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Last active February 2, 2018 03:03
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W' balance modelling with Haskell
stack wprime.hs | gnuplot -p -e 'plot "/dev/stdin" using 0:1 with lines'
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack script --resolver lts-9.13 -}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
import qualified Data.DList as DL
infixl 0 #
(#) :: a -> (a -> c) -> c
(#) = flip ($)
-- DATA -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Aliases for SI units.
-- NOTE: Not deriving from Num and friends because callers
-- should have to explicitly use value constructors, rather
-- than use numeric literals via fromInteger/fromRational!
newtype Power = Watts { watts :: Double } deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Energy = Joules { joules :: Double } deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Time = Seconds { seconds :: Integer } deriving (Enum)
-- Helpful synonym.
type Timestamp = Time
type DiffTime = Time -- NOTE: we don't need Data.Time.Clock's precision
-- A "segment of an exercise session".
data Segment = Segment { segStart :: Timestamp
, segEnd :: Timestamp
, segPwr :: Power -- mean
-- Exercise intensity domains. We don't actually use moderate here,
-- it's included for completeness.
data Domain
= Moderate
| Heavy
| Severe
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- Athlete descriptors.
data Athlete = Athlete { athleteCP :: Power
, athleteLT :: Power -- not currently used
, athleteW' :: Energy
, athleteTau :: Power -> Double -- :: DCP -> Tau
-- DATA HELPERS ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Returns the length of a segment in seconds.
segLen :: Segment -> DiffTime
segLen Segment{ segStart, segEnd } =
Seconds $ seconds segEnd - seconds segStart
-- Returns the intensity domain of a segment for a given athlete.
segDomain :: Athlete -> Segment -> Domain
segDomain Athlete{ athleteCP, athleteLT } Segment{ segPwr }
| segPwr > athleteCP = Severe
| segPwr > athleteLT = Heavy
| otherwise = Moderate
-- Skiba et al., 2012
defaultTau :: Power -> Double
defaultTau (Watts dcp) = 546 * exp (negate 0.01 * dcp) + 316
-- CALCULATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Calculate W' balance for consecutive segments of an exercise session.
calcBalance :: Athlete -> [Segment] -> [Energy]
calcBalance athlete@Athlete{ athleteW' } = DL.toList . calcFrom athleteW'
calcFrom :: Energy -> [Segment] -> DL.DList Energy
calcFrom _ [] = DL.empty
calcFrom bal segs@(seg1:_) =
(section, rest) =
span ((== domain seg1). domain) segs
bals =
if domain seg1 >= Severe
then scanl (expendW' athlete) bal section
else map (recoverW' athlete seg1 bal) section
DL.fromList bals `DL.append` calcFrom (last bals) rest
domain :: Segment -> Domain
domain = segDomain athlete -- shorthand
-- Discharge function.
-- NOTE: can't drop below zero.
expendW' :: Athlete -> Energy -> Segment -> Energy
expendW' a (Joules bal) seg = Joules $ max 0 $ bal - (pwr - cp) * dt
where pwr = watts . segPwr $ seg
cp = watts . athleteCP $ a
dt = fromIntegral . seconds . segLen $ seg
-- Recharge function.
recoverW' :: Athlete -> Segment -> Energy -> Segment -> Energy
recoverW' Athlete{ athleteCP, athleteW', athleteTau }
Segment{ segStart = u }
(Joules bal)
Segment{ segEnd = t, segPwr }
| bal < w' = Joules $ w' - wexp * exp (negate tu / athleteTau dcp)
| otherwise = Joules w'
pwr = segPwr # watts
cp = athleteCP # watts
tu = fromIntegral $ seconds t - seconds u
dcp = Watts $ cp - pwr
w' = athleteW' # joules
wexp = w' - bal -- W' expended
-- TESTING --------------------------------------------------------------------
exampleAthlete :: Athlete
exampleAthlete =
Athlete { athleteCP = 300 # Watts
, athleteLT = 200 # Watts
, athleteW' = 21e3 # Joules
, athleteTau = defaultTau
-- Second time addition.
tadd :: Time -> Time -> Time
tadd (Seconds x) (Seconds y) = Seconds (x + y)
exampleSegments :: [Segment]
exampleSegments =
segs (Watts 350) (Seconds 0) (Seconds 800) (Seconds 1)
++ segs (Watts 100) (Seconds 801) (Seconds 1200) (Seconds 1)
where segs pwr start stop step =
[ Segment{segStart = i, segEnd = i `tadd` step, segPwr = pwr}
| i <- [start, start `tadd` step..start `tadd` stop]
instance Show Energy where
show (Joules e) = (++" kJ") . show $ e / 1000
main :: IO ()
main = do
let bals = calcBalance exampleAthlete exampleSegments
mapM_ print bals
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