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Last active November 7, 2017 04:06
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Constrains the joint heirarchy to the deformation heirarchy, joint by joint
// Source:
// Author: Eric Kunzendorf and John Mac
// Date: 11-05-2017
// Description:
// Constrains the joint hierarchy to the deformation hierarchy, joint by joint
// Has error handling to skip over anything that isn't a joint and to check joint matches based on name
// Assumes joint naming following this convention:
// _c_ center
// _rt_ right
// _lf_ left
// _DEF deformation skeleton
// _JNT joint skeleton
// All of these tokens will be ignored in joint name matching.
// Installation:
// 1. Copy constrainJntToDefSkeleton.mel to C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\maya\[MAYAVERSION]\prefs\scripts\jm991
// 2. Restart maya
// Instructions:
// 1. Select the jnt heirarchy
// 2. CTRL select the def heirarchy
// 3. Run this script
// Dependencies:
// printextensions.mel
global proc constrainJntToDefSkeleton()
// set up tokenizer filter with all ignored joint name keywords
string $ignore[] = stringToStringArray("_c_ _rt_ _lf_ _DEF _JNT", " ");
// parse the two joint selections into an array 0 = JNT 1 = DEF skeletons.
string $s[] = `ls -sl`;
// select the JNT heirarchy
select -hi $s[0];
// put the list of JNT joint names into an array
string $jntSel[] = `ls -sl`;
// select the DEF heirarchy
select -hi $s[1];
// put the list of DEF joint names into an array
string $defSel[] = `ls -sl`;
// Verify that the arrays are the same size
println("jntSel: " + size($jntSel));
println("defSel: " + size($defSel));
if (size($jntSel) == size($defSel))
// initialize the for-loop counter
int $i = 0;
// get the number of names in the array using the size command
int $arSize = size($jntSel);
// constrain each DEF joint to the matching JNT name. NOTE constrained object
// is always last. Size is the number of names to get accurate for-loop, you must stop
// at size -1.
for ($i = 0; $i <= ($arSize - 1); $i++)
$jntType = objectType($jntSel[$i]);
$defType = objectType($defSel[$i]);
// println($jntType);
// println($defType);
if ($jntType == "joint" && $defType == "joint")
$curJntNameFiltered = filterString($jntSel[$i], $ignore);
$curDefNameFiltered = filterString($defSel[$i], $ignore);
if ($curJntNameFiltered == $curDefNameFiltered)
orientConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 $jntSel[$i] $defSel[$i];
string $errorStr = "The joint and deformation skeletons don't match (found mismatched joint names " + $curJntNameFiltered + " and " + $curDefNameFiltered + ".";
error $errorStr;
error "The joint and deformation skeletons don't match (different number of children).";
global proc string filterString(string $str, string $filter[])
int $j = 0;
$filteredStr = $str;
// println("Before filter: " + $filteredStr);
for ($j = 0; $j < size($filter); $j++)
$filteredStr = substitute($filter[$j], $filteredStr, "");
// println("Applying filter " + $filter[$j] + ": " + $filteredStr);
// println("After filter: " + $filteredStr);
return $filteredStr;
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jm991 commented Nov 5, 2017

Remove the ".c" from the filename when you download this (git doesn't support .mel syntax highlighting)

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