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Created October 17, 2013 16:56
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Improved JObjectValues
public class JObjectValues : IValueSource
private readonly JObject _jObject;
public JObjectValues(string json)
: this(JObject.Parse(json))
public JObjectValues(JObject jObject)
_jObject = jObject;
private bool with<T>(string key, Action<T> action) where T : JToken
JToken token = null;
_jObject.TryGetValue(key, out token);
var target = token as T;
if (target != null)
return true;
return false;
private TReturn find<T, TReturn>(string key, Func<T, TReturn> creator)
where T : JToken
where TReturn : class
JToken token = null;
_jObject.TryGetValue(key, out token);
var specific = token as T;
return specific == null ? null : creator(specific);
public bool Has(string key)
return with<JValue>(key, x => { }) || with<JObject>(key, x => { });
public object Get(string key)
return find<JValue, object>(key, v => v.Value<string>());
public bool HasChild(string key)
return with<JObject>(key, o => { });
public IValueSource GetChild(string key)
return find<JObject, IValueSource>(key, x => new JObjectValues(x));
public IEnumerable<IValueSource> GetChildren(string key)
Func<JArray, IEnumerable<IValueSource>> creator = ja => ja.OfType<JObject>().Select(x => new JObjectValues(x)).ToList();
return find(key, creator) ?? Enumerable.Empty<IValueSource>();
public void WriteReport(IValueReport report)
foreach (var pair in _jObject)
var key = pair.Key;
pair.IfIs<JValue>(value => report.Value(key, value.Value<string>()));
pair.IfIs<JObject>(jo =>
var child = new JObjectValues(jo);
pair.IfIs<JArray>(ja =>
int i = 0;
foreach (JObject jo in ja.OfType<JObject>())
report.StartChild(key, i);
var child = new JObjectValues(jo);
public bool Value(string key, Action<BindingValue> callback)
var found = with<JValue>(key, v => callback(new BindingValue
RawKey = key,
RawValue = v.Value<string>(),
Source = Provenance
if (found) return true;
return with<JObject>(key, v => callback(new BindingValue
RawKey = key,
RawValue = v,
Source = Provenance
public string Provenance
get { return "Json Values"; }
public static class JTokenKeyValuePairExtensions
public static void IfIs<T>(this KeyValuePair<string, JToken> pair, Action<T> action) where T : class
var target = pair.Value as T;
if (target != null)
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