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Last active August 9, 2016 20:59
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Mutation testing: Hacking python ASTs for fun and profit
import ast, _ast, copy
class Mutator(ast.NodeTransformer):
# (FromOp, ToOp)
(_ast.Or, _ast.And),
(_ast.And, _ast.Or)
def mutate(self, root, mutation):
self._changed = False
self._mutation = mutation
mutant = self.visit(root)
return (mutant, self._changed)
def visit_BoolOp(self, node):
(FromOp, ToOp) = self._mutation
if(type(node.op) == FromOp):
self._changed = True
node.op = ToOp()
return node
# returns all mutants for given ast
def mutate(ast):
mutants = []
mutator = Mutator()
for mutation in Mutator.MUTATIONS:
(mutant, mutated) = mutator.mutate(copy.deepcopy(ast), mutation)
if mutated:
return mutants
class FooBar:
def baz(cls, x):
if (x % 3 == 0) or (x % 5 == 0):
return "foo"
elif x % 2 == 0:
return "bar"
return "baz"
import unittest
import ast, astunparse, inspect
from foobar import FooBar
from mutate import mutate
class FooBarTest(unittest.TestCase):
# missing case
def test_foo(self):
# self.assertEquals(FooBar.baz(9), 'foo')
def test_bar(self):
self.assertEquals(FooBar.baz(2), 'bar')
def test_baz(self):
self.assertEquals(FooBar.baz(7), 'baz')
def run_unittest_without_output():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for test in ['test_foo', 'test_bar', 'test_baz']:
result = unittest.TestResult()
return result
def unittest_with_mutant(mutant):
code = compile(mutant, '<string>', 'exec')
# don't do that at home
exec code in globals()
return run_unittest_without_output()
def unittest_with_mutants(mutants):
print "Running mutation tests..."
passedWithMutant = False
for mutant in mutants:
result = unittest_with_mutant(mutant)
if result.wasSuccessful():
# mutant passed => failed
passedWithMutant = True
source = astunparse.unparse(mutant)
print "FAILED - Everything passed with the following mutant: %s" % source
if not passedWithMutant:
print "OK - Tested with %i mutant(s), everything covered" % len(mutants)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test without mutations
# Test with mutations
source_ast = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(FooBar))
mutants = mutate(source_ast)
Ran 3 tests in 0.001s
Running mutation tests...
FAILED - Everything passed with the following mutant:
class FooBar:
def baz(cls, x):
if (((x % 3) == 0) and ((x % 5) == 0)):
return 'foo'
elif ((x % 2) == 0):
return 'bar'
return 'baz'
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