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Last active February 5, 2024 11:56
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enabling web for expo-sqlite (with async-mutex)
import { NativeDatabase, SQLiteOpenOptions } from "./NativeDatabase";
import {
} from "./NativeStatement";
import { IDBBatchAtomicVFS } from "";
import SQLiteESMFactory from "";
import * as SQLite from "";
import { Mutex } from "async-mutex";
* WaSqliteDatabase
type WaSqliteDatabase = InstanceType<typeof WaSqliteDatabase>;
const WaSqliteDatabase = class WaSqliteDatabase implements NativeDatabase {
#databaseName: string;
#options?: SQLiteOpenOptions;
public api?: SQLiteAPI;
public pointer?: number; // database pointer
public cachedStatements: Map<number, NativeStatement> = new Map();
public mutex = new Mutex();
constructor(databaseName: string, options?: SQLiteOpenOptions) {
this.#databaseName = databaseName;
this.#options = options;
console.log("NativeDatabase", databaseName, options);
//#region Asynchronous API
public async initAsync(): Promise<void> {
console.log("initAsync this.#databaseName", this.#databaseName);
const module = await SQLiteESMFactory({
locateFile(file) {
return `/assets/?unstable_path=${encodeURIComponent(
this.api = SQLite.Factory(module);
new IDBBatchAtomicVFS("idb-batch-atomic", { durability: "relaxed" })
this.pointer = await this.api.open_v2(this.#databaseName);
// debug
// const two = await this.api.exec(this.pointer!, "SELECT 1 + 1 AS result");
// console.log("two", two[0]);
public isInTransactionAsync(): Promise<boolean> {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public async closeAsync(): Promise<void> {
// try maybeThrowForClosedDatabase(db)
if (this.pointer === undefined) throw new Error("Database not initialized");
// for removedStatement in maybeRemoveAllCachedStatements(database: db) {
// sqlite3_finalize(removedStatement.pointer)
// }
// TODO cache statements
// if db.openOptions.enableCRSQLite {
// sqlite3_exec(db.pointer, "SELECT crsql_finalize()", nil, nil, nil)
// }
if (this.#options?.enableCRSQLite) {
const execRes = await this.api!.exec(
"SELECT crsql_finalize()"
console.log("execRes", execRes);
console.log("closeAsync this.cachedStatements", this.cachedStatements);
for (const [stmt] of this.cachedStatements) {
console.log("finalizing", stmt);
const results = await this.api!.finalize(stmt);
console.log("finalized.results", results);
console.log("closeAsync this.cachedStatements", this.cachedStatements);
// // yield to the js event loop
// await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
// let ret = sqlite3_close(db.pointer)
// db.isClosed = true
const ret = await this.api!.close(this.pointer!);
// TODO the native selft SQLiteModuleNext implements the following:
// Store unmanaged (SQLiteModuleNext, Database) pairs for sqlite callbacks,
// will release the pair when `closeDatabase` is called.
// if let index = contextPairs.firstIndex(where: {
// guard let pair = $0.takeUnretainedValue() as? (SQLiteModuleNext, NativeDatabase) else {
// return false
// }
// if pair.1.sharedObjectId != db.sharedObjectId {
// return false
// }
// $0.release()
// return true
// }) {
// contextPairs.remove(at: index)
// }
// if ret != SQLITE_OK {
// throw SQLiteErrorException(convertSqlLiteErrorToString(db))
// }
if (ret !== SQLite.SQLITE_OK) {
throw new Error(`Close failed with code ${ret}`);
public async execAsync(source: string): Promise<void> {
const release = await this.mutex.acquire();
await this.api!.exec(this.pointer!, source);
public async prepareAsync(
nativeStatement: WaSqliteStatement,
source: string
): Promise<NativeStatement> {
if (this.pointer === undefined) throw new Error("Database not initialized");
if (nativeStatement.isFinalized) throw new Error("Statement is finalized");
const release = await this.mutex.acquire();
// console.log(
// "prepareAsync before prepare nativeStatement",
// JSON.stringify(nativeStatement)
// );
// debugger;
const db = this.pointer;
const str = this.api!.str_new(db, source);
try {
const sql = this.api!.str_value(str);
// yield to the js event loop
// await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
const prepared = await this.api!.prepare_v2(db, sql);
// console.log("prepareAsync prepared", JSON.stringify(prepared));
if (prepared == null) {
throw new Error(`Could not prepare ${source}`);
// SQLiteDatabase doesn't use the returned statement and instead expects the input
// nativeStatement to be mutated.
