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Created May 23, 2014 16:03
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Naive Bayes and Fisher Classifier based on PCI book
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
Statistical classification classes based on Toby Segarin's Programming Collective Intelligence. I wanted a version that was a little easier to read and didn't talk to SQLite. Its meant to be trained and tested on blocks of text.
This is good for separating things of discrete classes. Spam detection is used as the example in the book
The book is excellent. If you haven't read it, you should
def split_on_whitespace(sentence):
""" Default feature generating function. Spits a sentence or document on whitespace """
return sentence.split()
class Classifier(object):
def __init__(self, get_features=split_on_whitespace):
Initialize with a function that will return a list of features from an object. When you call 'train', get_features is called, returns a list, and trains the classifier on those individual features. The default splits a sentence on whitespace
self.get_features = get_features
# Counts of feature/category combinations
self.feature_count = {}
# Counts of documents in each category
self.category_count = {}
def increment_feature(self, f, cat):
self.feature_count.setdefault(f, {})
self.feature_count[f].setdefault(cat, 1.0)
self.feature_count[f][cat] += 1.0
def get_feature_count(self, f, cat):
return self.feature_count.get(f, {}).get(cat, 0.0)
def increment_category(self, cat):
self.category_count.setdefault(cat, 1.0)
self.category_count[cat] += 1
def get_category_count(self, cat):
return self.category_count.get(cat, 0.0)
def categories(self):
return self.category_count.keys()
def total_count(self):
return sum(self.category_count.values())
def train(self, item, cat):
""" Trains your classifier given a complete example. Takes a document (string) and category (string) as its arguments, gets the features and updates the model"""
features = self.get_features(item)
# Increment the count for every feature with this category
for f in features:
# Increment the count for this category
def prob_f_given_c(self, f, cat):
""" p(word | classification) The total number of times this feature appeared in this category divided by the total number of items in this category. Takes feature and category as arguments"""
if self.get_category_count(cat) == 0.0: return 0.0
return self.get_feature_count(f, cat) / self.get_category_count(cat)
def weighted_prob(self, f, cat, prob_func, weight=1.0, assumed_prob=0.5):
""" Allows you to start with an assumed probability that moves toward 1 or 0 over time. Useful for poorly-represented features and features that could be over-represented in one category"""
# Calculate current probability
basicprob = prob_func(f, cat)
# Count the number of times this feature has appeared in
# all categories
totals = sum([self.get_feature_count(f, c) for c in self.categories()])
# Calculate the weighted average
bp = ((weight * assumed_prob) + (totals * basicprob)) / (weight + totals)
return bp
class NaiveBayes(Classifier):
def __init__(self, get_features=split_on_whitespace):
Classifier.__init__(self, get_features)
def document_prob(self, item, cat):
features = self.get_features(item)
# Multiply the probabilities of all the features together
p = 1.0
for f in features:
p *= self.weighted_prob(f, cat, self.prob_f_given_c)
return p
def prob(self, item, cat):
catprob = self.get_category_count(cat) / self.total_count()
dp = self.document_prob(item,cat)
return dp * catprob
def set_threshold(self, cat, t):
self.thresholds[cat] = t
def get_threshold(self, cat):
return self.thresholds[cat] if cat in self.thresholds else 1.0
def classify(self, item, default=None):
probs = {}
# Find the category with the highest probability
max = 0.0
for cat in self.categories():
probs[cat] = self.prob(item, cat)
if probs[cat] > max:
max = probs[cat]
best = cat
# Make sure the probability exceeds threshold*next best
for cat, prob in probs.iteritems():
if cat == best:
if prob * self.get_threshold(best) > probs[best]:
return default
return best
class Fisher(Classifier):
def __init__(self, get_features=split_on_whitespace):
Classifier.__init__(self, get_features)
self.minimums = {}
def category_prob(self, f, cat):
""" The frequency of this feature in this category. Takes feature and category strings """
clf = self.prob_f_given_c(f, cat)
if clf == 0.0:
return 0.0
# The frequency of this feature in all the categories
freqsum = sum([self.prob_f_given_c(f,c) for c in self.categories()])
# The probability is the frequency in this category divided by
# the overall frequency
p = clf / (freqsum)
return p
def fisher_prob(self, item, cat):
# Multiply all the probabilities together
p = 1.0
features = self.get_features(item)
for f in features:
p *= (self.weighted_prob(f, cat, self.category_prob))
# Take the natural log and multiply by -2
fscore = -2 * math.log(p)
# Use the inverse chi2 function to get a probability
return self.invchi2(fscore, len(features) * 2)
def invchi2(self, chi, df):
""" Inverse Chi squared function """
m = chi / 2.0
sum = term = math.exp(-m)
for i in range(1, df//2):
term *= m / i
sum += term
return min(sum, 1.0)
def set_minimum(self, cat, min):
self.minimums[cat] = min
def get_minimum(self, cat):
return self.minimums.get(cat, 0.0)
def classify(self, item, default=None):
# Loop through looking for the best result
best = default
max = 0.0
for c in self.categories():
p = self.fisher_prob(item, c)
# Make sure it exceeds its minimum
if p > self.get_minimum(c) and p > max:
best = c
max = p
return best
if __name__ == '__main__':
fisherclass = Fisher()
fisherclass.train('zzzzz', 'good')
fisherclass.train('zzzzz', 'good')
fisherclass.train('zzzzz', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('pppp', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('pppp', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('pppp', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('pppp', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('pppp', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('pppp', 'good')
fisherclass.train('ooo', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('ooo', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('ooo', 'bad')
fisherclass.train('ooo', 'good')
fp1 = fisherclass.fisher_prob('zzzzz', 'good')
print fp1
fp1 = fisherclass.fisher_prob('pppp', 'good')
print fp1
fp1 = fisherclass.fisher_prob('ooo', 'good')
print fp1
fp1 = fisherclass.fisher_prob('pppp ooo', 'good')
print fp1
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