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Last active April 5, 2021 06:47
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If you edit the source, and run with data['max_pseudoaxle_load'] = 300, then the fake axle load thing is not binding and the solver will put the loads wherever it wants. For example:

Bin 0 

{'position': 0, 'item': 10, 'weight': 30, 'value': 45, 'length': 2}
{'position': 2, 'item': 12, 'weight': 42, 'value': 20, 'length': 2}
{'position': 4, 'item': 3, 'weight': 36, 'value': 50, 'length': 12}

Sum of item lengths 16
Packed bin weight: 108
Packed bin value: 115 

Bin 1 

{'position': 0, 'item': 14, 'weight': 36, 'value': 25, 'length': 2}
{'position': 2, 'item': 1, 'weight': 30, 'value': 30, 'length': 15}

Sum of item lengths 17
Packed bin weight: 66
Packed bin value: 55 

Bin 2 

{'position': 0, 'item': 5, 'weight': 48, 'value': 30, 'length': 2}
{'position': 2, 'item': 7, 'weight': 42, 'value': 40, 'length': 14}

Sum of item lengths 16
Packed bin weight: 90
Packed bin value: 70 

Bin 3 

{'position': 0, 'item': 4, 'weight': 36, 'value': 35, 'length': 12}
{'position': 12, 'item': 6, 'weight': 42, 'value': 15, 'length': 4}

Sum of item lengths 16
Packed bin weight: 78
Packed bin value: 50 

Bin 4 

{'position': 0, 'item': 9, 'weight': 24, 'value': 35, 'length': 15}
{'position': 15, 'item': 8, 'weight': 36, 'value': 30, 'length': 4}

Sum of item lengths 19
Packed bin weight: 60
Packed bin value: 65 

Total packed weight: 402
Total packed value: 355

If you edit the source, and run with data['max_pseudoaxle_load'] = 100, then the fake axle load thing is binding and the solver will put the heavier loads nearer to position 0, and the longer loads towards the last position (where they will affect fewer other items). For example:

Bin 0 

{'position': 0, 'item': 14, 'weight': 36, 'value': 25, 'length': 2}
{'position': 2, 'item': 4, 'weight': 36, 'value': 35, 'length': 12}

Sum of item lengths 14
Packed bin weight: 72
Packed bin value: 60 

Bin 1 

{'position': 0, 'item': 8, 'weight': 36, 'value': 30, 'length': 4}
{'position': 4, 'item': 9, 'weight': 24, 'value': 35, 'length': 15}

Sum of item lengths 19
Packed bin weight: 60
Packed bin value: 65 

Bin 2 

{'position': 0, 'item': 12, 'weight': 42, 'value': 20, 'length': 2}
{'position': 2, 'item': 3, 'weight': 36, 'value': 50, 'length': 12}

Sum of item lengths 14
Packed bin weight: 78
Packed bin value: 70 

Bin 3 

{'position': 0, 'item': 10, 'weight': 30, 'value': 45, 'length': 2}
{'position': 2, 'item': 13, 'weight': 36, 'value': 30, 'length': 12}

Sum of item lengths 14
Packed bin weight: 66
Packed bin value: 75 

Bin 4 

{'position': 0, 'item': 5, 'weight': 48, 'value': 30, 'length': 2}
{'position': 2, 'item': 7, 'weight': 42, 'value': 40, 'length': 14}