nativeStatement.stmt = prepared.stmt;
// workaround for getColumnNamesAsync not taking database argument unlike the other methods
nativeStatement.database = this;
// console.log(
// "prepareAsync after prepared nativeStatement",
// JSON.stringify(nativeStatement)
// );
// add to cache
this.cachedStatements.set(prepared.stmt, nativeStatement);
// console.log("prepareAsync added cachedStatements", this.cachedStatements);
} catch (error) {
console.log("prepareAsync error", error);
throw error;
} finally {
// console.log("prepareAsync finally str", str);
return nativeStatement;
//#region Synchronous API
public initSync(): void {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public isInTransactionSync(): boolean {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public closeSync(): void {
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
throw error;
public execSync(source: string): void {
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
throw error;
public prepareSync(
nativeStatement: NativeStatement,
source: string
): NativeStatement {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
* WaSqliteStatement
type WaSqliteStatement = InstanceType<typeof WaSqliteStatement>;
const WaSqliteStatement = class WaSqliteStatement implements NativeStatement {
public stmt?: number;
// workaround for getColumnNamesAsync not taking database argument unlike the other methods
public database?: WaSqliteDatabase;
isFinalized: Boolean = false;
// #str: number; // pointer to sql
// #stmt?: number;
// constructor(str: number, stmt?: StmtAsync) {
// this.#str = str;
// this.#stmt = stmt;
// }
// #sql: string;
// constructor(stmt?: number) {
// this.stmt = stmt;
// }
public async runAsync(
database: WaSqliteDatabase,
bindParams: SQLiteBindPrimitiveParams,
bindBlobParams: SQLiteBindBlobParams,
shouldPassAsArray: boolean
): Promise<SQLiteRunResult & { firstRowValues: SQLiteColumnValues }> {
return await
public stepAsync(
database: WaSqliteDatabase
): Promise<SQLiteColumnValues | null | undefined> {
return this.step(database);
public async getAllAsync(
database: WaSqliteDatabase
): Promise<SQLiteColumnValues[]> {
return this.getAll(database);
public resetAsync(database: WaSqliteDatabase): Promise<void> {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
// workaround for getColumnNamesAsync not taking database argument unlike the other methods
public async getColumnNamesAsync(): Promise<SQLiteColumnNames> {
if (this.stmt === undefined) throw new Error("Statement not initialized");
if (this.isFinalized) throw new Error("Statement is finalized");
if (this.database?.api === undefined)
throw new Error("Database not initialized");
return this.database.api!.column_names(this.stmt!);
public async finalizeAsync(database: WaSqliteDatabase): Promise<void> {
this.isFinalized = true;
console.log("finalizeAsync this.stmt", this.stmt);
const result = await database.api!.finalize(this.stmt!);
console.log("finalizeAsync result", result);
// remove from cache
"finalizeAsync removing cachedStatements",
//#region Synchronous API
public runSync(
database: SQLiteAnyDatabase,
bindParams: SQLiteBindPrimitiveParams,
bindBlobParams: SQLiteBindBlobParams,
shouldPassAsArray: boolean
): SQLiteRunResult & { firstRowValues: SQLiteColumnValues } {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public stepSync(
database: SQLiteAnyDatabase
): SQLiteColumnValues | null | undefined {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public getAllSync(database: SQLiteAnyDatabase): SQLiteColumnValues[] {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public resetSync(database: SQLiteAnyDatabase): void {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public getColumnNamesSync(): string[] {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public finalizeSync(database: SQLiteAnyDatabase): void {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
public async step(
database: WaSqliteDatabase
): Promise<SQLiteColumnValues | null | undefined> {
// private func step(statement: NativeStatement, database: NativeDatabase) throws -> SQLiteColumnValues? {
// try maybeThrowForClosedDatabase(database)
// try maybeThrowForFinalizedStatement(statement)
// let ret = sqlite3_step(statement.pointer)
// if ret == SQLITE_ROW {
// return try getColumnValues(statement: statement)
// }
// if ret != SQLITE_DONE {
// throw SQLiteErrorException(convertSqlLiteErrorToString(database))
// }
// return nil
// }
if (database.api === undefined) throw new Error("Database not initialized");
if (this.stmt === undefined) throw new Error("Statement not initialized");
console.log("step.stmt", this.stmt);
const ret = await database.api.step(this.stmt!);
console.log("step.ret", ret);
if (ret === SQLite.SQLITE_ROW) {
return await database.api.row(this.stmt!);
} else if (ret === SQLite.SQLITE_DONE) {
return null;
throw new Error(`Step failed with code ${ret}`);
public async getAll(
database: WaSqliteDatabase
): Promise<SQLiteColumnValues[]> {
console.log("getAll.database", database);
console.log("getAll.database.mutex", database.mutex);
const release = await database.mutex.acquire();
if (database.api === undefined) throw new Error("Database not initialized");
if (this.stmt === undefined) throw new Error("Statement not initialized");
let columnValuesList: SQLiteColumnValues[] = [];
while (true) {
const ret = await database.api.step(this.stmt!);
if (ret === SQLite.SQLITE_ROW) {
} else if (ret === SQLite.SQLITE_DONE) {
throw new Error(`Step failed with code ${ret}`);
return columnValuesList;
async run(
database: WaSqliteDatabase,
bindParams: SQLiteBindPrimitiveParams,
bindBlobParams: SQLiteBindBlobParams,
shouldPassAsArray: boolean
): Promise<SQLiteRunResult & { firstRowValues: SQLiteColumnValues }> {
const release = await database.mutex.acquire();
// try maybeThrowForClosedDatabase(database)
