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Last active January 19, 2016 20:34
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Rails Basics – A Quick Reference Guide

This document is meant to server as a jumping off point and reference guide for anyone that is new to programming in Rails. This document will have some very basic concepts and may be useful for anyone needing a quick jog of the memory when developing apps on Rails. This document is not a complete review of Rails and everything the framework offers.

NOTE: If you are using this document you should have a basic understanding of how to use terminal/commandline, irb and how to install Ruby Gems and Rails.

Table of Contents
## ActiveRecord ActiveRecord is a relational database ORM Pattern (Object Relational Mapper). In short Active record maps: * Classes to tables. * Objects to rows of data within that table. * Getters and setters to columns in that table.

Put another way, ActiveRecord abstracts/translates object oriented code written in Ruby to SQL. ActiveRecord says an object correlates directly with a row of data in a table. Each row of data correlates to an object, each column has getters and setters it can set automatically.

### ActiveRecord Pattern #### Database In our database we have a user table as follows:
id username email
1 bob
2 fred
3 kim

In our Rails directory we would put a User model in the following:


The user.rb file would then contain a user class.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

By default, the model will look to the table with the lowercase plural name of the model. So a "User" model would look for a "users" table.

When we instantiate a user object, we automatically have getters and setters for all columns.

IMPORTANT: An ActiveRecord object wraps a row of data in the database table.

Now you can...

Create in-memory User objects:

  • user ='joe', email:'')

Save it to the database:

  • user = User.create(username: 'chris')

Retrieve column values:

  • user = User.find_by username: 'joe'
### 1:M Association If we have a user table and a comments table looking like the following: #### Database **users table**
id username email
1 bob
2 fred
3 kim

comments table

id body user_id
1 hi there 2
2 this is fun 3
3 foo 2

The id on both tables above is the primary key. The user_id on the comments table is a foreign key, which provides the relationship back to the users table.

We would then have the following models with the relations.


class User
  has_many :comments


class Comment
  belongs_to :user

Now you can...

user = User.create(username:'bob')

Create associations from relations:

  • comment = user.comments.create(body:'hi')
  • user.comments << comment
  • comment.user = user;

Or manually create the association:

  • comment = Comment.create(user: user, body: 'hi')
  • comment = Comment.create(user_id:, body: 'hi')

Then, traverse associations:

  • comment.user.username (returns string)
  • user.comments (returns array-like object)
  • user.comments.where(body: 'hi')
user.comments.each do |comment|
  puts comment.body
### M:M Association #### Database At the database layer, we use a join table to support a M:M association

users table

id username email
1 bob
2 fred
3 kim

memberships table (the join table)

id user_id group_id
1 2 2
2 1 2
3 3 1


id name
1 ruby folk
2 python peeps

In the previous 3 tables the id on each table is the primary key. The membership table is the join table and keeps track of the relationship of users to groups and groups to users.

At the model layer, we want to use has_many :through, which is basically two 1:M associations. We must set up the association in the models as follows:


class User
  has_many :memberships
  has_many :groups, through: :memberships


class Membership
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :group


class Group
  has_many :memberships
  has_many :users, through: :memberships

Now you can...

user = User.create(username: 'bob')

group = Group.create(name: 'ruby folk')

Create association from relations:

  • user.groups << group
  • group.users << user

Or manually create the association:

  • membership = Membership.create(user: user, group: group)
  • Membership.create(user_id:, group_id:

Then, traverse associations:

group.users do |user|
  puts user.username

More coming soon...

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