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jmangrad / Python Crash Course 9.4-9.5
Last active November 7, 2023 16:01
Python Crash Course
9-4. Number Served: Start with your program from Exercise 9-1 (page 162).
Add an attribute called number_served with a default value of 0. Create an
instance called restaurant from this class. Print the number of customers the
restaurant has served, and then change this value and print it again.
Add a method called set_number_served() that lets you set the number
of customers that have been served. Call this method with a new number and
print the value again.
Add a method called increment_number_served() that lets you increment
the number of customers who’ve been served. Call this method with any number
you like that could represent how many customers were served in, say, a
jmangrad / Python Crash Course 9.1-9.3
Last active April 15, 2024 19:09
Python Crash Course
9-1. Restaurant: Make a class called Restaurant. The __init__() method for
Restaurant should store two attributes: a restaurant_name and a cuisine_type.
Make a method called describe_restaurant() that prints these two pieces of
information, and a method called open_restaurant() that prints a message indicating
that the restaurant is open.
Make an instance called restaurant from your class. Print the two attributes
individually, and then call both methods.
9-2. Three Restaurants: Start with your class from Exercise 9-1. Create three
different instances from the class, and call describe_restaurant() for each
8-12. Sandwiches: Write a function that accepts a list of items a person wants
on a sandwich. The function should have one parameter that collects as many
items as the function call provides, and it should print a summary of the sandwich
that’s being ordered. Call the function three times, using a different number
of arguments each time.
8-13. User Profile: Start with a copy of from page 149. Build a
profile of yourself by calling build_profile(), using your first and last names
and three other key-value pairs that describe you.
jmangrad / Python Crash Course 8.9-8.11
Last active October 28, 2023 20:23
Python Crash Course
8-9. Messages: Make a list containing a series of short text messages. Pass the
list to a function called show_messages(), which prints each text message.
8-10. Sending Messages: Start with a copy of your program from Exercise 8-9.
Write a function called send_messages() that prints each text message and
moves each message to a new list called sent_messages as it’s printed. After
calling the function, print both of your lists to make sure the messages were
moved correctly.
8.9 Answer
jmangrad / Python Crash Course 8.6-8.8
Last active October 18, 2022 17:42
Python Crash Course
8-6. City Names: Write a function called city_country() that takes in the name
of a city and its country. The function should return a string formatted like this:
"Santiago, Chile"
Call your function with at least three city-country pairs, and print the
values that are returned.
8-7. Album: Write a function called make_album() that builds a dictionary
describing a music album. The function should take in an artist name and an
album title, and it should return a dictionary containing these two pieces of
information. Use the function to make three dictionaries representing different
jmangrad / Python Crash Course 8.3-8.5
Created June 15, 2020 16:29
Python Crash Course
8-3. T-Shirt: Write a function called make_shirt() that accepts a size and the
text of a message that should be printed on the shirt. The function should print
a sentence summarizing the size of the shirt and the message printed on it.
Call the function once using positional arguments to make a shirt. Call the
function a second time using keyword arguments.
8-4. Large Shirts: Modify the make_shirt() function so that shirts are large
by default with a message that reads I love Python. Make a large shirt and a
medium shirt with the default message, and a shirt of any size with a different
jmangrad / Python Crash Course 8.1-8.2
Created June 15, 2020 01:36
Python Crash Course
8-1. Message: Write a function called display_message() that prints one sentence
telling everyone what you are learning about in this chapter. Call the
function, and make sure the message displays correctly.
8-2. Favorite Book: Write a function called favorite_book() that accepts one
parameter, title. The function should print a message, such as One of my
favorite books is Alice in Wonderland. Call the function, making sure to
include a book title as an argument in the function call.
8.1 Answer
jmangrad / Python Crash Course 7.8-7.10
Last active November 30, 2022 11:49
Python Crash Course
7-8. Deli: Make a list called sandwich_orders and fill it with the names of various
sandwiches. Then make an empty list called finished_sandwiches. Loop
through the list of sandwich orders and print a message for each order, such
as I made your tuna sandwich. As each sandwich is made, move it to the list
of finished sandwiches. After all the sandwiches have been made, print a
message listing each sandwich that was made.
7-9. No Pastrami: Using the list sandwich_orders from Exercise 7-8, make sure
the sandwich 'pastrami' appears in the list at least three times. Add code
near the beginning of your program to print a message saying the deli has
jmangrad / Python Crash Course 7.7
Created June 6, 2020 02:55
Python Crash Course
7-7. Infinity: Write a loop that never ends, and run it. (To end the loop, press
ctrl-C or close the window displaying the output.)
7.7 Answer
while True:
age = input("How old are you? ")
age = int(age)
if age < 3:
print("Your ticket is free")
jmangrad / Python Crash Course 7.4 to 7.5
Last active January 24, 2023 14:55
Python Crash Course
7-4. Pizza Toppings: Write a loop that prompts the user to enter a series of
pizza toppings until they enter a 'quit' value. As they enter each topping,
print a message saying you’ll add that topping to their pizza.
7-5. Movie Tickets: A movie theater charges different ticket prices depending on
a person’s age. If a person is under the age of 3, the ticket is free; if they are
between 3 and 12, the ticket is $10; and if they are over age 12, the ticket is
$15. Write a loop in which you ask users their age, and then tell them the cost
of their movie ticket.