Sum of item lengths 16
Packed bin weight: 90
Packed bin value: 70 

Total packed weight: 366
Total packed value: 340
# Derived from
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# [START program]
"""Solves a multiple knapsack problem using the CP-SAT solver."""
# [START import]
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
# [END import]
# [START data_model]
def create_data_model():
"""Create the data for the example."""
data = {}
weights = [48, 30, 42, 36, 36, 48, 42, 42, 36, 24, 30, 30, 42, 36, 36]
values = [10, 30, 25, 50, 35, 30, 15, 40, 30, 35, 45, 10, 20, 30, 25]
lengths = [12, 15, 16, 12, 12, 2, 4, 14, 4, 15, 2, 11, 2, 12, 2]
data['num_items'] = len(weights)
data['all_items'] = range(data['num_items'])
data['weights'] = weights
data['values'] = values
data['lengths'] = lengths
data['bin_capacities'] = [120, 100, 100, 100, 150]
# data['bin_axle_loads'] = [100, 100, 100, 100, 100]
data['num_bins'] = len(data['bin_capacities'])
data['all_bins'] = range(data['num_bins'])
data['length_wagon'] = 20
data['max_pseudoaxle_load'] = 100
return data
# [END data_model]
# [START solution_printer]
def print_solutions(data, solver, x, positions):
"""Display the solution."""
total_weight = 0
total_value = 0
for b in data['all_bins']:
print('Bin', b, '\n')
bin_weight = 0
bin_value = 0
item_lengths = 0
last_position_ends = 0
loaded_items = []
for idx, val in enumerate(data['weights']):
if solver.Value(x[(idx, b)]) > 0:
loaded_items.append({"position": solver.Value(positions[idx]),
"item": idx,
"weight": val,
"value": data['values'][idx],
"length": data['lengths'][idx]})
item_lengths += data['lengths'][idx]
bin_weight += val
bin_value += data['values'][idx]
loaded_items.sort(key=lambda k: k['position'])
for item in loaded_items:
print(f"\nSum of item lengths {item_lengths}")
print('Packed bin weight:', bin_weight)
print('Packed bin value:', bin_value, '\n')
total_weight += bin_weight
total_value += bin_value
print('Total packed weight:', total_weight)
print('Total packed value:', total_value)
# [END solution_printer]
def compute_item_load(weight, dist, axledist=2):
constant = int(weight / axledist)
load = constant + constant * dist
return load
def main():
# [START data]
data = create_data_model()
# [END data]
# [START model]
model = cp_model.CpModel()
# [END model]
# Main variables.
# [START variables]
x = {}
for idx in data['all_items']:
for b in data['all_bins']:
x[(idx, b)] = model.NewIntVar(0, 1, f'x_{idx}_{b}')
max_value = sum(data['values'])
# value[b] is the value of bin b when packed.
value = [
model.NewIntVar(0, max_value, f'value_{b}') for b in data['all_bins']
for b in data['all_bins']:
model.Add(value[b] == sum(
x[(i, b)] * data['values'][i] for i in data['all_items']))
# [END variables]
# item_loaded = [model.NewBoolVar(f"item_{idx} is loaded")
# for idx in data['all_items']]
max_wagon_length = data['length_wagon']
positions = [model.NewIntVar(0, max_wagon_length - data['lengths'][idx], f'position of item {idx}')
for idx in data['all_items']]
max_load = max(data['weights']) * data['length_wagon']
item_loads = [model.NewIntVar(0, max_load, f"load for item {idx}")
for idx, p in enumerate(positions)]
# [START constraints]
# Each item can be in at most one bin.
is_loaded = []
for idx in data['all_items']:
item_is_loaded = model.NewIntVar(0, 1, f"item {idx} is loaded somewhere")
model.Add(item_is_loaded == sum(x[idx, b] for b in data['all_bins']))
model.Add(item_loads[idx] == compute_item_load(data["weights"][idx], positions[idx])).OnlyEnforceIf(item_is_loaded)
model.Add(item_loads[idx] == 0).OnlyEnforceIf(item_is_loaded.Not())
# The amount packed in each bin cannot exceed its capacity.
for b in data['all_bins']:
# for bin capacities
sum(x[(i, b)] * data['weights'][i]
for i in data['all_items']) <= data['bin_capacities'][b])
# limit each bin's pseudo axle loads
loaded_weights = []
for i in data['all_items']:
loaded_weight = model.NewIntVar(0, 10000, f"item {i} weight in bin {b}")
model.Add(loaded_weight == item_loads[i]).OnlyEnforceIf(x[(i, b)])
model.Add(loaded_weight == 0).OnlyEnforceIf(x[(i, b)].Not())
model.Add(sum(loaded_weights) <= data['max_pseudoaxle_load'])
literals = {}
for bin_number, bin in enumerate(data['all_bins']):
arcs = [] # accumulate the graph edges
for item_number, item in enumerate(data['all_items']):
# might be first, might not.
start_lit = model.NewBoolVar(f"item {item} is first in bin {bin}")
# item_node = bin_number * num_items + item_number + 1
item_node = item_number + 1
arcs.append([0, item_node, start_lit])
end_lit = model.NewBoolVar(f"item {item} is last in bin {bin}")
arcs.append([item_node, 0, end_lit])
# self loop in case this item is not loaded
skip_lit = model.NewBoolVar(f"item {item} is skipped for bin {bin}")
arcs.append([item_node, item_node, skip_lit])
literals[(item_number, bin_number)] = {}
literals[(item_number, bin_number)]['start'] = start_lit
literals[(item_number, bin_number)]['end'] = end_lit
literals[(item_number, bin_number)]['skip'] = skip_lit
model.Add(skip_lit == 1).OnlyEnforceIf(x[(item_number, bin_number)].Not())
model.Add(skip_lit == 0).OnlyEnforceIf(x[(item_number, bin_number)])
model.Add(positions[item_number] == 0).OnlyEnforceIf(start_lit)
for next_item_number, next_item in enumerate(data['all_items']):
if next_item_number == item_number:
# next_item_node = bin_number * num_items + next_item_number + 1
next_item_node = next_item_number + 1
i_j_lit = model.NewBoolVar(f"item {next_item} follows item {item} in bin {bin}")
literals[(item_number, bin_number)][f"next_{next_item_number}"] = i_j_lit
arcs.append([item_node, next_item_node, i_j_lit])
length_of_preceding_container = data['lengths'][item_number]
model.Add(positions[next_item_number] == positions[item_number] +
# create the Circuit constraint
# print(arcs)
# [END constraints]
# [START objective]
# Maximize total value of packed items.
# [END objective]
# [START solver]
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
# [END solver]
solver.parameters.log_search_progress = True
solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = 300
solver.parameters.num_search_workers = 9
# [START solve]
status = solver.Solve(model)
# [END solve]
# [START print_solution]
if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL:
for i, l in enumerate(item_loads):
print(f"item {i}, weight is {data['weights'][i]}, is is loaded? {solver.Value(is_loaded[i])}, load is {solver.Value(l)}")
# for key, value in literals.items():
# for kk, vv in value.items():
# print(f"{key}: {kk} {vv} is {solver.Value(vv)}")
print_solutions(data, solver, x, positions)
print('you messed up dude')
# [END solutions_printer]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# [END program]
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