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Created October 7, 2021 19:47
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module Data.Set.Monad where
import Prelude
import Data.Set as S
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Tuple.Nested
import Unsafe.Coerce
-- data Set a where
-- Prim :: (Ord a) => S.Set a -> Set a
-- Return :: a -> Set a
-- Bind :: Set a -> (a -> Set b) -> Set b
-- Zero :: Set a
-- Plus :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
data Set a
= Prim (Ord a => S.Set a)
| Return (a)
| Bind (forall b. (Set b) /\ (b -> Set a))
| Zero
| Plus (Set a) (Set a)
run :: forall a. (Ord a) => Set a -> S.Set a
run (Prim s) = s
run (Return a) = S.singleton a
run (Zero) = S.empty
run (Plus ma mb) = run ma `S.union` run mb
run (Bind (Prim s /\ f)) = foldl S.union S.empty ( (run <<< f) s)
run (Bind (Return a /\ f)) = run (f a)
run (Bind (Zero /\ _)) = S.empty
run (Bind (Plus (Prim s) ma /\ f)) = run (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ Prim (s `S.union` run ma) /\ f))
run (Bind (Plus ma (Prim s) /\ f)) = run (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ Prim (run ma `S.union` s) /\ f))
run (Bind (Plus (Return a) ma /\ f)) = run (Plus (f a) (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ ma /\ f)))
run (Bind (Plus ma (Return a) /\ f)) = run (Plus (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ ma /\ f)) (f a))
run (Bind (Plus Zero ma /\ f )) = run (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ ma /\ f))
run (Bind (Plus ma Zero /\ f )) = run (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ ma /\ f))
run (Bind (Plus (Plus ma mb) mc /\ f)) = run (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ Plus ma (Plus mb mc) /\ f ))
run (Bind (Plus ma mb /\ f)) = run (Plus (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ ma /\ f)) (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ mb /\ f)))
run (Bind (Bind (ma /\ f) /\ g)) = run (Bind (unsafeCoerce $ ma /\ (\a -> Bind (unsafeCoerce $ (f a) /\ g))))
-- Compiling Data.Set.Monad
-- Error found:
-- in module Data.Set.Monad
-- at src/Data/Set/Monad.purs:29:12 - 29:23 (line 29, column 12 - line 29, column 23)
-- Could not match constrained type
-- Ord b1 => Tuple (Set b1) (b1 -> Set a0)
-- with type
-- Tuple t2 t3
-- while trying to match type Ord b1 => Tuple (Set b1) (b1 -> Set a0)
-- with type Tuple t2 t3
-- while checking that expression case $0 of
-- (Prim s) -> s
-- (Return a) -> singleton a
-- Zero -> empty
-- (Plus ma mb) -> (union (...)) (run mb)
-- (Bind (Tuple (Prim s) f)) -> ((...) empty) ((...) s)
-- (Bind (Tuple (Return a) f)) -> run (f a)
-- (Bind (Tuple Zero _)) -> empty
-- (Bind (Tuple (Plus (Prim s) ma) f)) -> run (Bind (...))
-- (Bind (Tuple (Plus ma (Prim s)) f)) -> run (Bind (...))
-- (Bind (Tuple (Plus (Return a) ma) f)) -> run ((...) (...))
-- (Bind (Tuple (Plus ma (Return a)) f)) -> run ((...) (...))
-- (Bind (Tuple (Plus Zero ma) f)) -> run (Bind (...))
-- (Bind (Tuple (Plus ma Zero) f)) -> run (Bind (...))
-- (Bind (Tuple (Plus (Plus ma mb) mc) f)) -> run (Bind (...))
-- (Bind (Tuple (Plus ma mb) f)) -> run ((...) (...))
-- (Bind (Tuple (Bind (Tuple ma f)) g)) -> run (Bind (...))
-- has type Set a0
-- in binding group run
-- where a0 is a rigid type variable
-- bound at (line 0, column 0 - line 0, column 0)
-- b1 is a rigid type variable
-- bound at (line 20, column 13 - line 20, column 55)
-- t2 is an unknown type
-- t3 is an unknown type
-- See for more information,
-- or to contribute content related to this error.
-- [error] Failed to build.
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