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Created June 25, 2015 16:03
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# pcalc -- simple perl calculator for desktop arithmetic.
use strict;
use bytes;
if (@ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] eq '--filter') {
while (<>) {
s{\s*([^=]*)=.*?$}{ interpret_embedded_calc($1); }gei;
else {
print "pcalc v1.1 by -- a simple Perl calculator tool.\n";
print "Type 'help' for help.\n\n";
my $line = join (' ', @ARGV);
if ($line) {
doline ($line);
else {
while (<STDIN>) {
doline ($_);
sub interpret_embedded_calc {
my ($in) = @_;
$in =~ s/^\s+//;
$in =~ s/\s+$//;
$in =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
my ($r, $extra) = docalc($in);
return "$in = $r";
sub doline {
my ($in) = @_;
my ($r, $extra) = docalc($in);
if (defined $extra) {
print STDOUT "--> $r\t\t[$extra]\n";
} else {
print STDOUT "--> $r\n";
my $lastline;
sub docalc {
$_ = shift;
chomp; my $subst = 0;
my $r = 0;
s/!!/${lastline}/g && $subst++;
$lastline = $_;
if ($subst) {
print "$_\n";
if (/^help *|^\?/) {
} elsif (s/^quit|^exit//) {
exit 0;
} elsif (s/^(?:date|d) //) {
$r = &date_to_dec($_);
} elsif (s/^bin //) {
$r = &bin_to_dec($_);
} elsif (s/^big //) {
if (!defined ($r = eval 'use bigint;'.$_.';')) {
$@ =~ s/ at \(eval.*$//g; $@ =~ s/\n//g;
$r = "'$_': $@";
} elsif (/\S/) {
if (!defined ($r = eval $_.';')) {
$@ =~ s/ at \(eval.*$//g; $@ =~ s/\n//g;
$r = "'$_': $@";
if ($r =~ /^[-0-9\.]/) {
if (can_bigint()) {
return compute_bigint($r);
} else {
return compute_basic($r);
} else {
return ("\"$r\"");
sub can_bigint {
return eval q{ use bigint; use Math::BigInt; 1; };
sub compute_basic {
my $r = shift;
return ($r, sprintf("[hex=0x%x oct=0%o date=%s bin=%s]",
$r+0, $r+0,
sub compute_bigint {
my $r = shift;
use bigint;
use Math::BigInt;
my $big = Math::BigInt->new($r+0);
my $oct = eval { $big->as_oct(); };
if ($@) { $oct = sprintf "0%o", $r+0; }
return ($r, sprintf("[hex=%s oct=%s date=%s bin=%s]",
sub bin_to_dec {
local ($_) = @_;
s/\s//g; if (s/[^01]//g) {
warn "warning: non-binary characters ignored in \"$_\"\n";
my $r;
for ($r = 0; /^([10])/; $r *= 2, s/^.//) {
$r++ if ($1 eq '1');
sub DecToBin {
local ($_) = @_;
$_ = int ($_) + 0;
my $r = ''; my $e = 1; $_ += 0;
for ($r = '', $e = 1; $_; $e <<= 1) {
if ($_ & $e) {
$r = "1$r"; $_ ^= $e;
} else {
$r = "0$r";
use POSIX qw(strftime);
sub dec_to_date {
local ($_) = @_;
$_ = int ($_) + 0;
if ($_ > 1000000000000) { $_ /= 1000; }
my $s = strftime ("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime ($_));
chomp $s;
return $s;
sub date_to_dec {
my ($date) = @_;
eval q{ use Time::ParseDate; };
return parsedate($date, NO_RELATIVE => 1);
sub help {
print <<EOHELP;
Commands are:
bin translate binary to decimal
d[ate] datestring translate date to time_t
Anything else is interpreted as a perl expression, and the result output.
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