// try maybeThrowForFinalizedStatement(statement)
// sqlite3_reset(statement.pointer)
// sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement.pointer)
// console.log("run.database", database);
// console.log("run.bindParams", bindParams);
// for (key, param) in bindParams {
// let index = try getBindParamIndex(statement: statement, key: key, shouldPassAsArray: shouldPassAsArray)
// if index > 0 {
// try bindStatementParam(statement: statement, with: param, at: index)
// }
// }
// for (key, param) in bindBlobParams {
// let index = try getBindParamIndex(statement: statement, key: key, shouldPassAsArray: shouldPassAsArray)
// if index > 0 {
// try bindStatementParam(statement: statement, with: param, at: index)
// }
// }
for (const [index, value] of Object.entries(bindParams)) {
// console.log("run.bind.value", value);
this.bind(database, this.stmt!, [value]);
// let ret = sqlite3_step(statement.pointer)
let stepResult;
try {
stepResult = await database.api!.step(this.stmt!);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Step failed with code ${stepResult}`);
// if ret != SQLITE_ROW && ret != SQLITE_DONE {
// throw SQLiteErrorException(convertSqlLiteErrorToString(database))
// }
// let firstRowValues: SQLiteColumnValues = (ret == SQLITE_ROW) ? try getColumnValues(statement: statement) : []
// return [
// "lastInsertRowId": Int(sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(database.pointer)),
// "changes": Int(sqlite3_changes(database.pointer)),
// "firstRowValues": firstRowValues
// ]
if (stepResult !== SQLite.SQLITE_DONE && stepResult !== SQLite.SQLITE_ROW) {
throw new Error(`Step failed with code ${stepResult}`);
const firstRowValues =
stepResult === SQLite.SQLITE_ROW
? await database.api!.row(this.stmt!)
: [];
const changes = database.api!.changes(database.pointer!);
// TODO Given that last_insert_rowid is not part of the api at this point we can
// use module._sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db) instead.
// const lastInsertRowId = database.api!.last_insert_rowid(database.pointer!);
return { lastInsertRowId: 0, changes, firstRowValues };
bind(database: WaSqliteDatabase, stmt: number, values: unknown[]) {
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
const v = values[i];
// console.log("bind.v", v);
// console.log("bind.stmt", stmt);
i + 1,
typeof v === "boolean" ? (v && 1) || 0 : (v as any)
export default {
get name(): string {
return "ExpoSQLiteNext";
NativeDatabase: WaSqliteDatabase,
NativeStatement: WaSqliteStatement,
async deleteDatabaseAsync(databaseName: string): Promise<void> {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
deleteDatabaseSync(databaseName: string): void {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
//#region EventEmitter implementations
addListener() {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
removeListeners() {
throw new Error("Unimplemented");
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jmatsushita commented Feb 2, 2024


  • Finalise API
    • NativeDatabase
      • Sync API (should this import the wa-sqlite sync build? how to deal with bundling and VFS constraints?)
        • initSync
        • prepareSync
        • isInTransactionSync
      • Async API
        • isInTransactionAsync
    • NativeStatement
      • Sync API
        • runSync
        • stepSync
        • getAllSync
        • resetSync
        • getColumnNamesSync
        • finalizeSync
      • Async API
        • resetAsync
    • deleteDatabaseAsync/deleteDatabaseSync
  • Check that withTransaction* works
  • Testing?
  • Implement context pair cache?
  • Implement listeners
  • Add worker (as default?)
  • Explore p2p transports

Please note:

  • I've followed Matt's advice to use the wa-sqlite APIs directly.
  • The loading of the wasm is still only meant to work with metro web in dev
  • The default should probably be to run wa-sqlite in a worker (following this pattern rhashimoto/wa-sqlite#81) and I'm not sure if there are other expo web modules to get inspiration from?
  • the question of which VFS backend should be supported or should be the default is still very much a tradeoff between what works well now (indexedDB with caveats, used by crsqlite-wasm) vs what is future proof (OPFS/FLOOR) rhashimoto/wa-sqlite#67 rhashimoto/wa-sqlite#116
  • I think a few modifications to the expo-sqlite API might be necessary (for instance getColumnNamesAsync might need a database argument like the other methods in the NativeStatement class, I'm also unsure about whether it should have a constructor and members to hold a reference to the statement pointer).
    • For now I've added a public database?: WaSqliteDatabase; member to keep the api consistent
  • I've started hooking up the sync layer from in my test code. It might be useful to fork as a running example of an implementation? Not sure how I would pull my dev version of expo-sqlite?
  • I see race conditions currently between initialisation in the createSingletonDbProvider() and effects in the root component that calls useSQLiteContext. I think I can address this specific one by creating a useSyncedSQLiteContext hook, that deals with initialisation if I'm not misunderstanding React effect ordering in context hooks...
  • However, I think it's also a symptom that it's possible to have a race condition with user code too. crsqlite-wasm addresses deadlocks and possible race conditions by wrapping serializer with a mutex and it might be necessary to implement something like this too.
    • Implemented basic synchronization with async-mutex which addressed various race conditions and memory out of bounds errors.
  • last_insert_rowid() is not exposed currently but could be monkey patched (rhashimoto/wa-sqlite#151 (comment))

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