
class TestCase:
input: List[List[int]]
expected_output: bool
numCourses: int
def main():
testCases = [
TestCase(numCourses=2, input=[[1, 0]], expected_output=True),
TestCase(numCourses=2, input=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], expected_output=False),
TestCase(numCourses=5, input=[[1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 1], [3, 2]], expected_output=True),
TestCase(numCourses=5, input=[[1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 1], [3, 2]], expected_output=True),
[1, 0],
[2, 0],
[2, 1],
[3, 1],
[3, 2],
[4, 2],
[4, 3],
[5, 3],
[5, 4],
[6, 4],
[6, 5],
[7, 5],
[7, 6],
[8, 6],
[8, 7],
[9, 7],
[9, 8],
[10, 8],
[10, 9],
[11, 9],
[11, 10],
[12, 10],
[12, 11],
[13, 11],
[13, 12],
[14, 12],
[14, 13],
[15, 13],
[15, 14],
[16, 14],
[16, 15],
[17, 15],
[17, 16],
[18, 16],
[18, 17],
[19, 17],
[19, 18],
[20, 18],
[20, 19],
[21, 19],
[21, 20],
[22, 20],
[22, 21],
[23, 21],
[23, 22],
[24, 22],
[24, 23],
[25, 23],
[25, 24],
[26, 24],
[26, 25],
[27, 25],
[27, 26],
[28, 26],
[28, 27],
[29, 27],
[29, 28],
[30, 28],
[30, 29],
[31, 29],
[31, 30],
[32, 30],
[32, 31],
[33, 31],
[33, 32],
[34, 32],
[34, 33],
[35, 33],
[35, 34],
[36, 34],
[36, 35],
[37, 35],
[37, 36],
[38, 36],
[38, 37],
[39, 37],
[39, 38],
[40, 38],
[40, 39],
[41, 39],
[41, 40],
[42, 40],
[42, 41],
[43, 41],
[43, 42],
[44, 42],
[44, 43],
[45, 43],
[45, 44],
[46, 44],
[46, 45],
[47, 45],
[47, 46],
[48, 46],
[48, 47],
[49, 47],
[49, 48],
[50, 48],
[50, 49],
[51, 49],
[51, 50],
[52, 50],
[52, 51],
[53, 51],
[53, 52],
[54, 52],
[54, 53],
[55, 53],
[55, 54],
[56, 54],
[56, 55],
[57, 55],
[57, 56],
[58, 56],
[58, 57],
[59, 57],
[59, 58],
[60, 58],
[60, 59],
[61, 59],
[61, 60],
[62, 60],
[62, 61],
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[71, 70],
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[72, 71],
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[73, 72],
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[75, 73],
[75, 74],
[76, 74],
[76, 75],
[77, 75],
[77, 76],
[78, 76],
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[79, 77],
[79, 78],
[80, 78],
[80, 79],
[81, 79],
[81, 80],
[82, 80],
[82, 81],
[83, 81],
[83, 82],
[84, 82],
[84, 83],
[85, 83],
[85, 84],
[86, 84],
[86, 85],
[87, 85],
[87, 86],
[88, 86],
[88, 87],
[89, 87],
[89, 88],
[90, 88],
[90, 89],
[91, 89],
[91, 90],
[92, 90],
[92, 91],
[93, 91],
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[94, 92],
[94, 93],
[95, 93],
[95, 94],
[96, 94],
[96, 95],
[97, 95],
[97, 96],
[98, 96],
[98, 97],
[99, 97],
s = Solution()
for tc in testCases:
actual = s.canFinish(tc.numCourses, tc.input)
assert actual == tc.expected_output, f"\nExpected\n\t{tc.expected_output}\nGot\n\t{actual}\nFrom\n\t{tc.input}"
print("All passed!")
Test Cases:
[1,4] ,[2,4] [3,1], [3,2]
from typing import List, Dict, Set
from heapq import heappop, heappush
def build_graph(words):
nodes = {}
for w in words:
for c in w:
if c not in nodes:
nodes[c] = list()
prev_word = words[0]
for i in range(1, len(words)):
cur_word = words[i]
j = 0
while j < len(cur_word) and j < len(prev_word):
if prev_word[j] != cur_word[j]:
if not cur_word[j] in nodes[prev_word[j]]:
j += 1
prev_word = cur_word
return nodes
def build_counts(graph: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> Dict[str, int]:
counts = {n: 0 for n in graph}
for letter, children in graph.items():
for c in children:
counts[c] += 1
return counts
def topo_sort(graph: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> List[str]:
counts = build_counts(graph)
q = []
for letter, count in counts.items():
if count == 0:
heappush(q, letter)
res = []
while len(q) > 0:
letter = heappop(q)
for child in graph[letter]:
counts[child] -= 1
if counts[child] == 0:
heappush(q, child)
return res if len(res) == len(graph) else []
def alien_order(words: List[str]) -> str:
graph = build_graph(words)
return "".join(topo_sort(graph))
from dataclasses import dataclass
class TestCase:
input: List[str]
expected_output: str
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_cases = [
# TestCase(input=["wrt", "wrf", "er", "ett", "rftt"], expected_output="wertf"),
TestCase(input=["she", "sell", "seashell", "seashore", "seahorse", "on", "a"], expected_output="lnrsheoa"),
for tc in test_cases:
actual = alien_order(tc.input)
assert actual == tc.expected_output, f"Expected {tc.expected_output}, got {actual}"
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